Actually, I only posted this know because someone asked. There has never been a GW3 rule stating that you HAD to fly the OoB at all times.
I didnt think it was a "rule"...just common practice...

Personally, I see Crim's point.
Thanks...that's all I wanted...
But I was swayed by the screams of pain coming from the FMs. LOL.
Actually...I heard Dizzy Got captured....they must have left the Ball gag at home...

Yes, it removes the VC target from the board at times, but I suppose it also removes a big bad monster from the board also.
Ying and Yang....I only see a missing target...
It's a tough call, but I want peopel to have fun.
Me too....But I HAVE flown a C5 "unrefitted" for 3 weeks's no cake walk...but I VOLUNTEERED to do it...
Besides, Will Weasel sent a large check.
Sure...dont pay the help
IMHO...I only see a potential for abuse...
Player "a" see's enemy aces on....doesnt want to risk DN....trades down to CL for a few hours to hex munch.....aces log off...Player "A" gets his DN back and returns to cracking bases...
Now this is rather different than:
Player "A" see's enemy aces on.....doesnt want to risk DN...decides to take wife out for jumped by enemy aces upon returning to server...
Now I am not trying to raise a stink...OR make unfounded accusations...OR imply that anyone would do this.......OR propose anything be changed for the current run of servers...
But I would suggest this be reviewed in the future....
I think that if the FM want's to trade down his DN that is well and good.....but it should remain in "space dock" for the rest of the round because the engineers thought it was a good time to refit and ripped out the warp core...
This lets the FM drop his DN ....but prevents the DN from being used by the FM to cherry pick targets at the end of the round....or whenever its convenient or less risk...
You wanted it off the front is....until next round...
This also simulates the command decision of removing a heavy asset from the front and the gravity of the result...
It might be a good might be a bad one...