Topic: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making  (Read 1884 times)

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Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« on: September 03, 2004, 03:53:53 am »
Hi Guys,
I'm new here today. I'm still playing SFC2 and I kinda dug it out of the "Dead Game" box and started to play it again. You know its a great game and the only thing is ..... the missions SUCK. I was looking to make some new missions and saw that you had to be a frikkin programmer to make them. What ever happened to the idea of a mission editor, this is a modern game right?

Anyway, I can't believe they didn't make a large map with a neutral zone in the middle with goodies like listening posts, defence platforms, small outposts and patroling ships. I figured that would be a STANDARD map. Are there people here that program missions? I have alot of great mission ideas that could be exchanged for those useless monster missions etc.

Also I was thinking about getting SFC III but I don't really know if its that much better than SFC II...

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2004, 04:34:22 am »
this is a modern game right?

Ummm. No.

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2004, 05:37:47 am »
There are some new EAW missions here.

Link: ht

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2004, 07:30:16 am »

Also I was thinking about getting SFC III but I don't really know if its that much better than SFC II...

I'll take this part. SFC3 is a different game, It doesn't compare apples to apples. It has pluses and minuses.
It is less detailed of a game. Much less micro management. Gone are ECM/ECCM, missles, fighters, multiple shuttle types, use of batteries.  Also it has just 4 race slots compared  to OP's 16 and EAW's 8.  Not only that but all 4 races share the same GUI, so you don't get the feel of flying different races as much. If you like all the above you will miss it in SFC3.

What SFC3 has is the ability to build your own ship. You can opt for speed and maneverbility and go light armor/shields. Instead of buying a new ship like in SFC2, you can play the same ship farther and keep upgrading it. Another thing in SFC3 is you only control 1 ship max. SFC3 has warp, reverse engines and no 30 speed limit. Smaller ships can do speed 100 depending on the build. Cloak in SFC3 is completly invisible.(obviously you can still see your own ship if you cloak, but the other person can't) The ECM/ECCM is sorta replaced with angular velocity. The more angular velocity the 2 ships have in relation to each other, the more likely your weapons will miss. Angular velocity is 0 when both ships are headed directly towards one another. Its also 0 when both ships are moving directly away fron one another in a straight line. Angular velcity is maxed when ships are moving at right angles to one another. The thing is you can pass over a ship and you angular velocity may go from 8 to 90 in a split second, so you have to watch it before u fire. It is displayed in upper right.

The ships look better in SFC3 provided your video card can render them. The glows don't help, what makes them look better is something called specularity. This is a lighting effect that constanly adds highlights(shiny areas as the ship turns)

Its fun if you mod cause you can add ships into the Visual Library. The real down side of single player conquest mode is there are so few missions. If you play SP conquest in SFC3 you must get Karnak's EEK missions.  Playing a modded game is almost mandatory cause the stock AI ships is real week in conquest at least. I never cared for the storyline campaigns in either SFC2 or 3.

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2004, 05:50:14 pm »
A REAL CLOAK! that in itself is worth the cost of buying. I godda find a copy... Buy the way, is there alot of people playing online with SFC3? it could prove fun. I'm from the OLD "Starlance" crew, it was the best online community of any game i've been in to date.

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2004, 08:57:59 pm »
I'd like to play online only I have a software conflict between my IP software and SFC3. Game crashes whenever I go online   :'(      Here is a good forums for SFC3

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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2004, 11:46:39 pm »

You can get a script writer for EAW that doesn't require any programming skills on the above page. There's 3 DLs there you'll want:

1, The utility itself
2, The manual
3, The patch

They're the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th items on the page. It allows you to make skirmish skripts with up to 5 teams of 1-6 ships and custom maps. NOTE: The FMSE mission editor allows for 6 teams of ships, but is buggy if you make more than 5 teams. Ships wil be cloned and randomly attack the donor team.
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Offline KMUltra

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2004, 02:31:44 am »
Awesome Thanx!!  downloading now... Oh BTW is there an editor like this one for SFC3?

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2004, 02:52:05 am »
   Yes there is an a mission script editor for SFC3 it is at the forum that the guset told you about.You go and click on the shipyard and you will see it.I am not sure how it works but that is where you can get it.

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2004, 05:09:39 am »
Hey Age, thanx.... Oh wasn't the first Canadian Carrier the "Nabob" torpedoed by a gerry u-boat off scapa flow? Your pic isn't showing up..

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2004, 04:58:01 pm »
The HMCS Nabob was a leased carrier from the US I believe it operated mostly in the Pacific.The reason my sig is down is Nightsoft is down.

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2004, 02:10:20 am »
Hey age I can't fing that SFC3 mission editor over at that site. Which exact link is it. Under shpyars there is a mission script catagory but its empty.

Hey Km ultra, this is what the visual library looks like in SFC3. Hope my pic host hols up (crosses fingers)

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2004, 03:01:31 am »
It should be there in the shipyards just click on it and look to the upper left.That is where you click on for the mod shipyards it is right above the shops.If you can't find it ask someone in the shoutbox.

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2004, 04:13:30 am »
It should be there in the shipyards just click on it and look to the upper left.That is where you click on for the mod shipyards it is right above the shops.If you can't find it ask someone in the shoutbox.

I click on shipyards and get this menu.

Now when I click mission scripts it says no files available.  Everywhere else looks like just a shipyard. I also tried typing mission in search but only ships come up.

What is the shout box. hehe I havn't been at that fourm long. Only have 15 poasts there.

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Re: Single player missions for EAW? and mission making
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2004, 01:37:22 pm »
It should be there in the shipyards just click on it and look to the upper left.That is where you click on for the mod shipyards it is right above the shops.If you can't find it ask someone in the shoutbox.

I click on shipyards and get this menu.

Now when I click mission scripts it says no files available.  Everywhere else looks like just a shipyard. I also tried typing mission in search but only ships come up.

What is the shout box. hehe I havn't been at that fourm long. Only have 15 poasts there.
This not what I am getting unless you are log in.I see all sorts of mission but you can't make up your own missions for a skirmish.These are mission for a campaign even better.I do do it agian if you need help ask someone in the shoutbox not here and not WT.I would even post it in the mission scripting help forum over there not here.I hope this helps.