Allright, sorry for the hijack and sorry for the rant, but I read several anti-eve posts on and then came on here and there was LeRoy, lol. Sorry LeRoy, you didnt do anything to rank the flames buddy, just my frustrations at not being able to play GW3 and then getting slammed (by some) for playin another game.
Karnak, its got a 14 day free trial, Im not paying yet. But I will, its an awesome game.
Combat? Heh, its NOT SFC, Ill give ya that. It IS 3D, with all the bells and whisltes people like Harlequin and others have said SFC should have... Ill take SFC ANY DAY. The combat in Eve is point and click.... If youve got a gun with longer range, and your ship is at least as fast as the other guys, you can simply tell your ship to stay at range X and it will do it, while automatically pounding the crap outa the guy. It will even auto reload the weapons for you if you want. Granted, there is a PLETHORA of weapons systems on Eve, I have not even SEEN but a tiny fraction of them yet. And there are literally THOUSANDS, maybe TENS of THOUSANDS of systems to explore... Just imagine a map of the galaxy and you CAN GO to each and every star there! (Obviously, that would be billions, but its a small galaxy

It combines sci-fi with an AD+D/Car wars kinda thing, really like car wars as you have to learn skills before you can use things. And then different skills cross-over to other skills... Clones if you die (but ya gotta pay for em) and INSURANCE ON YOUR SHIP! (J'inn could use that, so I hear...)
AND you can warp into ongoing battles and help your friends, that rocks.
We are in the Jupiter Mining Corp (name on the channel) and part of the Cold Steel Alliance. (Castrin is in the CSA) and last night, a bunch of the SSCF types were mining in a dangerous system and got jumped by two pirate humans in BB's. They had to run, but got Castrin and a bunch of CSA guys to come back em up. Ran the BB boys off and they sat rock while they mined. (Course, Toten and I sat and mined in a boring old safe system and made more money each, lol)
Tons of things to do. And DH, Doggie, your right, if you try it, you WILL get hooked...
All in all tho, Id rather play on GW3, but Eve kicks ass. Yes, its gonna cost $15 a month, so what? I spend more than that a WEEK on sodas and crap from the Hadji mart next door to work. I spend WAY more than that taking my GF and my son to the movies, sheesh!
Best thing, it has 100% reliable in game chat, so you can talk to your friends no matter where they are and what they are doing. TS obviously is a must for this game tho.
You can dload the 14 day free trial and the guys in the JMC will be happy to help ya out just like they did me, but be warned... Your not gonna be watching anymore TV, ROFL!