As a known DIEHARD (pun intended) SFB/SFC whore, I have to say "dont knock it till ya try it, LeRoy." Im playin Eve right now as I cant play on the GW3 due to lag issues. You can do a myriad of things other than mine rocks, numnuts!

Mining is just the fastest way to get money to build bigger ships, the same reason we hex(x) munch in SFC to farm PP to buy that bigger ship.
You can also EASILY engage in all the PvP combat you want (or dont want if you enter the wrong system)
You can do "missions" some of which are random and some are canned as part of the story line.
You can open a corporation and build things which you sell.
You can be a trader and go to systems where stuff is cheap and sell it in systems where it is worth 100X more.
Again, its all so you can move up from FF to CA to BB and all the other types of ships.
I know alot of people are peeved the SSCF has largely moved on to Eve, but last time I checked there was no LAW saying you have to have SFC loaded each time your PC is turned on...
Me, Id rather play SFC, and keep trying daily, but I simply can not play in PvP on this server, no idea as to why. Horrible lag. Im not gonna subject my friends or foes to a ruined PvP match due to my being stupid and logging on with a crappy connection.
Last time I checked LeRoy, you had no problem jumping into BF42 WITH the SSCF peeps instead of playing SFC...

Regardless, I hear the resentment building in various threads and boards to people playing something other than SFC and Im getting ready to pay Dizzy the $25 fee to use STFU on em.
Ive been on here since PRE-SFC1 and I will still be playing it as long as I am able to run it. Been playing SFB 24 years, figure Im not gonna stop playing either one anytime soon.
Its a game, leave your issues at home.
LeRoy, this aint directed soley at you, your just the lucky one to catch me on about the 4th thread Ive read dumping on Eve players.
EDIT: I have heard that several of the SSCF types have given up on SFC/taken an indefinite break from SFC due to just this kinda political crap.
As for me, I surely didnt:
1)Practice 3-5 nights a week with DH and others and even post a thread asking others to join us to not play on the server if it was at all possible
2)Join the FPF if I knew I was gonna stop playing SFC.