Would this be a good time to bring back Marcus's post about the inequities of a 180 BPV Overlord vs a 180 BPV C7?
Well, although I respect Marcus and his opinions I have no problem facing a C7 in an OV. Is it exactly even? Nope. Will the C7 generally win? Yep. Is that a burn in a ladder league? Yep. But the ladder leagues are gone, gents. GZ is a league centered around Total Fleet BPV for a three ship squadron and uses Patrol Battle Rules to keep squads more in line with what were acceptable in the original Starfleet Battles board game. So, in my opinion, this is no longer an issue in the same way it used to me.
For the record, I always felt that GT got shafted when they won a ladder league cycle, people screamed and yelled, and holding costs, etc. were increased on Hydran boats. I always did, and always will, believe that GT's perfection of flying Hydran was the ONLY reason that those ships were farked with and I could not blame them when they said, "you screwed us, ladder community, now we will take our leave of you."