Anyone who has paid any attention to my ramblings as of late, remember the cute girl from my karate class?
Well I was talking with her tonight, and learned something that pissed me off to the highest level of pissoscity.
Backgroudn first:
Between previous jobs, school, health etc. I've done my best to make it to karate every week, but have had some lapses, such as this summer where I had evening classes that went through the middle of karate class all summer. Last spring I tested for my blue belt after one year of karate (blue is level two). This spring I was informed that I would not be allwoed to test for t=my purple belt (level 3) even by the end of the summer. This is fine with me, since I don't really care about the belt that much, just what I learn from the class. In any event, classes started off ok two years ago, learned some techniques, the first kata (like a dance, sorta), and picked up the second kata by the january (started in september). OK, all is good, from there I had to wait until the following october to start learning the third kata. Picked that one up fairly quickly, despite having little help learning it, and wasn't allowed to start learning the fourth untillast april. The summer classes started, and I couldn't attend.
Now I won't go on about the people who missed as much time as me and still were supposed to test out anyways at the end of this summer, but didn't cuz they didn't even attend a week before they were supposed to test...
I will say, however, how tedious it was going over the same moves every single week for month after month for 2-3 hours every night. I even made it a point to go to the tuesday night sessions which are supposedfly optional, and still go the same.
Now back to the girl: She's been at this for one year as of next week. She had barely finished learning the first kata in may when she tested for her blue belt. Since may 2004 she's moved onto second, third and is now finishing up the fourth kata and will be moving on to the fifth kata in a couple weeks.
I would giv e some graces if she were some sort of prodigy in the martial arts and didn't take from september 2003 to may 2004 just to learn the first kata.
We spent months begging the sensei to let us move on to some new techniques, new katas, new SOMETHING, which went to deaf ears. Add to that the fact that everytime I have talked to the sensei about something or another that was bothering me he'd tell me I was being stupid, acting like an idiot, just didn't get it or to take my head out of my @$$. No i'm not paraphrasing, those are direct quotes.
In anyevent, I went to alot of trouble to get my Thursdays cleared for the fall so I could attend karate each week, only to hear this tonight.. I'm wondering why the hell i even bother to go at all at this point.
I am so ticked...