Topic: Definative Fed Ship Models  (Read 2495 times)

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Offline zerosnark

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Definative Fed Ship Models
« on: August 14, 2004, 12:26:26 pm »
I was wondering what models people use for specific Fed ships. . .there are so many choices!
Here is a few examples of what I use: Not meant to be exhaustive!

Fed DD's
I use Lord Schupp's Fed DD's for three reasons
   a) The overall excellent quality.
   b) The Variety. The DDL and DDG's actually have different models. The DDE's have a model (the Pegasus, which is not on his web site but in the forum) that actually have a sensor dome above the main hull!
   c) The shuttle bay on the engine pylon: I never understood where shuttlebay on the DD were supposed to be located. Lord Shupp has the answer -> Franz Joseph forgot to draw it!

As an aside, I have significantly neutered the DDE's and DDR's in my personal playlist. Basically, I just use a Fed DDG or DDL with gatlings in place of the LS/RS P1's.

Fed CA's
I use the Atrahasis Connies (btw: some of his early-tos ships are back on the site!) for two reasons;
   a) The quality!
   b) The variety! There is a classic Constitution, a Bonnehomme Richard (Star trek production model) and an Achernar. There is also an Endeavor, which is a phase two Enterprise, and a Coranado, which makes a nice CVS.

As an aside, I use the Connies for a CA and CA+, a BonneHomme Richard for a CAR, CC, and a CAR+, and the Achernar as a slightly souped up CAR+ and a base CC+. The Endeavor I use as a CAI and a custom CAI+

I am not much into the TMP ships, although I use a Atrahasis Belknap in the CB slot.

Fed DN's
   a) For Straight DN, I use Lord Schupps TOS Federation class DN.
   b) For the DNG, DNH and such I use Firesoul's excellent recent TMP dreadnaught.
   c) For CVA, I use Adruil's flatbed.
   d) For SCS, I use Firesoul's EXCELLENT TMP CVA (which is an TMP Federation DN with a double ended shuttle bay in the seondary hull similar to theCcoronado.

   a) For NCL, I used Atrahasis's Chicago NCL UNTIL I saw Firesoul's ultracool NCL's.
   b) I have, and use, Atrahasis's Surya and Coventry's as custom CL's.
   c) I have a locknar that I used to use for a NCL, but honestly I don't really have a high quality model for this.

    a) From Fleetdock 13. Just don't like the Atrahasis/Firesoul model which has the engines mounted on the saucer with no standoff, but the breakmodel on the fleetdock 13 model is hideous.

    a) I always used the Atrahasis Tugs because of the quality. The "keppler" with the Phase II engines, I use as a custom varient.
   b) I am coming around to liking the Lord Schupp tugs, with the extra hanger bay on the pylon. Hmmm. Maybe I should use this as a standard tug, and the atrahasis as a variant without shuttles.

Ships I miss or just don't have good models for!
   a) Larson destroyers, TMP and TOS versions (to be used as a custom DD)
   b) Locknar Frigates, TMP and TOS versions (to be used as a custom NCL)
   c) Fed Old CL's: Sigh. The best I have is the Firesoul model.
   d) Fighters. Need more than one type!

Ok. . .enough rambling for now!

Offline dogfighter

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Re: Definative Fed Ship Models
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2004, 01:12:21 pm »
general ship classes

fsc - oberth class by p81
fff - slazar class by p81
fdw - destiny clas by p81
fdd - mirinda kitbash made by gafy or mackie(?) -basicly a connie saucer with a mirinda weaponspod between the nacelles - with p81 texture
fdx - therradyne spectre class
fcl - baker class by p81
fncl - mirinda variant ,p81 parts), without rollbar
fncm - mirinda by p81
fnca - belknap by atrahasis
fca - connie by p81
fcc - constellation by moonraker with p81 retexture
fbc(e,f,h) -excelsior - p81/ganymad kitbash
fcva - connie with mirinda saucer , p81 parts
fdn - federation class by wicked zombie - p81 retexture
fdnl- ascension class by atrahasis
fdnh - ulysses class by wickedzombie, ganymad p81 retexture
fbb - wickedzombies midway class -retexture in the works


ed aka ganymad aka dogfighter

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Re: Definative Fed Ship Models
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2004, 01:57:27 pm »
I dont have a model for each class, i have a class for each model. Example in my Shiplist there is an "F-Oberth" or a "F-Excelsior"
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Re: Definative Fed Ship Models
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2004, 02:20:35 pm »
I tend to go for a design cronology type thing.  I use so many models that it would be hard to list.  I use a good combination of Mackie, WZ, P81, and Atrahasis models.
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Offline zerosnark

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Re: Definative Fed Ship Models
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2004, 03:09:13 pm »
I hear alot about P81 models.

Where does one find these models?

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Re: Definative Fed Ship Models
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2004, 03:14:48 pm »
P81's models can be found at;

Starfleet Staryards


and I think Unimatrix
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Offline Darth Chandley

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Re: Definative Fed Ship Models
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2004, 05:36:56 pm »
Well with so many to choose from it's hard to come up with a "definative" list... That said however, most of the time I'm using the following....

TOS: I have a self made bash using Lord Shctupps DN and DD models
TMP: Mainly the Rogue9 variants (P-81 based) and the P-81 Excelsior

TOS: Desty Nova's Mars, Lord Schtupps Mars (when he releases it of course... ;D) and Stress Puppy's Yamato
TMP: Mackie's P-81 based Einherjer and WZ's Mars Refit
Lord Schutpp's Galaxy sot of sits between eras so I'v added a seperate shiplist enty for that

TOS: Anduril's Julius Ceasar and Atrahasis' Coronado
TMP: WZ's Ark Royal and Audacity, P-81's George "Dubya" Bush, Rogue9's Oriskany and Anarion's Churchill

TOS: Lord Schtupp's Connie, Stress Puppy's Connie and all of Atrahasis' TOS SOTF variants
TMP: P-81's Connie, WZ's Connie, Mackie's Ironcross, DTW's P-81 based Belknap, Ticonderoga and Tikopai, and all off Atrahasis SOTF TMP refits

TOS: All of Lord Schtupp's single nacelle variants plus Atrahasis' Saladin and Sivo
TMP: P-81's Abbe and Akula plus Rogue9's P-81 Remora

TOS: Lord Schtupp's and Anduril's Federation
TMP: P-81 Star Empire and Star League, WZ's Federation and Belicose

TOS: Atrahasis' Aurora, Burke and Kearsage
TMP: DTW's P-81 based Okinawa and WZ's Okinawa

Light Cruisers
TOS: Atrahasis' SOTF variants and Lord Schtupp's Surya
TMP: Rogue9's P-81 Miranda variants Mackie's P-81 based Davids

I also use the Rogue9 P-81 based Loknars and Larson, Pataflafla's Northampton and Kiev and all the "X-tech" P-81 models.  Have just added Terradyne's Spectre and "Tugs and Freighters" are provided by Lord Schtupp and WZ.  I use my own Chandleys (of course... ;D) and they have their own "Light Cruiser" entry in the shiplist, as do a lot of the FASA ships as their classifications differ from SFC's.

I've also added entries to the ship list to cover things that aren't already in there and deserve a seperate enty.  These include standalone entries for the ships seen in TOS/TMP which I suppose I class as "Legends" (Enterprise, Excelsior, Reliant etc) and by removing them from the strings and shipname files stops them accidentally appearing again. The trouble with this of course is that I have 12 different Enterprises so I usually rotate between the Khaliban 1701, the Wicked Zombie 1701 and the P-81 1701 for TMP and the Lord Schtupp and Anduril 1701 for TOS.  Nobody has yet done a high res/poly Reliant yet so the P-81 one gets used and I always use the P-81 Excelsior (standard and Enterprise - B refit)

Not an exhaustive list by no means plus, I'll have forgotten loads of models that I've added....

Anyway, there you go
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Re: Definative Fed Ship Models
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2004, 04:58:02 am »
Anybody have a link to where I could find Lord Schtupp's NCL? Never seen it, and it's not on his website(as far as I know, anyway).

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Re: Definative Fed Ship Models
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2004, 11:13:01 am »

If you mean the Dauntless/Surya class then it is on the cruisers page, just below the connie...