Ah, no. You are merely a self-aggrandizing delusional rube who either has so much of his self-worth wrapped up in a PC game that he feels the need to lord it over folks, or is a stereotypic male prick who knows no other way of interacting with people than picking a fight. Unfortunately, the ah*le to standard english translation matrix is having trouble locking on to your linguistic engrams. The universal translator just keeps spitting out bullsh*t.
Well, that may be true, but have you looked at your inner self, lepton. You are so full of hostility and anger... Is it possible that you feel the need to find people less fortunate than yourself and pick them apart because you are an ugly person inside? That is usually the case in persons like yourself that lash out in harsh uncharacteristic ways. It is my suggestion that you seekimmediate counseling to address your inner demons.
Things have been more civil since your leave of absense. Please feel free to continue it. I'll be playing fed. And hey, how about keeping your nose out of this server, so that we aren't held up for days addressing your third race whining just so that you can switch sides at the penultimate hour. Have fun, dillhole.
Your observation of my 'leave of abcense' was more a recent lack of activity due to firewall/pop-up/virus problems than any voluntary leave. However, since I didnt get too much playtime in, I instead used that time in SGOdev working with other server designers, admins, and mission writers to further improve the game you are playing. Several of these improvements will be seen for the 1st time on GW3. So enjoy Lepton, and don't worry, I work for free for you.