Topic: :( need help with sfc3 ships pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeee  (Read 1071 times)

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Offline dogfighter

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hi folks :)

i need some help. i reinstalled sfc3 and now id like to mod it a bit. i found different sites with a lot of models. but heres the problem. i need a real good replacement all the sfc3 stock fed ships
in the game.i downloaded a bunch of models from starjards and sfc3files. most of them are p81 models and they do look great in game. but most of them lack the damage textures or have strange hardpoints or they lack the glow and some additional ships (p81 ambassador , cleeves nova class) lack the specs to work least i need to know where the hardpoints are located on the model.

heres what i got so far:

cleeves sabre - damage textures , glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hardpoints - everthings fine here

p81s norway - damage textures , glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hardpoints - everthings fine here

p81s excelsior - damage textures , glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hardpoints - everthings fine here

p81s intrepid - damage textures , glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hardpoints - everthings fine here

p81s steamrunner - damage textures , glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hardpoints - everthings fine here

cleeves nova - damage textures , glow are included, specs arent included hardpoints unknown

p81s defiant - glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hardpoints - lacks the damage textures

p81s akira - glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hadpoints - lacks the damage textures

p81s nebula - glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hadpoints - lacks the damage textures

p81/admirals galaxy - glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hadpoints - lacks the damage textures

p81s sovereign - glows are included, specs arent needed as it uses the stock specs as well as the hadpoints - lacks the damage textures

p81s ambassador - has damage textures but lacks the glows and specs

any idea where to find those ships but with all the needed features? i got all of them from staryards except the ambassador wich i downloaded form sfc3files.
i thought i found out how to create specs but without knowing where the hardpoints are located its kinda hard. i thought i solved the problem for the nova but somehow the phasers all fire from the nose of the ship. same with the sabre but only after i added a torplaucher in the specs. i removed it - but the problem still is there. any idea how to solve it?
i only editet default core and default loadout for the sabre. even after putting in the original specs the phasers still fire from the nose of the ship.

im new to sfc3 - please help me to understand how to mod the game - everything was so easy with sfc2 op but now everything has changed.

ed :)

your sssship iss ssssoft!

Offline dogfighter

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forgot to mention:

if there are sfc2 op versions of p81s latest defiant, intrepid , steamrunner and norway please let me know where to find those as well. i m working on a littlle op tng mod for a friend of mine and i wouldnt like to put in outdated models :)


ed :)
your sssship iss ssssoft!


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Here is a link to a tutorial that i found very helpfull
you can also get the tools you need from you might need the hardpoint placement tool and the Model atribut editor to add engine glows

happy modding

Offline dogfighter

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thank u :)
your sssship iss ssssoft!