Topic: Orbiter class carrier/tug - second "make-shift" carrier (aux cva?) proposal.  (Read 7001 times)

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Offline Mackie

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    • stupidfusion
note: this has not yet been converted to sfc2

credits: desty nova
lightwave version:

normal tug, nacellas shortened by nearly half. added fore and aft thingymabobs from freighter hull to the pod and also the fighter bays :)
any better ?  ;D
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Offline Klingon Fanatic

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Well done Mackie!

Any more non-Feds in the works?

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Offline Mackie

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not too many right now, destys aliens arent very easy to bash because his such a polysaver, for example when it comes to connections between lyran hulls; remove the "box" connecting the hulls and youll find theres holes on the hulls :p
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Offline Dizzy

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Yeah, Baby! Yeah!

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Offline zerosnark

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Very nice.

A few thoughts:
   Hubba hubba!

   Why shorten the Nacelles?

   The Dusty model of the tug has a few too many phasers. . .

   Almost want a seperate shuttle bay for admin shuttles on pod. . .

   May want to use Lord Schupp Tug to get an extra shuttle bay for the tug. . .

Offline Mackie

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    • stupidfusion
1. i ment to say pylons  :p
2. maybe, but this isnt a normal tug ;]
3. there is, at the end of the pod.
4. I prefer staying to one artist when bashing  , most of the time anyways :]
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Offline zerosnark

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1. i ment to say pylons  :p
2. maybe, but this isnt a normal tug ;]
3. there is, at the end of the pod.
4. I prefer staying to one artist when bashing  , most of the time anyways :]

Well. . .alrighty then!

I can't wait until you release this model! I think it definately has a home in my shiplist.

Offline Arcanum

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Very very cool . .

hmm a seperate shuttle hanger? are you thinking about a hanger specifially for Carrier Onboard Delivery(COD) type area Zero?

Offline zerosnark

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Very very cool . .

hmm a seperate shuttle hanger? are you thinking about a hanger specifially for Carrier Onboard Delivery(COD) type area Zero?

Not quite. The ship featured in this thread is a standard tug with a "CVA carrier pod" attached.

In Star Fleet Battles (and SFC I suppose), the Fed Tug and Fed DD have shuttles. But from where are the shuttles launched? On the CA and DN, there are rather large and obvious shuttle bays. On the DD and tug, the warp drive controls, ships stores, AND the shuttles are all crammed into the saucer. The fed DE was particularly offensive because it carried the same number of shuttles as a Fed CA. How are all these little dudes launched?  :o

So, along comes the modeller Lord Schupp. His models of both the Tug and Fed DD's include a shuttle bay on the dorsal connecting pod that is clearly not on the original old Franz Joseph drawings. Cool. That's where the shuttles live.

The concept is that the Fed Tug shown here is the standard tug.
Logically, it should have the standard Tug shuttle bay. This combo would need shuttles just as much (probably more so!) as a standard tug carrying a cargo pod. Launch Weasels off the tug. Launch Scatterpacks off the pod.


As an aside: Do you know what carrier COD was originally used for? Answer: Deliivering Nuclear Weapon components to US Carrriers on deployment in the '50s. Seems that the ships did not leave the US with complete nukes on board.


As another aside: COD? Yah know. . . . My thought that is in Trek small ships tend to be slower (stratigically, not tactically) than large ships.

My view on Trek tugs is that these big Warp 8 brutes are specifically designed for priority cargos  that need to get somewhere quick (sometimes, that cargo would be two squadrons of bad a** fighters loaded with drones) The Fed Scouts have also been cited as being used as VIP transports. Why? Well, sometimes you just can't spare a cruiser to transport ambassadors. The klinks use the D7N. Their ambassaors want guns. Fed ambassadors. . .well. . .they get stripped destroyers.


But back to the point..  . when can I start beating up some Mirak with this bad boy?

Offline Rod ONeal

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Cool, Mackie. Thanks for doing this for us.

I was reading the posts in the original "Lewis" thread and realised that I never uploaded this model. I too like having bashes done from one artist. I figured that I might want to get it up right away and hope that you'd use it for this.  Thanks again.
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Offline Mackie

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    • stupidfusion
heres the shot of its arse end

i suppose thats a normal shuttlebay thats under the pods impulse engines?

and as for the second question, im somewhat confused, did i do things right or wrong this time?  :-\
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Offline Rod ONeal

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Well, I don't know about anyone else, but you did right by me man. As far as the saucer phasers go, I think that Desty might have gotten a bit lazy and just used the Connie saucer and didn't remodel the phasers.
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Offline zerosnark

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and as for the second question, im somewhat confused, did i do things right or wrong this time?  :-\

Well, I think you did alright as well :)
I don't think I have seen any other carrier tugs out there.

(Have a positive Karma on me!)

I suppose that is the normal shuttle bay on the arse end. Heh.
I have a dumb thought: Going back to SFB, was this ship capable of packing a cargo pod on the back end?

I know the Battle pod was a double weight pod, but the tug still had the capability of towing a second cargo pod in addition. Effectively, the cargo pod added added "padding" (with 30 cargo boxes) to the battle tug, but the combo jumped up to a "2" move cost and a hideous turn mode.

Was the same true of the CVA pod?
I suppose they outlawed the ugly combos of Battle pod + lightweight carrier pod? and CVA pod +light weight battle pod?

Offline USS Mariner

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I wonder if you could make TMP kitbashes this good looking......


Semi-joke. I just think that you need to practice a bit on those TMP bashes a little. They just seem...DS9TM-esque to me. :o

Buuuuut, while yer at it, could you make the USS HOPE NCC-H235 ( using either LS or (most likley) Desty Nova ship parts? I just think that this would be neat to see as a CLH...

BTW, if you do make this, could you have a version where the nacelle has it's intercooler part facing upward, thereby having the medical stripe on both sides? I just like having Tri-nacelle ships symmertical, makes 'em more plausible (and nicer looking) to me. ;)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2004, 10:42:06 pm by Mariner Class »
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Offline Mackie

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  • The tree that forgets its roots, will fall.
    • stupidfusion
I wonder if you could make TMP kitbashes this good looking......


Semi-joke. I just think that you need to practice a bit on those TMP bashes a little. They just seem...DS9TM-esque to me. :o

Buuuuut, while yer at it, could you make the using either LS or (most likley) Desty Nova ship parts? I just think that this would be neat to see as a CLH...

BTW, if you do make this, could you have a version where the nacelle has it's intercooler part facing upward, thereby having the medical stripe on both sides? I just like having Tri-nacelle ships symmertical, makes 'em more plausible (and nicer looking) to me. ;)

maybe, if i can find a medical pod. and as for my tmp bashes i suppose its a thing of personal taste; I prefer them ds9 esque (and by that i mean somewhat unorthodox configurations and "upgraded parts") :p
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Offline Rod ONeal

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OK, as long as you're fielding requests. ;) How about you take Desty's NCL and attach the saucer neck and pods from the Tug(s) to it and make us a LTT and LTV? (light tactical transport) 8) :thumbsup:  Please?
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Offline USS Mariner

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Well that explain a heck of a lot. ;)

Don't fret about the textures, I can do those. Just bash up the thing with a normal tug and (if mapped right, since I can't map :P) I should be able to use word and paint to make some smoooooth texes. I've done it in the past, and LS's DD's have never looked better...;)

Uhoh, brain fart...

Could you make this too Santa? ;D

"Improve a mechanical device and you may double productivity. But improve man, you gain a thousandfold." - Khan

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Offline Mackie

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Rod: which ship is NCL? i suck with those short class names :p
Mariner: yes indeed,  very lovely ship , ill get onto it as soon as i can (so yes for the medic ship and yes for the triumph):)
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Offline Rod ONeal

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If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?