Sign Ups for GZ's 3rd cycle of Divisional Play has started up.
Unlike a ladder - where just having a team puts you in the ladder - once you have your team set up you then have to 'sign up' for the upcoming cycle. It's important so that we make sure we are matching up living and breathing fleets with someone at the helm.
So, if you have set up your team (FPF) or are maybe getting ready to set up a new team (I see a new member - Corbomite

), you will need to look for the BIG FAT RED BANNER that is on the League Outpost. There will be a link there that runs' you (the Team leader) through the 5 secound sign up process.
Sign ups will close on 9/6 and the schedule will be posted that same day. The Cycle will actually start on 9/10 (a Friday), but you will have the preceding 4 days to start contacting your first opponents 'via the match comments' to schedule the first match.
Let me know if you have any questions.