Are you telling me that I can't have any additional ships in the shiplist besides yours. If that is true, than look no further because I had added a F-BCE refit and was using it for this battle. This ship has provided me with great service other wise. I will replay it with a stock ship out of your stock + list.
I don't know which version I have except I got it right after You fixed it. I am planning on ripping OP out and rebuilding from scratch with all of your projects once the patch comes out.
Would it be possible to retain all of the stock Taldren scripts along with the EAW scripts and the modified scripts from Dave in one large .mct. This way we would have access to all of the possible missions. I have played many of Dave's missions (and a great addition they are) in a Fed-ISC campaign but I didn't see any stock scripts.
Thank you again