(I need to work on my topic names...)
In my time browsing this forum today, I've been viewing the topics. The first thing on my mind is finding topics on
Three-Dimensional Chess. Eventually I got bored finding no results, but decided to browse the off-topic forums for a change, rather than the general forum or SFC Models forum, browsing interesting topics, such as a theory as how our solar system is unique...
Well, I knew this for a while, but it recenty sparked my mind...
Ever since I was a kid in Okinawa, I was a fan of Star Trek. I grew up with the TNG crew, then the TOS crew, then DS9, then VGR and so on. Star Trek brings out all kinds of fans from all over the world, and obviously, people with different beliefs, especially those from Gene Roddenberry's original "teachings" through Star Trek. My relatives outside my family are no exception. My family--whether you look at the relatives of my dad's side of the family or my mom's side of the family--is a religious one. My Uncle Berry works for a Church. My Uncle Bryan runs one, as a Pastor (sp?). I noticed many here are religious themselves. And as I grow wiser from childhood--becoming one of the newest adults from the block (pun from a band I never cared about intended)--I am confused.
Religion is a touchy subject for me. It really is. When I got into Star Trek, I got into Gene Roddenberry and his teachings. I'm pretty sure most of you knows that Gene Roddenberry had a lack of faith in any religion; as in he is an atheist. Growing up with a show with morals and adventures, etc... *sigh* I don't know. You could say that, thanks to the show's teachings over the years, I've been close to being stubborn as Gene Roddenberry was on religion. But I've had a slight disagreement with him. I may be an atheist, but I don't condemn religion, I respect it. That's another teaching from Gene and his optimistic vision of the future I believe would happen one day; Tolerance. If I did not practice this, I wouldn't have friends I do not regret having, especially a very close friend of mine; she's religious herself.
Let me drop to the point of the subject: I noticed that in the religious area, although I am uncomfortable discussing with it, I felt like expressing my own belief, or lack there of, without trashing other's beliefs. I wouldn't care if you believe the Goa'uld exists and is a threat; it's a belief I'd respect. I do
not want a debate or argument over religion; I want to see how many believe in something, and express their belief in it. This could be helpful to me, and probably others, to know people better, and respect whatever they believe in any subject, without insult.
So please, I'd like to know if any of you believe in something. Express your belief, but please don't challenge or discuss about other's beliefs. I just would like to know what your beliefs are. Keep in mind, I will respect them. I wouldn't care if you're a Jew, or Christian, or Shintoist, I would respect you like I would respect someone similar to my beliefs. We're all good people, aren't we?
(I hope I worded this out correctly so others would understand and won't be insulted... Insulting people is not my intention. I'm sorry if I have insulted you...)