Most fun is really hard as there are sooooooo many. But I'll put down a few as extra special.
First is "The Late Night Crew" from a few servers. This group included Maverick, Deadman, Agave, Weamz, Entrail, Freedom, Alfman, Lyrkiller, Soreyes, and Hades.
There were times on voice coms that I felt I'd suffocate due to laughing so hard. The two most memorable experiences were Maverick getting Deadman killed, and a mass deepstrike involving about 6-7 pilots where Maverick had to leave for a few minutes and we all marooned him about 20 hexes behind the lines laughing like hell the whole time.
Second Madelf and Maud Dib they know why, was LMAO that time too.
Third, Gook, whenever he is on voice comms my morale goes up by leaps and bounds, he never fails to provide encouragement when you have a failure or lose a p v p and he never fails to give praise or thanks for hard effort. In my book he is still THE ULTIMATE LEADER

Fourth, Fluf, the man never gives up, no matter how grim the situation, he was the reason for the win on IDSL all other reasons secondary. Also for the 16 hour stand with him on a SINGLE HEX holding off the Feds and Hydrans on AOTK. Just please don't have the planet Murnok on any future servers, I don't know if we have enough 'Nip to sedate Fluf should he ever see that planet again.
Fifth, War Sears and Nail, don't get to fly with them enough, but even when we are fighting it feels like we are on the same side. Of course when we do get to play on the same side, its almost like we are fighting....

Sixth, Dizzy, he is as nearly as high strung as Die Hard, and hearing him nearly wet his pants in one 2 v 2 on GW1 was a memory to be cherished. We pulled out the win, but I swear he needed depends for that mission when he had to weasel and had tons of drones comming in on him.
For teamspeak have to add KRolling, the singalongs, Hooch impersonations and that damn sexy purring.....Meow Baby!
Honorable mention SPQR Drall trying to learn to fly that was funny to listen to on voice comms. He did get it eventually, well the basics anyhow.......