Mentat Jon- Norm Abrams (sp) New Yankee Workshop (The Govt should get outa my draaaaahs)
J Carney- Uncle Jed (Weeeeeelllll Dawgies! That shore is a purty 50 cal)
TheJudge-Don Rickles (Dont know why, he just does)
Mush-Pres. Bush
KRollings-Martha Stewart (This is a rolling pin....Its a good thing)
Man this is going to be hard for me, as I've spoke on the phone to so many people here.
BTW, Mush sounds more like Tiny Tim then Pres. Bush.

J/K Brother Mush.
Let's see
Don-Dawson aka General Wolfe.--- John Travolta in Welcome Back Carter (Who , what , where , when)
Gambler - Kenny Rogers of course.
Admiral Frey - Charleton Heston.
J'Inn --- The guy on Gearoge of the Jungle who sings "Watch out for that Tree"
Likkerpig - That girl that says "Me love you Long Time"
Dogmatix - Lassie . or Benjie, I'm not sure yet.
Anyway's I'll try and think of some more later, And of course, you all know I'm just teasing you right, right?
Hang on, an angry mob is knocking on my door... again...