Let me know if you have any questions on how to get FPF set up (individuals need to get registered and someone - you I imagine - needs to submit the Clan application. It's relatively quick and easy)
And it's not a Ladder It's a 'Divisional League'.

It's probably petty to split hairs - but to me, Ladder equals: god aweful match negotions - which seem to always end up being arounf 180-200 Late, Fleets/Players picking and choosing their opponents to maximize their chances for success - sometimes flat out shutting out fleets to prevent them from getting any points at all in the 'ladder'. Trawling the GSA lobby, looking for a match. Fleets 'banning' other fleets - so on and so forth - ad nauseum.
All that's been done away with.
First off, there is no ladder, but rather two conferences that all teams are randomly distributed to at the start of each cycle. Every team WILL play every other team in their conference twice, culminating in a Playoff to determine the conference champ - who will then go on to the Cycle championship versus the other conference champ.
No negotiations: terms of each game are posted and predetermined (by a random terms generator). All eras being playable, the Total BPV ranges configured to each era to allow everything from small firgate squadrons, to larger more squadrons - yet capped to prevent all Dreadnought Squadrons (of course, with PBR in effect, that can't happen anyway).
So can safely say you NEVER played in a ladder

But, as your first organized GSA PvP play experience...I hope you find it worthwhile.