Firesoul, I recommend upgrading your TOS FECA model (TOS Enterprise) with StressPuppy's current version located at,163350024.0.html
Extremely accurate.. fantastic creation skills on his part !!!! it contains 6 registry hull textures as well so you can better deliniate the ships in the shiplist.
Great for Early era CA and CC models.
Thanks Pesty, but I am quite happy with Lord Schtupp's work. I like the rusty old look. 
Great job, I love all those new Fed allies and Klingon targets, but it seems that yet again the Hydran Kingdom has been left alone and out in the dark, to be conquered by those evil, violent addict ridge head bipeds....

Any new Hydrans in the works?
(BTW, Firesoul, each and every one here that loves sfc owes you about a bar worth of beer, and some truckloads of pretzels)
Thank you so much and KEEP GOING!