Well, as I mentioned, I don't *have* advanced missions, so it is somewhat hard to check that resource

Eliminating the CVB and CVBR is certainly *one approach* to this problem, and given that you don't modify the ships in your list, that is the correct approach.
In my *personal* shiplist, I will give the CVB shields and phasers from the CB.
* * * *
On another note, responding to an earlier post, I feel the pain of all the tugs in the shiplist. As a part of the customization I do for my *personal* shiplist, I put in "sort flags" for certain ships such as Tugs, commando ships, carriers, etc. That way, I can maintain one Master File, but quickly prune out unwanted ships to create my own set of personal shiplists. This is not really hard in Excel.
Ships I typically remove in day-to-day play are Casual PF's, Escorts, HDD's, carriers (with a few notable exceptions), tugs, scouts, and commando ships.
I like the fact the FS put all these things in the shiplist. . .much easier to prune ships out than add them in (I routinely add several ships. . such as Klingon D16's, D18's, and a custom Mirak CB (think CVS without fighters)).