Topic: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement  (Read 2624 times)

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UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« on: December 25, 2004, 10:55:07 pm »
Due to some problems that I had with UAW in use with OP Enhancement Pack v2.1 and 2.2, I took the liberty or re-creating Chris Jones's installer for UAW to be more streamlined with OP Enhancement Pack usage... as such.. here are the install Instructions for SFC OP with OP Enhancement Pack v2.2 and UAW Mod.

these are the full instructions for proper and most error free method of installing SFC OP with OP Enhancement Pack and UAW

1. Uninstall any previous OP Enhancement Package using the Uninstall directions listed in the OP Enhancement Package readme file.

2. Uninstall SFC OP off your system and delete the SFC OP game folder.

3. reinstall SFC OP, say no to Direct X and say no to Gamespy Arcade

4. DL the OP Enhancement Package v2.2 from
and install using directions found in the thread located,163350526.0.html

5. Download UAW Mod for OP Enhancement from

6. Download the quick UAW update that Chis created located at

7. Turn off AV

8. Install the UAW mod.. this will go through 2 installers.. the first installer will automatically launch the second installer..

9. at the end of the second installer, Mod Chooser will launch.. Leave mod Chooser open, but do not assign a slot as of yet..

10. Close black DOS window then exit the UAW installer.

11. Install the White Fix file from step 6.

12. Enter a name for the UAW mod into the mod Chooser and select an empty slot.

that is it.. Mod Chooser, if you followed the install instructions from OP Enhancement page should now have the Taldren original configuration (with Firesoul's OP Mini-Updater bug fix), OP + v3.4 configuration in slot 1 and now UAW Mod in slot 2.. this leave you with 2 open slots for 2 more mods.. just remember, before installing another Mod, make sure you are in either OP + or Taldren Original game mode and NOT in UAW game mode.

all OP Enhancement Pack mission scripts for Storyline and Conquest should now be available for UAW mod.. please remember that using UAW in a campaign, then changing Mods will make you have to delete previous campaigns.. furthermore, Storyline campaigns will need to be deleted before playing in conquest game mode and vica versa.

I hope that this helps.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2004, 12:01:34 am by Pestalence »
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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2004, 12:43:12 pm »
Now this is where its at baby. I just updated that WhiteFix file to fix up some crash bugs as well.

This is flowing rather nicely.

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Offline Toast

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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2004, 09:17:04 pm »
Been trying to dl the new upgrades seem to be taking a bit , had a question on the mod chooser thou does it swap sound and textures as well ??? last time i tried it i dont think it did. ty for the work man its nice to see more things getting on the same page with the community as a whole ;D

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2004, 06:20:42 am »
Mod Chooser will swap everything except for the mission scripts. this is why I included over 300 community made mission scripts in the OP Enhancement.. that way the UAW mod can take advantage of them using this installer...
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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2004, 09:56:26 am »
Cool , after several attemps i finally got the dl late last night and yes it works great! This new enhancement with the uaw is a must  great work guys and ty.

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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2004, 03:02:48 pm »
ive got one quetion..i have the mod on cd..can i still use that instead of Dl the mod w/the enhancment pack?


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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2004, 03:13:08 pm »
 Pestalence what does turn off AV mean? :help: :help: :help: :)

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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2004, 06:13:31 pm »
It means to turn off Anti-Virus after you download all the files before installing... some Anti-Virus will corrupt files being installed into a program, as such anytime you install a program on your system or you install an update, upgrade, patch, or mod, or even a plug-in... it is recommended that you take your system offline, turn off Anti-Virus, install the file, then turn your Anti-Virus back on, then reconnect to the net...

laymans terms.. AV stands for Anti-Virus..
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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2004, 06:24:54 pm »
Thanks Pestilence! I remember you telling me to do so on the SFC3 patch and remember it well. I just did not understand the abbreviation. :)

 I did not know i was supposed to go off line tho? I'm on a cable modem thats always connected, what do i do just un plug it?

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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2004, 07:25:31 pm »
Going offline is optional.. it is a suggestion for your protection, in the event you have a web page open that has Active X controlls that may try to install spyware software or hijackers... you cn stay online if you like, but I suggest closing all open windows....

if you want to go offline for security purposes, then you can just unplug your ethernet cable from your PC then plug it back in when you have your Anti-Virus turned back on..

Turning off your Anti-Virus is enough to get a clean install of the files, but for system protection, especially if you have an active scanning Anti-Virus (Anti-Virus scanning all files coming and going from your system to the net), then to help protect you, I suggest going offline...

The chances of you getting a virus in the 10 to 15 min you are installing is minimal, but you never know.. if your web browsers are closed, there is a 99.9999% chance of not getting a virus.. but there is always that .0001% chance that you get hit.. I'm speaking from experience here...

anyhow, going offline is your choice and is not required.. it is just a suggestion for your system's protection.
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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2004, 07:31:59 pm »
Thanks Pestilence! :) I'm going to go ahead and take your advice. You have never steered me in the wrong direction, and i truly appreciate your help and patience.

 Thanks again! :thumbsup:

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Re: UAW Mod Installer for OP Enhancement
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2004, 01:30:59 am »
ive got one quetion..i have the mod on cd..can i still use that instead of Dl the mod w/the enhancment pack?

I can burn you a CD -R of the OP Enhancement v2.2 and the UAW Mod for OP Enhancement...

the first link that Chris posted for UAW in his original thread is for the Stock game that has patch v2552 and OP + installed.. The mod would run off of the game's stock mission scripts plus there are no file fixes unless you downloaded or edited your files in accordance with various postings on these forums...

the OP Enhancement Package is a overall game enhancement that includes a variety of fan created material, the v2552 patch, over 300 mission scripts for GSA and Single/Dyna game play and Single Player only play plus a couple of Skirmish scripts..

UAW Mod that I have listed in this thread was repackaged for the exclusive use with OP Enhancement.. I had to repackage the Mod for Chris due to the problem that the original UAW mod messed with the OP Enhancement install and it messed up Mod Chooser...

therefore it is highly recommended by me personally that if you are using the OP Enhancement v2.2 on your game and you want to use UAW mod, then to use the specific files listed in this thread only... I will post specific instructions as Chris updates his Mod as well as create a proper working installer for Chris' updates that will be OP Enhancement compatible I am currently working on making a Stock game installer for OP Enhancement for Chris and should have it up by Friday night...

If you like a copy of this on CD, then just PM me your addy and I'll get a copy of them burned including the current update file that is available.. I will have them in the mail no later than Thurs for you..

also this is a personal note to everyone.. i can send only a few copies on CD out for free.. I'm not rich and CD's do start costing money.. I usually buy a 50 pack CD -R which is $14.87 at the local Wal-Mart.. If you system can not handle CD -R, I can burn in any format you like.. CD -R, CD +R, DVD -R, DVD +R, CD -RW, CD +RW, DVD +RW, DVD -RW, DVD +R DL (Double Layer [8gig DVD]).. however cost wise CD -R are the cheapest and what I intend to use to send to people.. If I get a massive request for CD's, I'll have to open a Pay Pal account or make arrangements for shipping costs.. the CD's are roughly $.32 for the CD, but S&H I'm not sure of.. probably no more than $2 or $3 dollars.. however i can not afford to be shipping CD's for free....

I can send 1 or 2 for free, but if I get massive requests for CD's don't be surprised to get a PM back showing my Pay Pal information to cover the cost of shipping.. I'm not making a profit off of this nor do I intend to.. this is just to cover the exact ammount for the CD itself plus shipping, so don't worry about it being a for Sale thing.. it is not.. the Mod is free for DL and for those on a slow or unstable connection, then you can get the program called GetRight which is the best DL manager on the net.. it allows you to continue DL's right where you left off even if you stop it at 60% and didn't continue for 6 months and then try to continue the DL, if the file is online at the URL is was at 6 months previously, then your Dl will continue right where it left off at the 60% mark...

That is the method I recommend for everyone getting large files like this.. Getright..

But if you want a CD, then PM me and we'll talk business.. Like I stated, I am only going to do 1 or 2 for free by CD then that is it because that is all I can afford myself... so please no one get upset if I send pay Pal info for shipping costs...

Hope that this helps.
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