Are there any beaters you could fork out a few hundred for, or borrow around to get?
I agree with redshift on this. Growing up I've always had people tell me "they're just things, the can be replaced." Well, no, not always. And even if they could, you miss the point entirely. Sure, you just paid cash for that car, but that cash cost you time and energy that you could have spent on something more intrinsically rewarding than that. You gave a part of yourself, a good chunk most likely, to get and keep that car, and some asshole went out of his way to take it from you. And it's not just a car. Thanks to the wonderful powers that be in this country, cars are all but necessary, and can't be done without. Like redshift said, it's your lifeline. Without it, you can't get to work. without work, you live homeless, and the pattern goes on. Someone took a piece of you and it was a piece that you needed in order to go on living.
I'm not suire what to do to help you, but at the very least you could ask around the boards for sources to get a new car, who knows what you might find.
As for the girl, sorry to hear things are going like that. Hope today proves to be better than yesterday and the day before.