OK EE, here's what you need to do:
You need an edge, something to entice her away from the playa and into your arms.
SO I said to myself, "self, what can EE do to entice the chick?" and after some deliberate thought, I said "well self, what he needs is to be more of a man."
So, how do I become more of a man? You ask? Simple- cardivascular exercise. you see, cardivascular exercise increases over all health, vitality, strength and endurance. Now endurance is a good thing for a man to have, and chicks dig it, but there's more. Now, if you remember your anatomy and physiology, the male anatomy depends higly on bloodflow. What do these two things have in common, you ask? Simple- cardivascular exercise also increases bloodflow, and to some degree overall blood levels. More blood and better bloodflow means more blood for the male anatomy, giving you your natural enhancement, which will impress her.
Now I know your sacriligious and blashpamous comments on wanting tiny bewbies, which I don't want to here again, you pagan monkey bastard, but if you tell me how a large male anatomy is a turn off for you as well, then, quite franly, we are no longer friends.