The new revised letter that has been send to Sally
"Dear Sally,
First off, I wanted to let you know that I had a little talk with Joe. I wanted to let you know because I did not want to go
behind your back and talk with him but you could not find the time to talk with me so that I could tell you the things I am
worried about with the whole situation. Pretty much, this is what I told joe, so you hear it from my mouth...I mean fingers.
I told him that you are one of my best friends and that I don't want to see you get hurt. I also told him that hurting you is
going to hurt him. I told him that if he plays you, he will be played (thats the nice way of putting it). I told him that
after what happened with my sister, her being raped, something that I could have stopped, I will not allow a friend of mine
to be taken advantage of. I also told him that I was worried about how fast this is occurring. I know I am different
then others and that you are different then me but I told him that I felt this was just a tad too early and that it worries
me that he is moving in way too fast and not giving you enough time to heal. And thats how I honestly feel.
As for the text message you received from me about wanting to talk, well, this is one of the things i wanted to talk to you
about. Another is about what happened at Jazz. When you told me, I was shocked, by many things. First off, I was shocked that
what I had thought was going on was indeed going on. I was also shocked by some of the feelings that over came me at this
news, some things that, well, I did not expect to happen. One was anger, anger at Joe for moving in so fast. The second was a
hurt that I had not felt in a very long time, at least 5 years. It struck me as odd and it really confused me. When we first
met, you were rather flirty with me, something I had not had happen in a long time, since Kim (1999). That kind of confused
me because at the time, I thought you had a boyfriend but was not totally sure as to seriousness of it. Then we became
friends and I decided to suppress those idea's/feelings because it would not be proper or right. Plus, I did not want to ruin
our relationship as friends. It was apparent, after much thinking at work that what I have been looking for in a person and
friend was right under my nose but the friendship means much more to me then anything else and I did not want to risk ruining
that. Hopefully I have not.
Our friendship was really good for quite some time, we kept in touch on a regular basis and honestly, it was the best time I
have had in a long time. One of the things that really stood out to me about our friendship was the fact that you would text
me with random text messages saying, " Have a great day" etc. I have not had anyone do that kind of thing in a long time and
It really rocked to have someone care how my day went. It was the little things about our friendship that I really hold onto.
As of late though, things got bad between you and peter. As I stated before, I wanted to kick his ass for hurting my friend
but I knew it was not my place. The most I could do was sit back and watch because there was nothing I could do, you had to
do it. I wanted to give you advice but I also didn't because I was afraid you would get the wrong idea when I was just trying
to help, Though it pained me to see Peter constantly hurting you.
I tried many times to get together to talk to you, so I could express the things going on in my head, so I could relive some
stress and worry about how you were doing. I really wish we would have had more time to talk at Jazz before Wonderland and I
had seriously contiplated calling off work so I could spend some time with one of the best people I know. You are everything
I have ever wanted in a friend and losing your friendship would hurt, a lot. You have an awesome personality, your caring,
giving and have a bomb sense of humor. Don't let anyone tell you any different. You have also always managed to put a smile
on my face, no matter my mood. You just have that ability to cheer people up and that just stands out in my eyes.
Hopefully, you know where I am coming from. Again, its hard to do this in text because you cant hear tone of voice etc so I
hope you dont take it the wrong way. I am not good at these things, like feelings,expressing myself and writting isn't my
best skill. All I want you to know is I will be here when you are ready to talk to me. If you choose not to, I understand. If
this makes you feel awkward and you dont want to kick it with me I also understand, it makes me feel awkward to write this
and know you are going to read it because I have never opened up to someone like this before, well, someone I knew. Complete
strangers are different, you wont run into them face to face.
My goal in all of this is to make sure that one of my best friends is happy and gets everything she deserves and doesnt have
to go through the pain and stress that you have gone through over the last few months. I just want to make sure that you are
happy and I want you to know, as your friend, I will be there for you anytime you need me. Even if you choose to cancel the
subscription to our friendship, I will still be there for you, because what you did for me, helping me get a job with your
dad and helping me get my life straight, is something I cannot repay. You saved me from, homelessness and possibly worse. I
cant repay that with anything else but friendship and protection.
I am sorry for going behind your back and talking with Joe. I just wanted Joe to understand my point of view on the situation
. I just felt I had no other choice, I needed to get it off my chest because the stress I have been dealing with over the
last couple months, about the car, you, work etc and really been effecting me. Its not work that has made me lose all that
weight, its been making me unable to eat anything because my stomach is in constant knots. The smoking 2 to 5 packs of smokes
a day doesnt help either. I really hope we can get together and talk sometime, when you are ready. I am just worried now that
our friendship has been irreversibly damaged by what I did Thursday by talking to Joe and this letter, I hope thats not the
case but I did state in my LJ post that I would be more assertive and speak up and say what I feel. Perhaps I pushed it a bit
far. You must understand, I am new to not being a cowardly pu**y who cant say anything. Life is a game of chance and
sometimes you must take the risk. I hope I didn't bet it all and lose.
You are an Adult, I trust you and your decisions and will back you up on them and I will be around when or if you need me.
Take care and thank you for being an outstanding friend,
Well, we have had our talk. As you can see, I did not really get into much of what I wanted to say, I kinda of started
repeating myself and going in circles because I lost my track of thought, mainly because I was so damned nervous. Hopefully
this letter lets you better understand me and where I was going with sundays talk. I hope this letter does not freak you out.
I am just telling the truth and I hope you can accept it.
Thanks again for giving me time to talk to you, I hope this( talking and letter ) strengthened our friendship and didnt
damage it. I would like to hear your point of view so when you get time, send me a response.
take care."