Been thinking about this one.
I'm sure it would be possible to do, the question is whether it would be practical or fun.
With lots more people I'm sure it would be a goer.
1) PP, the only way to get PP would be in PvP missions (all AI ones having been removed)
2) Different server populations at different times, while it may be feasible during peek hours, those on nights or not in continental USA may have a problem.
3) Small map would have to be used (not a problem)
4) If there were no opponents the map could not be affected, and no play at all would be possible.
5) With no AI missions the only way to differntiate between differing types of hexes, planet etc would be by increasing the DV
6) Just about anywhere would be invulnerable if the defenders chose not to engage the defenders
7) a "losing" side could just log off and wait until reinforcemnts were available, then log on again.
8.) You will probbaly have difficulty getting out of a small ship (not a problem for me) or loading it with supplies.
9) May well favour more skilled pilots over less skilled ones, who end up in the same FF (or whatvever they started in)
There are probably many more.
On the plus side.
1) Only PvP would count, there would be no other form of combat
2) everybody would have to PvP to progress
3) Flipping times irrelevant as only PvP could alter DV
4) You would start in ship X and have to work your way up to a big one, and learn to fly something other than big ship Y.
5) Close cooperation would be essential
Probably more, these are just off the top of my head.
I have to say I think boredom may be a big factor to, with a lot of time spent doing nothing but wait for opponents to arrive or come outr of mission. Anyhow what does anybody think? It's not a proposal more a conceptual idea