Topic: 80s Cartoons  (Read 7281 times)

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2004, 06:55:53 am »
Macross & Robotech.

Amen, Brother!

Now, THAT was Space Opera!

Oh yeah... I loved em..  I thought that was what  Iwas going to get out of Gundam..  man was I wrong.

Gundam W is pretty awesome.

Nice to know I wasn't the only Cartoon fanatic around.

Robotech was still better then Gundam W.

Star blazers is my favorite.

The original Japanese versions of Starblazers (Space Battle Ship Yamato) are the best.

What about modern cartoons? Most bite...but Yu-Gi-Oh rocks. Plus the Japanese version of Yu-Gi-Oh is intense. Parents would freak if they saw the uncut versions...

I like Gundam 0083 and 8th MS Team the best. Gundam SEED seems interesting, but suffers from the newtype/superhuman junk.

I also favor Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X, Cowboy Bebop, and Wolf's Rain. Megas XLR is a riot, and Samurai Jack must be considered among the finest cartoons ever made.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 10:56:41 am by KnightAdvancer »

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2004, 11:30:49 am »
 ;D I used to run home after school (this being my 7th to 12th grades) just so that I wouldn't miss Robotech!  Yeah I'd even run home for the re- re- runs.  Sad huh?  But it was my first ever true taste of anime.  I don't count Starblazers because I just couldn't get into the art.  I mean you look at a girl who is *screaming* Mark! Mark! Mark! but her mouth barely opens!  Then you get that big bad guy what's-his-name who has a mouth like a cavern when he laughs.  It's just freaky.

Akira rocks!  Have you ever read the Manga?

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2004, 12:43:47 pm »
Macross & Robotech.

Amen, Brother!

Now, THAT was Space Opera!

Oh yeah... I loved em..  I thought that was what  Iwas going to get out of Gundam..  man was I wrong.

Gundam W is pretty awesome.

Nice to know I wasn't the only Cartoon fanatic around.

Robotech was still better then Gundam W.

Star blazers is my favorite.

The original Japanese versions of Starblazers (Space Battle Ship Yamato) are the best.

What about modern cartoons? Most bite...but Yu-Gi-Oh rocks. Plus the Japanese version of Yu-Gi-Oh is intense. Parents would freak if they saw the uncut versions...

I like Gundam 0083 and 8th MS Team the best. Gundam SEED seems interesting, but suffers from the newtype/superhuman junk.

I also favor Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X, Cowboy Bebop, and Wolf's Rain. Megas XLR is a riot, and Samurai Jack must be considered among the finest cartoons ever made.
Tremok you can't do the withe out thing anymore oh well.I never used to watch that show I was a little to old for it.The Flintstones that another thing or the Munsters.I always like Danny on the Partridge Family.I guess it is and was becuase of hair colour and practical jokes.

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2004, 08:08:42 pm »
;D I used to run home after school (this being my 7th to 12th grades) just so that I wouldn't miss Robotech!  Yeah I'd even run home for the re- re- runs.  Sad huh?  But it was my first ever true taste of anime.  I don't count Starblazers because I just couldn't get into the art.  I mean you look at a girl who is *screaming* Mark! Mark! Mark! but her mouth barely opens!  Then you get that big bad guy what's-his-name who has a mouth like a cavern when he laughs.  It's just freaky.

Akira rocks!  Have you ever read the Manga?

It's not sad to run home to a cartoon. I remember one time some news special or something cut into Starblazers. It was past 3 o clock and I'm freaking. I then called the station in semi panic mode and asked if they were going to broadcast Starblazers! Five minutes after I hung up, I heard the theme song and smiled. I'm sure I wasn't the only one in Tampa who called in that day. Pretty brave for a little squirt, hey?

Regarding the voice-overs and the "bad dialouge" it's just bad dubbing, like when a network shows "Smokey and the Bandit" In prime time and you hear Burt and Jackie go "DARN you..." Battle Of The Planets (real name Gatchaman) is the same way.
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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2004, 04:39:43 am »
The Real Ghostbusters!  WOO HOO!!!  That car is sooooo cool.

The campy western bretheren of Shin Megami Tensei, which is good, since if Tensei were something I could watch as a kid, it would probably scare me to death, hee.

Now, if I could only find that opening bit to the Muppet Show...

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2004, 11:03:39 am »
Now, if I could only find that opening bit to the Muppet Show...

There's a list of some of the openings and how they were.  Which opening did you want in particular is I think the question you need to ask.

Offline Aldaron_Nirantani

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2004, 11:18:09 am »
Anyone remember Galaxy Rangers?
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2004, 12:54:54 pm »
[color=Teal][/color] i don't remeber that show, what is it?, also something from the late 60's early 70's call banana split.

Offline Holocat

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2004, 10:29:07 pm »
Now, if I could only find that opening bit to the Muppet Show...

There's a list of some of the openings and how they were.  Which opening did you want in particular is I think the question you need to ask.

Any one I can get my curious little paws on, preferably a movie clip or mp3.  I think I have a midi already.

Edit:  Holy Shmoley!  M.A.S.K.!  I nearly forgot about this.  Those transforming toys that I constantly tried to find out how they worked a la screwdriver science were so cool!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have several people to annoy with the Smurfs theme.

Laaa, LLAAAAAAAAA!, La-La, La-Laaaaaaaa.

Another edit:  Found one. 

Most Sensational,


Yet another edit: found a similiar themesong link here. 

And just remember, perhaps you can Hire the A-Team.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 01:19:47 am by Holocat »

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2004, 10:50:31 am »
I remeber Galaxy Rangers...

I enjoyed re-runs of Voltron, first He-Man, and the Real Ghostbusters...

Funny thing about the two Voltrons, was the car/plane suffered the same problem tht the lion one did... without a component, they could not build the great robot... the car/plane one ran into that at least every other episode, as at least one of the 10 or 15 vehicles wa stuck, or the RoBeast was holding it, or something.
The lion one defeated that problem, I recall still in one of my favorite episodes of the lion one. They kept getting beat up by this red Robeast... he was really fast, like faster than the lions. I had always wanted to see this, and it disappointed me in a way, but was cool in another... the lions were all beat up by this red guy, the finally get the strength to all leap up and get into space formation to join up... well, here comes that red guy while theyre all trasnforming, clinking together.... this red guy comes up right in the middle of the little ritual, disturbs the stock music and everything, and tries to knock the black lion, the main one, out. Well, drat........they had a force field on when they go through the tansformation process, so, they were untouchable until it was complete...bah!! Drat!

He-man, the new series couldn't touch the old one. The new one stinks so bad, when Adam becomes He-man, there's no ''accidentally' upped volume, no great light show, no music, no echo, nothing. For as dorky as the old He-man was, the transformation scene was always prety awesome, and the later episodes got pretty creative. I swear, during the old He-man's trasnformation, they upped the volume in the mixing by 15%, just enough to make my father mad at 7:30 in the morning....
"nooo... ill get you... here's the sword... SCHWINK! BY THE POWER OF ....ZZZT ...(SINGING) HE-MAN!!!!!..ZZZT!!!"
about now, I ma jumping up to turn off the volume, and enter my father, the old gunfighter..."BOY. ...YOU TURN DOWN YOUR STUPID AMERICAN CARTOON, OR ILL GET HIS SWORD AND BEAT YOU WITH IT"

how's this.... I bet none of you will remeber this one, we got repeats from England of them....
I believe it was the same people tht made He-man (Filmation), so on..
Black Star (series), and
Tarzan (not Disney, but a series)....
both were pretty clean looking, but I dont think they were on very long... cannot find anything about them either, at all...
and, I managed to obtain about every episode of the one the few cartoons to get actually removed from TV... Dungeons and Dragons.

Offline Aldaron_Nirantani

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2004, 01:07:29 pm »

The Galaxy Rangers

And who can forget Battle of the Planets
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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2004, 09:05:50 am »
i never see that show, but i remember another show whit a mechanical horse call 30 30, also here another show but m not sure about the title, cop's, the chef of the cops was B.P. Bullet proof, the crook where always out of jail and the genius of the villain have is brain in a glass on is head, the son of the villain boss what a moron.

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2004, 09:22:51 am »
Well, if the truth be told. I have never heard of most of those cartoons. I lost interest, for the most part, in cartoons by the time I was 11 or 12. The few I do remember are Starblazers, Speedracer(?), and GI-Joe.

Speaking of transforming machines. Anyone remember the Japanese show about the rockets? I think one of them was named Goldar. Sorta reminded me of the old Ultraman show.

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2004, 02:15:50 pm »
not sure, also i remember another 80's cartoon call go-bot, a bad imitation of transformers.

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2004, 06:51:26 pm »
Oh, do not bring up go bots- very few thingsz could compete with that one on its level of suckage.

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2004, 07:55:30 pm »
waldo kitty was not too bad for the 80's.

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2004, 08:28:02 pm »
Well, if the truth be told. I have never heard of most of those cartoons. I lost interest, for the most part, in cartoons by the time I was 11 or 12. The few I do remember are Starblazers, Speedracer(?), and GI-Joe.

Speaking of transforming machines. Anyone remember the Japanese show about the rockets? I think one of them was named Goldar. Sorta reminded me of the old Ultraman show.

That was Go-Bots, alright.
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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2004, 10:05:52 pm »
Well, if the truth be told. I have never heard of most of those cartoons. I lost interest, for the most part, in cartoons by the time I was 11 or 12. The few I do remember are Starblazers, Speedracer(?), and GI-Joe.

Speaking of transforming machines. Anyone remember the Japanese show about the rockets? I think one of them was named Goldar. Sorta reminded me of the old Ultraman show.

That was Go-Bots, alright.

Karnage said that Go=Bots was a cartoon. This was like Ultraman in that it had Japanese actors.

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #38 on: August 15, 2004, 10:20:48 pm »
After a bit of looking I finally found it. It was called Space Giants. It was a late 60's Japanese show shown in the US in the late 70's. Goldar was a 50 ft. robot that transformed into a rocket, as was his wife and kid, even though they looked "human".

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Re: 80s Cartoons
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2004, 10:37:49 am »
Someone said the uncut versions of Yu-Gi-O had some interesting things, what type of items are in it?
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