Topic: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released  (Read 4271 times)

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Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« on: August 10, 2004, 12:33:49 am »
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2004, 01:31:32 am »
But, it's not into Windows Update, yet. Expect it within the next week, probably even sooner.
The download is 266 MB, and it's worth every bit just for the new browser extension/BHO interface.

That one feature alone is going to make my job so much easier....

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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2004, 10:30:40 pm »
if you go to and check out the link in the last post for Aug 9th, you'll find a direct link.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2004, 12:46:59 am »
Why even go to penny arcarde? Just go to then click download. If your're on dialup, the file is 266 MB, so get a cup of coffee, take a power nap (a long one), and watch a movie, get married, have some kids (or at least try to make some....), then hope it will get done some time this century.  ;D If that's not feasible, get a pal with DSL and a CD burner to make you a copy.

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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2004, 05:35:33 am »
Well, there are advantages to downloading at 0515 in the AM..the transfer rate on the cable stays above 400 K


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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2004, 11:51:54 am »
I sent people there because i didn't have the page open and I had to run. No reason to get short.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2004, 12:19:28 pm »
Just out of curiosity, why is this one 266mb when the one they are gong to release for individuals going to be around 80mb? I know it says that this one is for nework installation but what exactly is different, or more precisely, added to this one?
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2004, 12:23:22 pm »
I would bet that the difference is that the one individuals have is tailored to just what each person needs.

The network version that SUS uses etc has everything so that a network admin downloads one big file and has everything for their users.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2004, 03:48:50 pm »
If i knew, I woulda told you. I wish I did. As it is, the MS servers are pretty quick. Took about 20 min for me,.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2004, 04:42:40 pm »
Actually the difference is how and what it installs.. for everyone I recommend the network install and not Windows Update..

the reason for this is because the Network install will replace all windows files to the latest version available and effectively turn all system into XP Pro, reguardless if you hav eHome editon or not.. everyone will be on the same lever and support for their system will be that much easier and system tweaks and settings will become unified instead of having a set for Home and a set for Pro.. the Windows Update version will only update components specific to your version of windows and leave out all the other stuff.. sudch as home edition will still be Home edition without the Pro enhancements and services and capabilities.. the Home upgrade is 80 MB, the pro update is 100 MB, the network install is 266 MB and completely reinstalls windows, but will not change your current settings.. however it will add any windows XP components that may have been left out in any version of XP...

that is the major difference...

you can either have a partial update, or a full update.. your choice..

Also, Windows media player is about to release v10 .. as such media Player v10 Beta has been our for 3 months now and works fantastic....
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2004, 06:24:51 pm »
That's good to know Pestalence.  I guess I'll have to download it at work and bring it home on a CD.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2004, 08:08:09 pm »
In related news....

Windows XP Starter Edition

Microsoft opens cut-price Windows

Microsoft is to launch a cheaper version of its Windows XP operating system in an effort to halt the rise of low-cost Linux software
Microsoft's new software - dubbed "XP Lite" - will feature lower resolution graphics and limited options for networking computers together.

It will also limit users to running three programs concurrently - a far cry from the full version of XP, where the only practical limit comes from the speed of the computer and the size of its memory.

I wonder if it still has the activation B.S.?
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2004, 09:22:34 pm »
The captain has now turned on the "Scream and Panic" sign. The passengers on the right hand side of the aircraft will notice a wonderfull blue-screen-of-death. Oh don't be shy folks that thing just kills data!

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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2004, 06:48:44 am »
In related news....

Windows XP Starter Edition

Microsoft opens cut-price Windows

Microsoft is to launch a cheaper version of its Windows XP operating system in an effort to halt the rise of low-cost Linux software
Microsoft's new software - dubbed "XP Lite" - will feature lower resolution graphics and limited options for networking computers together.

It will also limit users to running three programs concurrently - a far cry from the full version of XP, where the only practical limit comes from the speed of the computer and the size of its memory.

I wonder if it still has the activation B.S.?

My thought is that MS has completely missed the point.  It's not the not as savy home users who are switching to Linux it's the people who know what they are doing.  Selling people an OS with lower video res?  That's really going to attract users! 

Stupid stupid idea.

What MS needs to do is get over the fact that they feel that every upgrade to the OS is worth $200+.  With the hundreds of millions of users they've got out there, drop the price to $100 or less.  People will upgrade.  For that extra money they're just going to live with what they've got on the box.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2004, 09:26:14 am »
In related news....

Windows XP Starter Edition

Microsoft opens cut-price Windows

Microsoft is to launch a cheaper version of its Windows XP operating system in an effort to halt the rise of low-cost Linux software
Microsoft's new software - dubbed "XP Lite" - will feature lower resolution graphics and limited options for networking computers together.

It will also limit users to running three programs concurrently - a far cry from the full version of XP, where the only practical limit comes from the speed of the computer and the size of its memory.

I wonder if it still has the activation B.S.?

I thought this crap was called "XP Home Edition"....

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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2004, 09:44:52 am »
There's really not a huge difference between home and Pro. I thought Pro let you have multiple PC's registered to 1 disc, but no, I found that one out last week. Now I have 25 days of life left in my Laptop.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2004, 10:09:06 am »
Only Corporate Edition will allow you to have it istalled on multiple PC's with the same code.. depending on how many licenses you purchase..

Now you can call Microsoft and ask them for a second code for your laptop.. I do not know if they will charge for the additional license or not.. however i would state that your code is smudged and you are having problems reinstalling...

that way they may release a new code for you and you won't have to pay for a new license..

I state License as no one owns any software unless they personally create it from scratch... People just purchase a Usage License and that is it.. a License to use the software, which can be recalled at any time by the publisher or developer.. which means by law.. all copies comes off of all systems (not likely to happen, but legally they can).. the program is just there for ease of instillation and to save companies bandwidth costs from downloads, plus it is the easiest way to distribute and market their product.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2004, 10:12:17 am »
I tried to get another one, but they wanted $250 for it. I laughed and told the guy I'll go to Best Buy and get another copy for $140.
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Re: Windows XP Service Pack 2 released
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2004, 06:48:46 pm »

My thought is that MS has completely missed the point.  It's not the not as savy home users who are switching to Linux it's the people who know what they are doing.  Selling people an OS with lower video res?  That's really going to attract users! 

Stupid stupid idea.

What MS needs to do is get over the fact that they feel that every upgrade to the OS is worth $200+.  With the hundreds of millions of users they've got out there, drop the price to $100 or less.  People will upgrade.  For that extra money they're just going to live with what they've got on the box.

Actually that is not the target market for "lite".  It started in the far east (Thailand I think).  The government was going to be sponsoring a large number of computers with Linux.   Microsoft cut a deal to provide Windows XP AND Office cheap (~$50 / computer). 

The second part of the deal was to create a cutdown Windows that could be sold cheap enough that it became practical for people who could barely afford the computer to buy non pirated versions of Windows, in exchange the government is supposed to be cracking down on pirates.  You won't be seeing this version in the industrialized nations just in the 3rd world.
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