Topic: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..  (Read 18817 times)

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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Hello everyone,

As most of you know, I am Pestalence. I am currently undertaking a project which involves the entire SFC community as an experiment and a healing tactic in order to help out the SFC 3 game title in the area of game balance.

What i am proposing is that the community members all over the web who owns a copy of SFC 3 to come to my forums and start discussions and be willing to participate in testing the SFC 3 game title in balancing the Stock SFC 3 game...

This will not correct game bugs caused by the game exe file, however it will help balance ships across the board for all races by adjusting the *.gf files.

The Goal of this project is to balance the game to where the game should have been out of the box and to have the game as close as possible to Taldren / Activision game design without drastically changing items within the game.

My forums have simple rules...
#1, no flaming under any circumstances.. if you want to flame someone, do it by email..
#2, No Cussing.. hopefully we are all mature enough to hold rational conversations and not turn into street punks that have no education.. show that you have had a good upbringing and have self respect and keep your language clean...
#3, no personal attacks.. this falls somewhat under #1.. if you feel you have to personally attack someone, then keep it to email..

if i catch anyone breaking these rules.. 1st time will get a warning, the 2nd time, the will be shown the door.. if one makes an attack or a flame and someone retaliates.. then both will get reprimanded the first time and the second, both will be shown the door.. it takes 2 to tango and I could really care less who started what.. I do not play games when coming to the testing process and i take it seriously and professionally.. which is what I expect from everyone wanting to participate.. all conversations can be kept civil.. if you do not like an idea.. state that you do not like it and use examples in terms of game play to support your position.. it is that simple...

now what I intend to do is let you the community go into my Forums as a neutral area, which is the home forums for my fleet, the Elite Federation Force, and give free access to posting in the Starfleet Command III : The Next Generation forums for the purpose of the community to heal, get over grudges, and to come together to fix the game balance in the stock game...

What people will need to do is have a clean un-modded version of SFC 3 on their systems installed properly and in the correct game directory as listed by the patch v534_b trouble shooting step #10.

Everyone will need to be on patch v534_b to participate.

you the community will choose what settings to change and test.. you will choose who will host the testing server.. and everyone is equal.. those who have been playing since the game came out is no more important than those who bought the game yesterday.. everyone's opinion counts..

The boards have polls on them.. if you would like to see something change.. you choose who is going to edit the game file and host it and who will host the server with those changes.. Vote on a suggested change or host a poll for a suggested change.. the person selected to adjust the game files will make the adjustment according to the results of the poll.. the poll on a selection should run for 3 to 5 days before the change is implemented and people will need to be interactive and discuss things a lot..

now what i will not permit is changing races to fit one's needs.. as such if it is stated in the game manual, then that is how it stays.. like by Default.. Borg have no shields per game manual.. this will not be changed.. borg Regen Armor will not change (although strength of armor can be adjusted)...

AMM's were adjusted to fit the game manual.. i can see that they get a small tweak, but nothing over 25 as that makes them too powerful (especially game manual and damage charts state 20 damage).. I can see weapons changing damage points by 1 to 3 points for purpose of balance.. and heavy weapons by 2 to 10 points depending, however nothing over the top or extreme.. as such, i mean a PH X doing 8 Pts being changed to do 15 PTs is not allowed.. i can see 10 and I can see 6 but not a drastic jump...

now when the community is done and happy with the changes.. i will submit the files to kenneth Yeast and seek permission to build a V534_c patch containing your the communities changes for a balanced stock game...

now I make no promises on having a v534_c game patch.. i state that I will try to get permission for the patch.. however this will allow for a unified and community agreed upon stock game mod that addresses game balance at the very least, which allows the community to come together and heal..

this is my first and last attempt at trying to heal the community and i am doing it in a manner that players can help fix a game that they enjoy.. so take advantage of it...

If it works, i will endeavor to take things further and push for more stuff, but until I see the communities come together, forgive and forget, and just plain get along .. I will do nothing else to help SFC 3...

This is your game that you choose to play.. make the most of it.. I am giving you an opportunity to get things together and solve problems.... it is up to you to realize that this is just a game and that we are all here to be able to play it with each other without having personal problems with each other...

My forums are located at :

you can post in the SFC 3 section...

just post what you think needs balancing in the game and why and what you think needs to be done to bring about that balance..then others will comment.. someone should make a poll if there are a lot of responses and the one making the revisions needs to change the file and host it while the server selected implements the changes for testing...

After you test the changes for a few days, then go back and post what you think.. and be honest (not crude).. if it doesn't work, don't give up.. just adjust the settings again ant test again..

now i leave it in your hands.. I will not get involved except to monitor the boards for the 3 rules i listed above..

you get to choose who will make the changes, who will host the changes and who will host the server.. you will have the power to get this done and it can only work if you all work together as a community....

If you do not have time to dedicate to the testing, then do not join the group as these changes and the work on it will need constant testing by players for a week at a time per setting until the next adjustment is implimented...

now a poll should be held after testing is done on a setting for whether or not that setting should be implemented permanently.. preferably a 2/3 vote by the community testing will make the setting permanent (so long as it is not OTT from the Taldren / Activison design of the game), however a 51% vote will carry the change or toss it out...

if you like, go and get started.. but remember.. if you go for the testing, please stick with it.. everyone's opinion counts... as such, if you don't like it state so and why, leaving personal feelings towards others out of it... the goal is to get the game fixed regardless of who's idea it is for a setting... keep an open mind to new ideas and try it out if it sounds reasonable...

it is your game.. I'm offering you to fix an aspect of it.. it is up to you to take advantage of it.. it will not be a short process, but at least it is something that will be fixed in time...

also remember, you are not modding the game.. as such, no ships being added and no adding tech to races that were not designed in game to have it.. like the Federation does not have cloak.. so no adding cloak to the defiant... the Feds do not have plasma, so no plasma on fed ships.. Roms do not have quantums, so no quantoms for Roms..

keep the game stock, this is to just adjust the game weapons, armor and so forth to where ships are balanced..

also remember, the Borg should be harder to beat than other races in comparative ships.. as such.. a Frig. Borg ship should have a even battle against any other races destroyer size  ships 1 size up.

anyhow that is all i have to say about this.. you have my forum address.. you know what the rules are, you know what this is all about, and you know what is to be expected...


"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Offline Scrag

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Having difficulty setting up an account with EZ board trouble call submitted. I guess the question I have is why not use these forums as they were the direct follow on to Taldrens.   

Offline =SyN=Remick

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Probably due to the amount of SFC 3 folks who are either banned from here or are posting in another forum and dont visit here.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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  • "The Terminator" Pestalence_XC, Xenocorp
EFF HQ Forums belong to me.. I can better direct what goes on there.. plus it is open to everyone without bias and I have very simple but strict rules... Plus my fleet has been approved for Beta Testing on all game titles for SFC... as such, my fleet will not interfere with the communities development of the balance of SFC 3 in the *.gf files..

Now as for access to the forums there.. if having difficulty, check out the EZ Board help section for peoper brower settings.. you will need to have EZ Boards o allow first party cookies if you are blocking cookies.. as for Firewall settings, I do not know if you have to add it to your safe sites or not..

If you continue to have problems, I would recommend contacting EZ Boards CS and find out what your settings should be...

"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

Member :
Xenocorp / Moderator & Beta Test Team
SFC 4 Project QA Coordinator
Taldren Beta Test Team
14 Degrees East Beta Test Team
Activision Visioneers SFC 3 Beta Test Team

Offline Scrag

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I have had access before, but it seems that this particular "brand" is finicky and not as reliable (in my case at least) as others.  I understand your motives, hopefully this works out, but since I am routinely go out on machines that cost several hundred million dollars designed and built by the lowest bidder only to find out the roof leaks I remain skeptical but willing to help.  Same stipulation as before as I am active duty and must yield to the service when it comes time to get underway and head to sea I go.  I am currently looking at 2 weeks in Sept and October to mid November deploy to conduct war on terrorism stuff and play on the beach with seals.  If that is okay and as soon as I can get the ez board stuff fixed i will be there.


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Probably due to the amount of SFC 3 folks who are either banned from here or are posting in another forum and dont visit here.

The goal is for Pestalence to improve SFC3 with our help, nothing else.

The banned folk all had it coming to them.  We will not disucss the topic further.  Most if not all of the banned are actually reregistered under different names, at this very moment.  Bannings never had anything to do with SFC3.

The topic of banned people stops now.  That is my ruling as Admin.


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BTW, Pesty, we can offer a server for the testing.

Please advise.

Offline The Pelican

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Thanfully, I have had an ezboard account for nearly 5 years now. Not a problem for me.... Hell, me 4 1/2 year old ezboard still exists!!!

Offline Scrag

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I am on now thanks weird still have no idea what it was.


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Thanks Pestilence. you are a noble person indeed. I hope this works, before all of this unnecessary drama winds up slitting our own throats. :)

Offline Eudoxia

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IMO, the stock game does not need any more balancing. If there are no more bug fixes included in a future patch, then it's not needed. The community may need healing, but a patch isn't the answer for that. The servers that are still running need to make their own changes as needed. I can only speak for one server, and I only have half a vote, but my vote is for no more changes. Find another way to heal.


Offline Red_Green

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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2004, 10:12:20 am »
The rift is large between SFC OP and SFC3. Strange since we all have ST in common.

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Offline GarrethMacLeod

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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2004, 12:47:20 am »
I've never understood why there is a rift between the two. Like you said, guest, we all have ST in common. Is it because the game mechanics are different?
Alternate B Chief Map Drone and General Whipping Boy


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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2004, 01:17:45 am »
I've never understood why there is a rift between the two. Like you said, guest, we all have ST in common. Is it because the game mechanics are different?

 To be honest with everybody. I would like to know as well. All of this bitterness has kept me from joining any fleet. And I'm used to it!
I'm sure its having the same effect on others as well. :(

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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2004, 03:15:58 am »
   It is basically because they are two different games.SFC 2 Orion Pirates is based on some the elements of StarFleet Battles and SFC3 is based on pure Star Trek.There are no missiles used in Star Trek in the TV and Movies.When ships cloak you don't see there shields.There is no warp or reversing thrusters.They never used scatter packs or wild weasels in TV Star Trek that is what rift is.Those that like StarFleetBattles vs those who like Star Trek.

  When it come to joining a fleet it is about what type of fleet to you want to join.The D2 fleets like the FPF&KBF don't play on Game Spy Arcade.Then there is the types of games they play eg SFC.2 OP and SFC3 on a Dyna as well as GSA.It comes down to talking to the fleet Admirals themselves you will have to find a good Klingon Fleet to join.The KBF is a D2 fleet only the KHH is a GSA fleet with some playing in D2 but they don't play on D3.I could direct you to a board that as all the Fleets/Clans listed let me know.

  I made the decision on joining the EFF because it is a support fleet as well with best support site around.

  I hope this answers your question. 

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2004, 10:24:15 am »
Age...please quit speaking for fleets you dont belong too...

You have listed SEVERAL blatent errors based upon your own misconceptions as to what fleets play what and where they play...

For example...

The Klingon Black fleet has SEVERAL members who play SFC3....

AND several members who play GZ matches at GSA....

I cant speak for the other fleets (since like you...I'm NOT a member)....but I suspect that they are also covering both games with a couple players...

The rift was caused by an overbearing off site admin team and a blatant attempt to discredit this very website, Taldren employees, OP players, Several Fleets...and many individuals...

That is something NO patching effort will EVER repair...

Pesty's efforts have even been critisized my a few SFC3 players because they view such an effort as a MOD rather than a baseline patch.....

I wish Pesty all the luck in the world in his efforts to balance SFC3....

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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2004, 11:44:50 am »
   Sorry Crim yes I know there are KBF players who play SFC3  but they don't use the KBF name in D3 do they.You know I am on the biggest D3 board there is at the Tri Mods forum.I wasn't sure what the rift was but had an idea like the one you said.The OP players got preferential treatment over SFC3 players being the new game.They thought they should have gotten that treatment hence being Taldrens little red headed stepchild.I knew some about this I made this posting late and got disconnected twice.

  I know thing aren't going so well with Pestalence in this attempt and I am trying to help out but I can only do so much.I would like to stay at the EFF forums but that is not the case.I know he whats to get this done as soon as possible I am going to see if I can't push the issue.This is hard when they are playing a mod on a dyna.

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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2004, 11:54:16 am »
   Ot please check the EFF forum more often.Thanks 

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2004, 05:46:39 pm »
   Sorry Crim yes I know there are KBF players who play SFC3  but they don't use the KBF name in D3 do they.

I wouldnt know...I dont fly D3...but like I said...there are a few KBF'ers that fly D3..

You know I am on the biggest D3 board there is at the Tri Mods forum.

The most active....yes..

I wasn't sure what the rift was but had an idea like the one you said.

Why not?...this all in the open for you to read....but do you comprehend?

The OP players got preferential treatment over SFC3 players being the new game.

See...this is a LIE....started by disgruntled players...and passed on by disgruntled moderators...

I've been part of the program since nearly the begining...through SFC2, OP, AND SFC3...

The only difference in how SFC3 patching went vs the previous titles was ACTIVISION...and when Taldren did "leak" a beta patch...ACTIVISION came unglued....because Taldren was bypassing a STALLED QA process...I know this for FACT as I was part of both Taldren testing AND the visioneers..

They thought they should have gotten that treatment hence being Taldrens little red headed stepchild.

That thought is based on a misconception that TALDREN had the power to simply release what ever they wanted....that WAS NOT the case....everything Taldren did had to go through ACTIVISION Quality assurace FIRST whereas in previose titles taldren was fee to issue patches whenever it choose.....hence no step child ever is a fable...Fostered by a few D3 individuals...

I knew some about this I made this posting late and got disconnected twice.

Well should know that SFC3 is still being worked Pesty with support of Ken yeast.....while OP is in limbo ,until such time it's code is released...or possibly forever..

  I know thing aren't going so well with Pestalence in this attempt and I am trying to help out but I can only do so much.

You need to get online and help Pesty playtest then...and you need to take good notes...and KNOW what your talking about...

I would like to stay at the EFF forums but that is not the case.

Me too...I think going anywhere else might be construed as favoritism by a few individuals....the only problem with pesty's forums are all the pop ups and redirects..

Not the content..

I know he whats to get this done as soon as possible I am going to see if I can't push the issue.This is hard when they are playing a mod on a dyna.

Yep...he needs Human played games to judge the effect of any changes he wishes to make....this is often boring work as a playtester....not as fun as blasting around a mod server...but FAR more important...

More people should get off their collective duff and help him out...instead of throwing knives everywhere and trying to control who has input by driving people off...(in the case of one individual)


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Re: An attempt to heal the community in a sort of SFC 3 open beta program..
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2004, 06:40:52 pm »
Thanks for the clarification Crim. I know the turds of which you speak.
As a matter of fact i got most of my bad karma from them and their agents, Calling them out on their BS on these forums and the ones at Taldren.

 And you are correct in regards to reconciliation with this group of liars and thieves. There will be none with me.

 Thank you for your time my Lord.
 Qap ` LaH