Topic: Hall of Fame all time opponents  (Read 31343 times)

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #80 on: July 25, 2006, 06:18:08 am »

And my ultimate award goes to:

Captain Jeff

He is in my mind the Best Player to represent the D2 if I had to choose, his honor is untarnished, he doesn't flame on the forums, he stays impartial in debates about the races and their ships, and he put together the top 2 servers ever IMHO, and hes alot of fun to fly with.

Holy cow !    I don't know what to say other then thank-you and that I am humbled by your kind words.

Funny thing is Jeff I've been thinking about exactly that for the last few days, but I didn't know how to go about posting it, the resurfacing of this thread was a sign, so i was very happy to post that about you.  You are simply the very tip top as far as representing what this game and this community is about.   :thumbsup:

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #81 on: July 25, 2006, 06:58:40 am »
OK, let me see if I can come up with some names... This thread was probably supposed to be just about PvP players, but I'm going to include others that added to the community as a whole, some of them not good at all in PvP  ;)

Feds:  Ghis, Jogn Vaughn, MU, DH, Wanderer, Hooch, Tanked-Up, Hippocrates, LuckyFed, Pnemonic81, sure to add more...

Klingons:  Dogmatix, Kor, Lord Krueg, Lord Saxxon, Warsears, Khmerra, pretty much anyone in the KBF.

Romulans:  Benbean, Remiak, Drall, anyone flying for SPQR.

Lyrans:  Mog, Chuut(Damn that BCHT !!), Kzinbane, Sten, BBJ, Hexx.

ISC: Corbomite, ChaoticIllusion, Pharoah, Blade, Frey.

Gorn:  Kroma, Agave, GWarlock, Scipio.

Hydran: Shadow Seraph, Max Power, 762, Deadmansix, Marcus, Chris Lee, Bearslayer.

Kzinti: Gook, Chuut, Matsukasi, Soreyes, Fluf, J'inn, pretty much anyone in KAT or KOTH.

Good at all races:  Dizzy, Chuut

Bonk and Frey for keeping things going.

Evil Dave, Tracey, and Karnak for providing fun missions.

BBJ, Skull-n-Bones, and the rest of Canada West/SFC2.NET that really pumped out fun campaigns on EAW in the beginning.

People who donated to the D.Net fundraiser.

People that have ever hosted a campaign.

And last, but not least......the active 1AFer's that still make my mornings fun  (C-Los, Deadman, FatherTed, Grim).

« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 05:11:40 am by Capt Jeff »
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #82 on: July 26, 2006, 12:10:20 am »
Thank you for all who included me on their lists.

My list is vast in who I respect in this game....

Just about everyone who posted for starters and a lot of guys who aren't around anymore...

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #83 on: July 26, 2006, 12:19:05 am »

Good at all races:  Dizzy, Chuut

Undeserved in my case, I'm pretty decent with a couple, ok with a few and I mean "ok" as in average, and I really suck as a Hydran (I think the only one I ever killed with a Hydran was Dizzy, twice  ;D).

As for Dizzy he does deserve it despite what i said about him above.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #84 on: July 26, 2006, 12:20:28 am »
Except Hexx, he runs too much to fight... even when I have a smaller ship....

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #85 on: July 26, 2006, 10:02:01 am »
Except Hexx, he runs too much to fight... even when I have a smaller ship....

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.

So once you sort through all the drivel you spout you're saying the best time you've had on the D2 was listening to DH pee .

You're kinda a sick puppy you know.

(claim I run away from smaller ships will you)
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #86 on: July 26, 2006, 11:54:53 am »
That was a PAL- Bear.  ;D

Firesoul had a L-DNL and Duck had a C8B (I think). I think it was MiniMe in the D5D?

And that WAS an awesome fight - GW2's Battle of Midway.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #87 on: July 26, 2006, 12:23:03 pm »
1. Ghis
2. John Vaughn
3. Die Hard

1. Jacobyi
2. Mad Elf
3. Kol Korvus

1. Marcus Smythe
2. Chris Lee
3. Hobbes

1. Joltvee
2. Kroma
3. Alfman

1. Pardek
2. Zormorius
3. SPQR Remiak

1. Direwolf
2. Corbomite (one of the best pilots I knew is just about any race's ship)
3. Blade (Damn fine Klingon, too)

1. Mog (Nails as a Klingon, as well)
2. Firesoul
3. Skawpya

1. Matsukasi
2. Chutt-Ritt
3. Cougar

There were some damn fine pilots I didn't mention because I narrowed the list to three per race. 

Much love to the many fine pilots who flew my wing and made me look halfway decent while doing it.   ;D

BTW..I challenged myself to try this again even though I knew I had posted in this thread before.  I've gone back to see how consistant I was with my first post.  Not bad...goes to show that some of the choices were very close/tough.

Hi guys, BTW.   8)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 12:39:07 pm by KBF-Dogmatix_XC »
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #88 on: July 26, 2006, 12:25:57 pm »

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.

This was the greatest battle in D2.  3 Hours long with no lag either  :)
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #89 on: July 26, 2006, 01:03:17 pm »
Hey doggy. Long time no see. You oughtta drop in for SG6. Cool things happening.

And there is John Vaughns name again. I dont understand why he's listed. Someone explain it to me please.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #90 on: July 26, 2006, 01:06:20 pm »
I've beaten most of the "top" players at one time or another and don't make any lists (except Jeff's- obviously the man's a genius)

Still, players I haven't managed to beat that are still (?) active or notable..

DH- for whatver reason the few times I've managed to fins him he's either flying some stinking plasma boat or one of us has a ship that completely outclasses the other. I was going to fly Fed for SG6, but looks like I'll have to go coalition.

Duck - I don't think I've beaten him..come close,yes.. but close doesn't cut it. The last close to even BPV match up we had (C7 vs my BCHP) he cut me to pieces. I flew poorly yes (as is myusual excuse) but the film was one I made myself watch. Not sure I scored more than a few internals on him.

Dogmatix (what's with the "D"s???) - Was in on one of the greatest beatings I've ever taken (and I've had one or two) ..don't remember who he was winging with, but Dog and another KBFer had a 2v1 against me, despite a superior ship size they simply killed me.
I kept that film for a long time, they flew almost as if one person was contolling both ships, and I don't even think they were on voice.
I wish I could remember who he was flying with- but the two of them covered each other perfectly.

Mog- Damn his hide. Claims we're about even in PVP, but I'm sure it's the smoke in his eyes. Think I'm actually like 1-40 vs him.

Sten- Damn leaving the game bastard. Fought me Lyran vs Lyran just before he left (when I thought I was getting decent. Showed me just how much I had (have) to learn.

Kroma- God I loathe him. After what seemed like an hours long fast plasma boat duel I kinda almost killed him. I lost, but felt really good about myself until I found out he'd been flying completely hammered the whole time. Blind stinkin drunk and he still killed me.

Players I'm not sure what the fuss is about...

Dizzy-while admittedly a better all round pilot than me . I'm not sure why he's beaten so many people. If I'm not at 50/50 in PVP fights with the guy (and I admit I'm probably not) it's close. Maybe I've just been lucky.
(Or maybe I'll be getting whupped on SG6.. have to wait and see)

t00l -Yes, I admit he scared me as well for awhile. The secret is -bring something with lots of transporters.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #91 on: July 26, 2006, 01:10:00 pm »
t00l -Yes, I admit he scared me as well for awhile. The secret is -bring something with lots of transporters.

Nah, the secret is dropping shuttles!

Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #92 on: July 26, 2006, 03:47:21 pm »
Hey doggy. Long time no see. You oughtta drop in for SG6. Cool things happening.

And there is John Vaughns name again. I dont understand why he's listed. Someone explain it to me please.

JV and I go WAY back.  Every time we fought, we always seemed to be in even matched ships and the battles were always slugfests.  He was a very good Fred pilot...never saw him fly anything else.  He was a very good tractician and I couldn't find any flaws in his game the times I faced him and from what I saw of his abilities.  The guys I listed were probably always my toughest fights vs. Freds. 

Of course, are good at several different races..I could have listed you in any one of several spots, but I always seemed to choose the race specialist over the guy who could do it all.  Corbomite (to me) was hand-down one of the best pilots in the game, period...but I always identified him as Frog, since that's what he flew most when I flew with him and the number of really stand-out guys in that race was small (as least as far as I can recall).  The guys I listed for the ISC were guys you knew were good, not just because of their was them.[/]

Consider this a more than honorable mention of your talents.  I'd put you with along with any of the people I have listed for Fred, Lyran and Rom.  Not sure I ever faced you as any other races.  I know you're a competant Klingon pilot, but the ones I listed are better (in my opinion).

I didn't list Hippocrates for for Freds, either...and that guy was nails, as well.  Captain Jeff...also very good, though (as I believe Chutt pointed out), his talents go way farther than just what he can do in game.  Good pilot, awesome person. 

As for SG6...I've been reading the thread.  It does sound interesting and I am enticed to check it out, but after not touching the game in almost two years, I'm sure I'd really do poorly.  EVE has wrecked  I do miss Klingon boats...more and more all the time.  Who knows..maybe this will be the one.

I know almost nothing of what has happened to this game in the past 23 months, though.  I think this is only the fourth time I've come back to the fora.

Damn good to see you guys, though.  I'm always amazed to see that you're still here...   :o
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #93 on: July 26, 2006, 04:02:53 pm »
At some point I'd love to get detailed about John Vaughn. Since you go WAY back with him, you can champion him since he isnt here. I have just got to tell the story of my 1st canada west server experience. I always wondered what those servers were all about. Haha, I thought they were all just a buncha canucks on the west coast, lol. CW4 was the 1st CW I played. And I flew Klingon for the 1st time as well. In fact, I just happened to have my 1st PvP encounter vs a fed and that fed just happened to be good ole Johnny boy. I still remember BBJ telling me I wasnt allowed on CW4... my reputation as a flame whore preceded me and he simply thought I was a trouble maker, lol. I convinced him otherwise and played more CW servers everafter and met a whole buncha cool peeps you included. I think that server I befriended you for the 1st time, Doggy.

Anyways, yeah, SG6 has cool stuff. Lotsa things are ironed out. Its real easy to get started now... Not too much hassle to reinstall and get going. Soon Ill post a Players rules for sg6. It will be very short concise and easy to follow. The current posted rules are more legalities for the RM's to use and probably scares the hell out of casual players.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #94 on: July 26, 2006, 04:24:09 pm »
I've beaten most of the "top" players at one time or another and don't make any lists (except Jeff's- obviously the man's a genius)

Still, players I haven't managed to beat that are still (?) active or notable..

DH- for whatver reason the few times I've managed to fins him he's either flying some stinking plasma boat or one of us has a ship that completely outclasses the other. I was going to fly Fed for SG6, but looks like I'll have to go coalition.

Duck - I don't think I've beaten him..come close,yes.. but close doesn't cut it. The last close to even BPV match up we had (C7 vs my BCHP) he cut me to pieces. I flew poorly yes (as is myusual excuse) but the film was one I made myself watch. Not sure I scored more than a few internals on him.

Dogmatix (what's with the "D"s???) - Was in on one of the greatest beatings I've ever taken (and I've had one or two) ..don't remember who he was winging with, but Dog and another KBFer had a 2v1 against me, despite a superior ship size they simply killed me.
I kept that film for a long time, they flew almost as if one person was contolling both ships, and I don't even think they were on voice.
I wish I could remember who he was flying with- but the two of them covered each other perfectly.


Hexxypoo , you forgot Dfly, fitting right in with the Ds, never been beaten by you yet. ;D

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #95 on: July 26, 2006, 04:39:15 pm »

As for SG6...I've been reading the thread.  It does sound interesting and I am enticed to check it out, but after not touching the game in almost two years, I'm sure I'd really do poorly.  EVE has wrecked  I do miss Klingon boats...more and more all the time.  Who knows..maybe this will be the one.


It would Honor the Coalition greatly if you even so much as made an apperance, sir.  ;D
And I'm sure it'd be just like riding a bike.  ;)
You can always come knock off the rust on The Forge in preperation.

Besides, it's well known EVE causes Brain Rot...
Better get away from it while you still can!  :P
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 04:51:45 pm by KBFLordKrueg »
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #96 on: July 26, 2006, 04:42:15 pm »
"Hexxypoo , you forgot Dfly, fitting right in with the Ds,"

D for Dax  ;D
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #97 on: July 26, 2006, 05:17:54 pm »

DH- for whatver reason the few times I've managed to fins him he's either flying some stinking plasma boat or one of us has a ship that completely outclasses the other. I was going to fly Fed for SG6, but looks like I'll have to go coalition.

Am I going to have to start posting Hexx-Sniff films again?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #98 on: July 26, 2006, 05:40:04 pm »
Hexxypoo , you forgot Dfly, fitting right in with the Ds, never been beaten by you yet.

D for Dax 

Hmmm didn't I kill both of you on Sgwhatever?
I'm pretty sure I did... (damn going to have to starts writing these down.. stupid brain)

You've probably just blocked the trauma out of your mind.
(and if not..what is it with the "D"s ???)

Am I going to have to start posting Hexx-Sniff films again?

Please, in every film you've got you've either had a bigger ship/had a wing/ or I was flying plasma.
*hopes the collection of snuff pics has finally been deleted*

In any event looks like I'm not going to get to fly Fed for SG6..grrr
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #99 on: July 26, 2006, 09:27:05 pm »

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.

This was the greatest battle in D2.  3 Hours long with no lag either  :)

Second greastest at best, Hexx capturing t00l was without a doubt the best, years in the making.  Payback is hell  ;D