Topic: Hall of Fame all time opponents  (Read 31176 times)

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2004, 04:36:23 am »
You can wing me anytime ya holler, FS. 

Offline Reyam

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #61 on: August 20, 2004, 08:41:19 am »
Thanks for the post, This will make my list of those to kill a little easier. Boost as you will ,it only adds juice and favor to the kill. No ones the best, youve all died one time or another and will die again and again. The only thing that was posted here that was the best was the Slave Girls. I'll take one of those green Hotties anytime. :o :P :P :P

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #62 on: August 20, 2004, 11:48:53 am »
Well, I wont bother to seperate pilots by their race and I will only mention 3 pilots when I could mention 100. The reason I mention these 3 in particular is because in my opinion they flew with not only skill but with honour. When doing terms they really didnt care, they didnt have to have their PET ships to beat you with they could beat you with anything.
Sorry that I dont know more of you Dyna pilots as these are old GZ league players..

JOCOBYI (I remember when in a 3v3 match up I was lucky to be called on to fly with Seki and Jacobyi, during ship selection on Team Spake I belive Jacoybi refused to fly the AD5 when it only cost 120 BPV calling it cheese and took the D5K instead..Now that is BALLS)

GOLEM. One of the hardest guys I have ever met to pull a tran n pac move on, a very nice person to fly with or agaisnt.

Aragorn. You could name just about any terms you wanted and he would take you up on the offer and fly, the best thing about Aragorn is that he flew for the game..not the win. The fact he won most of the time was just a bonus.

As I said there are many many others out there that deserve mention however those 3 get credit for being able to stand out at any BPV in almost any race.


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2004, 11:54:41 am »
2. FireSoul  (I really dread flying against this guy.  He's tenacious and makes few mistakes)

That's one hell of compliment, Doggy. ;)
I'm flying coalition for the entire GW series of servers, which means I'll be a klingon this time. I am looking towards flying with you, hopefully as wingmen for a few times. ;)

I look forward to it, man.   Anything is going to be better than having my #4 chewed up by you...heheh.

Ugh...I haven't played the game in about 2 1/2 months.  I should be pretty pathetic when the shooting
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Offline KBF-Nail

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2004, 03:08:24 pm »
Here foes my list


1. Ghis (Just a Nasty Damn Fed)
2. Vaughn
3. Hippocrates


1. Mad Elf
2. Sears (No Matter Gow many ships he loses hehe)
3. The rest of my KBF Brothers that are still here and those that left Kor,Gow, Squiggy......etc


1.Walleye (Deadly in a KCR and a good pilot)
2.Pardek (Good rom pilot even though I am still going too snip his ears for being the Green blooded bastard)
3.And any other SPQR including the Kilt wearing Bastard Scotsman Ben)  ;D




3.Sten (As well the Rest of the GPF)


1. S'Faret
2. Doka
3. The rest of the GDA


1. Chuutt (Trys so hard too Be a Bastard but will never be) ;D
3. Fluf


2.Chris Lee

Many other nameswho all deserve credit. But these ones come too mind first.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #65 on: July 24, 2006, 01:58:27 pm »

Wow - just tripped across this in a search, bumped it 'cuz it's great to recall some of these folks!


Offline Dizzy

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #66 on: July 24, 2006, 05:22:35 pm »
Just took the time to edit mine... Made some changes...


1. DH - I think he is more skilled than I. He has a few notable standouts for a few other races, but if compared to his skill as Fed, they are lackluster. Truly puts the  'Magic' in Photons.
2. Azteca - This dude simply pisses me off. I dunno if it's me or him, but all 4 or 5 of our last battles where he flew fed against me has seen my tactics go horribly wrong. Azteca is a good captain, but something about him brings out my worst...


1. Without a doubt, Madelf. This soab has such natural skill when it comes to playing Klink that it disgusts me. Klingon design just fits his playing style better than any race which he is pretty good at all    as well. But not that good. Other than that, I havent met a klink I haven't owned.

2. Duck puts the D in Dangerous. Course we all know he's a quack... but you ever try playing chicken with him and you'll be the one to end up in the oven.


1.- Pretty sure it was Remiak. Easily able to take however long it takes to wear you down and take advantage of a mistake no matter how small you might make, it will be your last. It took a phone call for me to beat him. Remember that Remiak? It came so close that even a single phaser hit could have called it mid battle. A long time Rom, practice+patience makes perfect.


1. Hrmmm. Plenty of great captains here, S'Cipio, Kroma, Alfman, Agave, Gornrule, Doc... another slips my mind. They are all comparable. But I know of not one who really stands out the most. It's probably the gorn ships... Slow Flying boxes (BF not included)... Nothing so special about them... Not remarkable at all. Perhaps that is their charm. Dull them may seem, but those gorn regulars know something we dont mb and always give a nasty fun fight.

2. Dfly. This dude has the fluf toilet. He wont get up from a fight no matter how long it takes. He plays defensively and waits to take advantage of a mistake... and just keeps waiting till you make one. To win... you gotta make a mistake intentionally and fake him out maybe. But he can usually see that coming. Very frustrating opponent in any ship he flys.


1. Back in the day of the CW, Rooks and 1st Slave Girl servers, there were quite a few good ones and making a choice would be easier then, but nowdays, and I think Lyrans have just been poorly represented and marketed throughout past servers which had the detrimental effect of limiting their player numbers so there arnt many Captains to choose from, pity. They have waxed and waned so many times, I dont know of any excellent regulars. There are those occasional standouts... Just cant pick one. (See Mog below)

2. Those FSD guys I hear are pretty good. Havent flown against them afaic. But I'm planning to this next server SGO6! So I'll just have to fill this in later.


1. Easy: Blade. Without a doubt. He's my kinda player. Cocky, occasionally unpredictable, and able to change tactics to fit any situation. He can alter his play stlye at whim. Easily the most adaptable ISC player out there who knows both offensive and defensive tactics to the extreme no matter who or what the opponent ship may be. He is evil in that he will either completely own you or let you think you have a chance so you keep coming back for more, mocks you each time you die and he just keeps killing you over and over and over. I hate him, I luv him. I think he raises his brow and smiles when you get the upper hand on him, but then he takes it to another level and makes you pay.

2. DH aint bad. But fed ships and isc boats are about the same.

3. Risky is the one to watch out for. Best way to beat risky is to bring a wing or a bigger ship.


1. Marcus. He knows Hydran inside and out. Makes fewer mistakes than you and evetually you lose. Most dont survive 2x passes. Got too big for his breeches during our fights and made his name stand out. With that kinda notoriety, peeps took notice and didnt let their guard down vs him. Unfortunately, these harder fights just made him better. :(

2. 762 thinks he's good. I think he's too cautious. But occasionally he does flash his balls.


1. Chuut. He's not particularly great, but he doesnt suck either. I choose him because his missiles hit ratio on me is higher than anyone else. He knows how to take it home and make it count. He lacks one crucial tactic. He has a hard time luring a player back into the middle of the map so he can kill him rather than run him off. Course, that may be due to him playing strategically using the server disengagement rule. Chuut also has done wonders to quash the stigma that Kzin's only know how to fly cheese boats by using real Mirak ships. Kudos Chuut.

2. Matsukasi is under rated. Perhaps cuz he doesnt play as much as the other nutters. I'm still writing a story bout me, Mav and Matsukasi's nine lives.  :notworthy:

3. Fluf knew how to fly DN's and chuck lotsa drones while chasing you off the map. Pretty straightforward tactic and it worked.

4. Brezgonne liked flying fleets of MDC's. He'd still be good if server rules would let him be.

Tholian: Mav ;)

Orion: Hrmmm. Someone help me here... I'd say Mav or DH, cuz they give good fights in them, but havent had the pleasure of many Orion opponents.


EDIT: Tracey G. - Till some recent combat experience with her, I'd have said she was fairly typical of any Fed player, but I've come to a different opinion of her now. She is of the few Fed captains who actually KNOW just how far she can push her ships vs me w/o getting killed. Totally frustrating. When I think I have the upper hand she is a step ahead of me. Gives a good fight... isnt afraid of pushing a bad position if the payoff is good so she makes you work it. If you dont respect her, she will show you the exit quite quick.

Mog - I keep hearing how good he is. afaik, I've never run into him despite him being a regular. Perhaps I have fought him under his using a pseudo name, but it has never come to my attention. Pity we havent met on opposite sides. (Edit: Reminded me he beat me 2-0 on GSA. But afaik, no Dyna vs him.)

Kim - If you think about it, she fights like every Fed should. If she doesnt get the upper hand quick, she saves her ship and gets out. She fights like every fed should fight. ;) She is a notch above the rest with her chivilrous approach to battle. Her attitude and demeanor makes Klinks look like the dogs they really are.

Frey - Uses voice comm commands to do most of his mouse clicking. He is as lazy as any SFC cap could ever be. But that doesnt make him bad. He's quite good only because he plays so automated.. ;)

Corbomite - The best of the best. The Top Gun of any list. Ever. If you ever saw the light of day in a battle with him, he would be the nightmare that lurketh within the shadow your ship would cast. Get away... far away. Fools are those who dont fear him.

Kougar - The gutsiest player I have ever seen. He knows how and isnt afraid to trade and get in a better punch. That's why you lose playing him... cuz you know you can land a good hit and therefore take it. But his always hit harder and hurt worse.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #67 on: July 24, 2006, 07:07:43 pm »
Help for Dizzy with best peirate.   "Shadowlord" As tony soprano he  left the rest of the pack behind in pvp kills on Herr Burts' econ server.

Most underated player?  Let the flaming begin.... "TobinDax"
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #68 on: July 24, 2006, 07:17:36 pm »
Hey Tobin lets not forget me,..

The guy with the least amount of actual server play time, with the big mouth  :)

And God speed to the departed Casca, let his name live on in this here Hall of Fame !

Amen, ah smoke

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #69 on: July 24, 2006, 07:41:52 pm »

Most underated player?  Let the flaming begin.... "TobinDax"

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #70 on: July 24, 2006, 07:56:58 pm »
And the worst player here is...(drumroll please?)

Captain of the MSC Maus
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #71 on: July 24, 2006, 08:28:45 pm »
John Vaughn. I dont know why he's topped so many lists. Can someone eplain it to me>?

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #72 on: July 24, 2006, 09:39:49 pm »
John Vaughn. I dont know why he's topped so many lists. Can someone eplain it to me>?

The guy was something else. He taught me how to fly Fed properly. I still pull a few boneheaded decisions out of my pocket, but he was inspiration in a Fed DN. Jeff, DH and I are the only guys who still have that 'devil may care' attitude when it comes to flying a Fed capitol ship. They're both far better pilots than I am, but between the beer and the chat on TS, I hold my own. ;) But I'm still waiting for DH to curse himself out on TS for losing a DN. 

As for the rest of the bunch, if C-Los doesn't show up in the morning so Jeff and I can make whip-cracking noises, half the fun is lost. Hooch. I miss him and his leadership. Ditto for Wanderer. And Kim. My darling with the sultry Southern accent. We need to copyright her voice.  :rollingpin:

BTW: If you've seen the SSCF, call 1-800-MISS-YOU. The FPF, 9th, and 1AF can only do so much....

PS: Best Fed Wingman: Thrain. He's deadly, but when we wing, he can anticipate my moves. The best wingman you would ever want.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 09:55:54 pm by Father Ted »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #73 on: July 24, 2006, 10:38:39 pm »
LOL Diz, compared to u Genghis Khan was too cautious.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #74 on: July 25, 2006, 02:04:01 am »
My list refreashed.

Federation, Die Hard hands down
Klingon, again a no brainer MadElf
Romulan, I'd say Pardek but all the SPQR were great
Gorn, I give the wave to S'cipio after he embarrassed me last encounter, but if it involves PFs Agave is the Lizard
Hydran, Marcus Smythe, incredible pilot, 762 is up there as well
ISC, Corbomite one of the vey best
Lyran, Mog back when he was playing regularly
Kzin, without a doubt KOTH Kougar, honorable mention to KOTH Matsukasi and Tobin Dax

Best of the Best, Kougar he can fly any race at the higest level

Best Leader, I give this one to KBF Dogmatix, leading all those hotheaded klingons back in the day wasn't easy and he did it greatl

Best Strategist, KAT Gook, if you never saw one of his campaign battleplans you don't know what you missed.

Most fun Wingman If you intend on living, Dizzy, always an adventure with him and he is prone to moments of sheer idiocy or sheer brilliance you never know which one you will get.

Most fun to fly with if your reserved to your fate, Maverick, your just as likely to kill or be killed by him than any opposition.

Most dedicated trooper tie between Deadman and Duck, neither one ever gives in both more stubborn than a mule.

Best for a good fight:  Tie, Vandemar Croup, she was always a tough opponent and never ran from a battle, also Duck he will stay and fight at high odds you can almost hear him laughing manically out the porthole.

Most daring pilot Soreyes, he jumps DNs with his DF fr fun, will wing with Maverick, and takes my bets about whether I can do something crazy in mission knowing he will suffer for it.

Best deepstriker, 3 way tie, Freedom, KBF Khemaraa, and the recently departed GFL Casca

Just tops in my book Frey and Bonk for doing all the dirty work that makes it all possible

And my ultimate award goes to:

Captain Jeff

He is in my mind the Best Player to represent the D2 if I had to choose, his honor is untarnished, he doesn't flame on the forums, he stays impartial in debates about the races and their ships, and he put together the top 2 servers ever IMHO, and hes alot of fun to fly with.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 02:15:14 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #75 on: July 25, 2006, 02:26:11 am »
Best Strategist, KAT Gook, if you never saw one of his campaign battleplans you don't know what you missed.

Don't sell yourself short there Chuut. Your planing during AOTK II was pretty good.   :thumbsup:

As for following Gooks Battleplans. Superb planing is always fun to follow ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #76 on: July 25, 2006, 05:39:12 am »
Best Strategist, KAT Gook, if you never saw one of his campaign battleplans you don't know what you missed.

Don't sell yourself short there Chuut. Your planing during AOTK II was pretty good.   :thumbsup:

Thanks Soreyes but everything I learned as far as planning came from Gook, well except for the animated awards, that was my own addition.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #77 on: July 25, 2006, 05:49:19 am »

And my ultimate award goes to:

Captain Jeff

He is in my mind the Best Player to represent the D2 if I had to choose, his honor is untarnished, he doesn't flame on the forums, he stays impartial in debates about the races and their ships, and he put together the top 2 servers ever IMHO, and hes alot of fun to fly with.

Holy cow !    I don't know what to say other then thank-you and that I am humbled by your kind words.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #78 on: July 25, 2006, 05:57:42 am »


3. Risky is the one to watch out for. Best way to beat risky is to bring a wing or a bigger ship.

hey cool i made someone's list.

aww man now i have to go practice to back it up...

and dont worry tobin, you're on my list right next to chuut and soreyes...darn drones keep scratching the paint...
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #79 on: July 25, 2006, 06:15:42 am »


3. Risky is the one to watch out for. Best way to beat risky is to bring a wing or a bigger ship.

hey cool i made someone's list.

aww man now i have to go practice to back it up...

and dont worry tobin, you're on my list right next to chuut and soreyes...darn drones keep scratching the paint...

I knew I forgot someone  ;D

Risky gets my award for the Best Pilot out of the Box.  By that I mean I never saw a guy who just started the game a short time ago get so good so quick, If you had been around as long as some of us you'd be giving Kougar a good run for his money  ;)