I'm glad to see so many remember me and that some even remembered I don't only fly ISC. Looks like I'll have to fly under my own name more when I fly other races on the D2

I can't give a list by race. I have fought so many people between Mplayer, GSA and the D2 I can hardly keep them straight anymore. All I can give you is a list of people who have impressed me in one way or another. There are many I could name that I know are good, but have never fought so this is not a "best" ranking.
Junkit iCop - Flew with him before he joined iCop, best damn wingman ever. We had a maneuver that you could patent, but I've never been able to find anyone else that could do it like him.
GT - Marcus - Only fought him a few times, never beat him.
Alsee - Same as Marcus, but I nearly beat him once.
Megafortress - A terrific all around pilot. I always hate when he is on the other side and am happy when he's on my team.
Captain Kirk iCop - Every time I met a player named Captain Kirk on Mplayer/GSA they sucked balls. I used to make a habit of killing them first in the most embarrassing way I could everytime one showed up. It was my hobby. One day Captain Kirk iCop stumbles in and I finally met one that deserved to take the name.
Die Hard - Can give or take orders equally well. Has that intuitive fighting style that allows him to know what to do and when to do it.
Direwolf - Taught me everything I needed to know about flying ISC (or any race for that ,matter) in one afternoon of sessions I watched what he did as he beat me all afternoon. By the end I had learned enough that by our next encounter I beat him every time. He was surprised and kicked it up a notch himself and we both got better for it. A very calculating and deft pilot.
Autolycus - Best damn time I ever had playing this game. Auto was just plain hilarious and a damn fine pilot!
DC Walleye - You don't even need voice comms with this guy, that's how good he is at team play.
Literally dozens of pilots on Mplayer (who's names I can't remember) before the D2 when there were 350 people on and fifty rooms to choose from. We had incredible battles too many to remember or list.