Topic: Hall of Fame all time opponents  (Read 31161 times)

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Offline Maverick

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2004, 02:55:11 am »
Alright little to tired to put to much brain power in this so it's just what pops into my head first...

1. DH
2. JV

1. Sears (I hardly ever fight klingons atleast I don't remember any other than Sears. He is only number one in a D5D though hehe)
2. Gotta mention Madelf never fought him when he was Klingon I don't think but you can't help mention him just because.
3. Of course Doggy for just plain and simple sabre dancing done the old fasion way he could do it flawless.

Rom:  Much like them my memories of fighting any Roms is non-existent

1. Chuut (Surprised the hell out of me he flys Gorn the best... When I blew up trust me I was very surprised hehehe)
2. Alfman (Never really fought Alfman but I've seen what he can do.)
3. Kroma (BF)
1. Mog
2. Mog
3. Mog

1. Corbo
2. Direwolf
3. Blade

1. Marcus
2. Marcus
3. Cougar

1. Mat (I'll never forget the 2v1 when I was klink God you suck)
2. Cougar
3. Chuut (Chucks rocks like a pro)

Favorite wingman:
All my clones have all my respect always a blast
The one that named me "The Human Planet Spear" and made sure to buy a plane ticket off the East Coast when he heard I was coming out ass...
Kroma is a riot always

Offline Maverick

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2004, 03:02:21 am »
BTW Gook this was a great idea for a thread surprised we've never seen it before a perfect thing for this group of guys. My compliments.

Offline Laflin

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2004, 04:48:04 am »
I just want to say that BBJ, NuclearWessels, Croup and especially Sten should all get far higher ratings as Lyrans than myself.  My forte is killing big cruisers with little Fed drone ships ( :-* DH).  My oldest and favorite opponent is Doggy - I haven't killed him yet, and to my knowledge, he hasn't gotten me, either.  We'll hafta see what the future holds... ;D   BTW the best wingman that I have ever had was Sten - believe me, it was a thing of beauty to watch us turn big ships into little pieces :)  Oh, and I guess Moggy is pretty good, too :P
« Last Edit: August 11, 2004, 09:27:16 am by Laflin »


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2004, 12:51:28 pm »
Fed: DH
Klink: MadElf or Saxon. Sears is always a fun fight too.
Rom: Cleaven! That bastard knows how to use the cloak to the max.
Hydran: Marcus
Gorn: Kroma
Lyran: Tough one - I would say either FireSoul, FireSoul, or FireSoul
ISC: Blade or Corb
Kzin: K'tujHegh (olden days) or Cougar (modern days)

Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2004, 01:26:17 pm »

I'm not on anyone's list!!!

Wait a minute...

Hmmmm... in order to guage the best pilots I've flown against, I'll try to remember who blew me up the fastest.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2004, 01:37:14 pm »
A lot of these captains could be crossed listed in other races. No doubt there are a slew of arguable choices... and I doubt a top 3 list would be sufficient to list them all, and lets not mention listing them in order probably shouldnt be done. Most are equally deadly.

And thanks for that Rom nod for me soreyes. ;) Glad to know my SG3/RDSL choice didnt go unnoticed. I never saw my name in the Kzin list. Guess its who ya know for this list club, hehe. And thanks for that blanket approval there, Krueg. I've kinda slid from being top of anything and more a jack of all trades, master of none I'm afraid. Taking a month off sure doesnt help either... hehe.

I'd have to agree with most of the choices listed above, and add that a few names have been missed. (gonna edit this part)

Do we have a 'Suck the most' list? (This is more my style thread... hehe. Plenty of opportunity for smack talkin!) I know a couple races I'd be a shoe in for that one. :D

Offline Strafer

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2004, 01:52:54 pm »

Lyran: Tough one - I would say either FireSoul, FireSoul, or FireSoul

Still sore from losing that BCE in the BattleFest, bud? ::)
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2004, 01:55:38 pm »
Of course, like all of you, I can only rank according to my own experience... but here goes.


1. 0Scotty0 (I can honestly remember people being excited if they managed to damage him before they died.)
2. TobinDax
3. Phoenix


1. Seki
2. KHH-Jakle
3. KHH-Shadowlord and KHH-Evil Kraven in a tie


1. Wisdom-iCoP (Watched a game film of him in an NHK taking on two undamaged BCF's after his wing made a terrible mistake and died in the first couple minutes. He waxed the two experienced Fed pilots. They could not believe it. Best Romulan pilot I have ever seen. And I have flown with quite a few.)
2. Pardek
3. AeHaILH


1. RedRightHand
2. Cobra
3. In my experience there has been no one on par with these two. And they were a team. Nearly unbeatable.


1. WildWeasel
2. PeetieTwo
3. Marcus
(All three are/were able to perform magic in this race.)


1. Wolverine (Master of the "Wolvey Shuffle")
2. Aragorn
3. Slider


1. Green
2. Legendary
3. NiHM


1. CaptainKirk-iCoP
2. [ISC] Phaser
3. Whippet

A very nice idea to bring this up. I just had a wonderful stroll down memory lane. Many thanks!
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Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2004, 02:19:33 pm »
Do we have a 'Suck the most' list? (This is more my style thread... hehe. Plenty of opportunity for smack talkin!) I know a couple races I'd be a shoe in for that one. :D

I know I would show up on a few of those...

How about "Those I've killed the most..."

A certain First-one would list me from that server alone.
AKA: Goose

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2004, 03:16:03 pm »
Some of these guys you may not know, as I knew them from the ladder leagues....

1>  3rd Phoenix, only guy I ever met who could beat my c7 in a bcf doing a castle.  I swear he could castle away an R torp.
2>  Pirate To Age(not this Age guy who posts in the forums), only fed to beat me twice in a row.  Knew his power management, and had incredible timing.
3>  Jem, in my opinion the best fed in the dyna.

1>  KBF Jacobyi.  Best pilot ever. 
2>  MoK Jedi Knight.  Damn good klink.
3>  KBF MuadDib, my wingman, got me killed more times than anyone else. ;D

1>  None

1>  Aragorn
2>  Anyone in a BCHP
3>  Anyone in a CWLP(really wanna fight Hexx in one)

1>  TOC-Bearslayer, always gives a real tough match, has driven me off a map in an even hulled battle...  will engage and scrap with anyone.
2>  Firesoul, better hydran than he realizes, and is willing to bust out ultimate IC cheese on ya ;).  Knows what he's doing.

1>  Agave, improving by leaps and bounds, always makes me work.  Has mastered using gorn PF
2>  Kroma, very similar to agave.  Very close too.
3>  Pegasi.  COnstant, neverending stream of plasmas.  Uses power extremely well, doesn't get caught empty.

1>  Wolverine iCoP, great guy, one of my buds.  We used to do speed 11 matches on GSA.
2>  Anyone in a CCZ
3>  Anyone with 16 Caveats and PPD.

1>  Chuut, always makes me work.  Real hard to finish off.
2>  DieHard.  I know he doesn't usually fly mirak, but he killed a c7 of mine.  Real good abilities on this guy.
3>  Fluf.  It's a sentimental pick, but the most epic battles I've had, and I'm sure alot of others have had, are with this guy.  Will stick it out and fight to the death with honor.

Floating pick, Dizzy.  Uses phasers, power, and shields real real well.  Always makes you work, and bust out any skills you've got.  Unfortunatley, almost all matches weve had have been in uneven hulls.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2004, 04:28:40 pm »
1. Mat (I'll never forget the 2v1 when I was klink God you suck)

Don't blame me, blame your wingman.

< snicker >

That was my first encounter with Dizzy on the dyna too I think. Didn't leave either of you off my list on purpose. If we had a ' Favorite race whore ' list, you'd both likely be on mine. T'was a great fight, and quite possibly the highest pucker factor for me ever in one mission.

BTW, have I mentioned you're my favorite AND most hated wingman of all time, kid? Never a dull
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2004, 04:35:21 pm »
3>  Jem, in my opinion the best fed in the dyna.

I'm honored, I'd have a list but I usually go poof before I can remember the names  ;D

Honestly I think there's just too many good pilots out there that I'll never be able to make of list of them
Capt. Jem

Offline alfman

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2004, 03:51:48 am »
My list of tough pilots

1.    Corbomite
1.5   Blade
2.     Blade
3.    Almost anyone in a CCZ


1. Corbomite (You made me look pathetic}
2. EmeraldEdge
3. Walleye
Honorable mention: Dave " Nuclear" Wessels


1. Madelf
2. Lord Saxon
3. Shadowlord


1. Mu
2-3 Die Hard and Dizzy


1. FireSoul
2. Mog
3. Sten


1 Marcus
2 762
3 deadman
(I haven't fought a lot of the other Hydrans)

Kzinti /Mirak

1. Brezgonne ( I know its a shock but I always liked the guy and he was good at what he did)
2  Chuut
3  Mat

1. Ssazzix
2. Kroma
3. Gwarlock
Although I have never been around a poor Gorn pilot. (or Romulan or Lyran{woops forgot about Hexx })

 P.S. I forgot to mention my FO, so here he is:

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2004, 03:05:28 pm »
My toughest opponents are difficult to classify by race.  Here, I will explain:

1) That one Fed kid on some server that kept drafting me into Ambush the Enemy in the interior while I was trying to get to the front.

2) That other Fed kid on another server...

3) Ibid


21) That one Klingon guy whom I blew up, then I crashed, then he stayed in the mission long enough for his crappy AI to beat my crappy AI, losing me my ship and starbase a half hour later.

22) That one Fed (maybe more than one) who followed me into missions for the sole purpose of getting more enemy AI on my tail while he fired normal photons at range 30 through a disadvantageous EM shift.

23) Those AI fighter pilots who just take off from my CVA's at the top of the Data Recovery mission and never return when I'm 8 hexes deep into the neutral on ArticFires.

24) The map edge.

25) Myself if I'm on a team.

Oh OK.  It's been so long since 've fought many people, I can't remember most of them.  With a lot of the really reputable pilots I eventually ran into, the mission exploded right away, or else it was him and his 2 friends in their B11K's with support escorts and an allied space monster or something against my NCL.  (This happened all the damn time with Doggy.)

The ones I remember pretty well are (and if I forgot you, I'm old):

John Vaughn.  I lost a lot more Fed v Fed games vs him than I won.  Damn him turning my 2.9 obsession against me in battleships.  Damn battleships too.

JM Morris.  Not only a great pilot, also a good motivator and hands on strategic coordinator.  He actually got people to go places and do stuff, as opposed to me who just told them to and didn't pay attention after that.

EE.  Bastard could really fly that K-DWL.  He only made one mistake in that old match that got logged, ending in a draw like 2 hours later thanks to my dogs whining at me..

Gow. Tenacious as hell, never gave up, and a good 6 o clock tail locker.  Funny too, esp. when he swears at his AI wings.

Gook.  I dunno why I sucked so much in a BCF vs. his stupid little Z-DWD.  I must have been drunk.

Myraid.  Calculating and patient.  Very patient.  Maddeningly annoyingly patient.  I always had drinks nearby after
my first couple matches against him in capital ships.

DH.  That rat bastard announced what I was going to do against him in an IP game, and told his wings how to compensate, and I changed my tactics and ate 75 internals on the pass.  My original idea would have worked better, since he was so busy reading my goddamn mind he forgot to watch his EM shift.  Hey, just remember me photoning your Hornets in those pre-CW Fed v Hydran destroyer warmups.  I've never heard anyone sound so astonished over an IP chat system.  :P

Valas (can't remember the name he used on ArticFire as the lonely outposting Gorn).  Played in so many games with him by now I should know what to expect.  Master of drawing you into his situation, which is usually in a nebula with an enveloping R hitting you from an impossible vector.

Dizzy.  Never actually fought against him, but I like his imagination and ability to get people really mad on a forum about a game almost nobody plays.  :P

Of course I've been blown up a lot recently in IP games, so there's more people who should be on here as well.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2004, 03:14:16 pm »

DH.  That rat bastard announced what I was going to do against him in an IP game, and told his wings how to compensate, and I changed my tactics and ate 75 internals on the pass.  My original idea would have worked better, since he was so busy reading my goddamn mind he forgot to watch his EM shift. 

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2004, 03:51:46 pm »
EE.  Bastard could really fly that K-DWL.  He only made one mistake in that old match that got logged, ending in a draw like 2 hours later thanks to my dogs whining at me..

Damn Mu I'd forgotten all about EE, now there was a pilot!

EDIT come to think of it most LOD were pretty cool pilots, whatever happened to them.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2004, 04:47:00 pm »
Cool thread.  My memory about these things isn't the hottest, especially when you start trying to think about everything since the inception of SFC...much less D2 warfare.  I'll try...

These will be guys who always give me a very tough match.  There will be some I can't name just because I'm limiting myself to 3 per race...


1. 9th Ghis  (had some very good matches against him, lost the only DN I ever lost to him in a match that could have gone either way)
2. F1AF-John Vaughn  (when he was in his prime and I was in mine, we were evenly matched. He never bagged me, I never bagged him)
3. Dizzy  (it was a toss-up for me between Dizzy, DH and Mu.  I chose Dizzy because I think he's better at more races)


1. Alfman  (have only fought him a couple times, but dude is definitely dialed in on how to fly Gorn...and other races)
2. GDA-Agave  (one of my favorite matches against a Gorn was against this guy..he's tenacious)
3. GDA-Gwarlock  (gotta give it up to Gwarlock...he'll make you pay for your mistakes)


1. KOTH-Matsukasi  (mah brutha has become dangerous in just about any race's ships, but he's nails as a Kzin)
2. KAT-Chuut Ritt  (well rounded captain who makes few mistakes)
3. KOTH-Cougar  (again...not too many matches against this guy, but he is technically sound and a tough customer)


1. GT-Marcus Smythe  (gotta go with this guy...probably the top Hydran captain I've faced)
2. RHA-Max Power  (I haven't flown gobs of missions against him, but they have all been nail-biters)
3. TOC-Bearlsayer  (expect everyhting, including the galley sink...a definite warrior...fought him first when he was a Fred)


1. KBF-Jacobyi  (helped teach me how to fly Klingon...never beat him...never)
2. KBF-MadElf  (Every bit as good as Jacobyi...a warrior...have only come close to beating him once)
3. KBF-Kol Korvus  (another one of my early mentors.  Very skilled...miss him lots)


1. Mog (aka Moggy, Mogdatix ;)  Nails in just about anything he flies.  I've never beaten him and I love flying with him)
2. FireSoul  (I really dread flying against this guy.  He's tenacious and makes few mistakes)
3. Hathor  (uses a differnet callsign these days, but he was a terror back in the day when he flew Lyran)


1. SPQR-Pardek  (another good multi-race flier, but probably most dengerous a Rom)
2. SPQR-Drall  (Haven't had many matches against Drall, but those I did have were very tough)
3. SPQR-Remiak  (on SG2, he made my pirate ship look stupid with his pirate ship...even hulls)


1. Blade_XC  (Good Klingon captain, awesome ISC captain.  I've never crushed Blade's hull 1v1...prolly never will...)
2. Corbomite  (as solid a master of this game-- with any race-- as you'll find)
3. Ming  (I simply hated flying my C8B against this guy's CCY on AOTK.  In a word, it "sucked.")

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2004, 05:24:38 pm »
Thanks Doggy, said the oither day I miss the Doggy and Moggy show :(

This is actually a hard one to answer, as on reflection, I haven't fought that many people, much to my surprise (time zones and being an OP player during the CW series).

Ghis - only fought him once, was outhulled (DNH to KCR) ended with me leaving the map, but he knew his stuff.
CaptJeff - gives me good tough fights.
DH - again outhulled, knows his stuff.

Cannot remember fighting many Klingons on D2 at all, nor Lyrans (Laflin a couple of times on AOTK).

Hydrans - I'm usually outhulled and outstarcastled here (Bear :p), and deadman gives me enjoyable fights.

Roms -
Remember a good plasma ballet with Zormorious.
Pardek and Swoop spring to mind as good.

GE-Raven - former fleetmate who gave me a hard time on RT3.
Gwarlock - very good pf user, not so good without them ;)
alfman - fought him as Kzinti on GW1 - he impressed me.

ISC - don't remember fighting many of you. Blade (BBZ v KCR, AOTK), definitely outhulled and outcasttled there, lol.

Fur-ocious - I miss him.
Chuut - come on leaps and bounds since we first met :)
Honourable mention goes to Fluffy, probably the most tenacious guy I've met here.

Mavvy ;)
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2004, 05:36:39 pm »
EE.  Bastard could really fly that K-DWL.  He only made one mistake in that old match that got logged, ending in a draw like 2 hours later thanks to my dogs whining at me..

Damn Mu I'd forgotten all about EE, now there was a pilot!

EDIT come to think of it most LOD were pretty cool pilots, whatever happened to them.

LOD changed their name to BVS(Black Viper Syndicate) before they faded completely away. I still see Nitro on gamespy from time to time though.


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2004, 05:38:47 pm »