Cool thread. My memory about these things isn't the hottest, especially when you start trying to think about everything since the inception of SFC...much less D2 warfare. I'll try...
These will be guys who always give me a very tough match. There will be some I can't name just because I'm limiting myself to 3 per race...
Federation1. 9th Ghis (had some very good matches against him, lost the only DN I ever lost to him in a match that could have gone either way)
2. F1AF-John Vaughn (when he was in his prime and I was in mine, we were evenly matched. He never bagged me, I never bagged him)
3. Dizzy (it was a toss-up for me between Dizzy, DH and Mu. I chose Dizzy because I think he's better at more races)
Gorn1. Alfman (have only fought him a couple times, but dude is definitely dialed in on how to fly Gorn...and other races)
2. GDA-Agave (one of my favorite matches against a Gorn was against this guy..he's tenacious)
3. GDA-Gwarlock (gotta give it up to Gwarlock...he'll make you pay for your mistakes)
Kzin1. KOTH-Matsukasi (mah brutha has become dangerous in just about any race's ships, but he's nails as a Kzin)
2. KAT-Chuut Ritt (well rounded captain who makes few mistakes)
3. KOTH-Cougar (again...not too many matches against this guy, but he is technically sound and a tough customer)
Hydran1. GT-Marcus Smythe (gotta go with this guy...probably the top Hydran captain I've faced)
2. RHA-Max Power (I haven't flown gobs of missions against him, but they have all been nail-biters)
3. TOC-Bearlsayer (expect everyhting, including the galley sink...a definite warrior...fought him first when he was a Fred)
Klingon1. KBF-Jacobyi (helped teach me how to fly Klingon...never beat him...never)
2. KBF-MadElf (Every bit as good as Jacobyi...a warrior...have only come close to beating him once)
3. KBF-Kol Korvus (another one of my early mentors. Very skilled...miss him lots)
Lyran1. Mog (aka Moggy, Mogdatix

Nails in just about anything he flies. I've never beaten him and I love flying with him)
2. FireSoul (I really dread flying against this guy. He's tenacious and makes few mistakes)
3. Hathor (uses a differnet callsign these days, but he was a terror back in the day when he flew Lyran)
Romulan1. SPQR-Pardek (another good multi-race flier, but probably most dengerous a Rom)
2. SPQR-Drall (Haven't had many matches against Drall, but those I did have were very tough)
3. SPQR-Remiak (on SG2, he made my pirate ship look stupid with his pirate ship...even hulls)
ISC1. Blade_XC (Good Klingon captain, awesome ISC captain. I've never crushed Blade's hull 1v1...prolly never will...)
2. Corbomite (as solid a master of this game-- with any race-- as you'll find)
3. Ming (I simply hated flying my C8B against this guy's CCY on AOTK. In a word, it "sucked.")