Topic: Hall of Fame all time opponents  (Read 31158 times)

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Offline Gook

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Hall of Fame all time opponents
« on: August 09, 2004, 04:07:06 am »
For each race who are your all time top enemy pilots.

It's real difficult in some areas as there are many Klinks who I fight the most often and Feds too, by the same token very few fights against easternraces ro Hydrans. Anyhow for what its worth.


1. Ghis
2. Mu
3. (God I hate this one, his ego is too inflated as it is  :) ) Dizzy


1. Squiggy
2. Khemarah
3. Dogmatix


1.-3 SPQRs but can't remeber which ones !!


1. Scipio
I can't remember any others


1. Skyawapa
2. Kzinbane
3. Longtooth


1. Pharoah
2. Corbomite (not sure which server, just have a recollection of running like hell)
3. Mazeppa (on CW6) Yeah I know he's a Klink normally, but gave me more grief as ISC


1. Hobbes
2. MaxPower
3. Chris Lee

The best Kzinti Pilots were in my mind Fantric, followed by Hades.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2004, 05:22:33 am »
Ok I'll bite



1. Ghis
2. John Vaughn
3. Die Hard

1. Squiggy
2. Mad Elf
3. Skull

1. Marcus Smythe
2. Chris Lee
3. Hobbes

1. Joltvee
2. Kroma
3. Alfman

1. Pardek
2. Mighty Guin (Zormorius)
3. Swooping Hawk

1. Direwolf
2. Corbomite
3. Blade

1. Mog
2. Firesoul
3. Skyawapa

For best Mirak pilots I'd have to say KOTH Cougar, KOTH Matsukasi, and KAT Hades, in no particular order.

**Note:  can't rank some pilots I never fought, and can't accurately rank opponents I haven't met in enough even matches with the exceptions of those who just made me look plain stupid.

P.S.   Special mention to KOTH Maverick for being my favorite wingman, not only great for P v P but also in ai missions where there is always a t-bomb barrage often in unique fashion, and someone may get rammed into a planet!
« Last Edit: August 09, 2004, 05:34:52 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

Offline Hexx

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2004, 06:04:00 am »
Don't know if I could do 3 of each.
I also don't know about rating them as the best, I still haven't flown lots (or in some cases any) PvP against some of the pilots mentioned
But my personal bogeymen would be..

1) Hippocrates (I think that was his name) -Always flew a CVA or SCS. Never managed to beat the guy.
    Annoying part was that he was always so frickin pleasant on chat when he was cutting me to pieces.
2) DH <-- As much as it shames me to admit it, I don't think I've ever beaten him or really come close in a 1 on 1.
(Guess I'm due on GW3)
3) Don't know if there's a third, Dizzy's never impressed me all that much, but then I've never really fought him when he's been a Fed so.

1) Squiggy - <- Squiggy and Sockfoot kinda showed me how to fly Kink ages ago ( Obviously I didn't listen very well) Played a couple of friendly games against them,never even cam close.
3) Again I'm not sure, Skull owned me flying Lyran so I'd hate to see him fly Klink, Mad Elf is supposed to be great but I don't think I've ever fough him in an "even hulled" battle. Doggy is good, but I'm not sure if I'd consider him the best (sorry Dog) - although to be honest the worst beating I've ever taken at the hands of two players was Dog and (I think) Kor. Between the two of them they completely cut me to pieces using Dizzies only, covered for each other perfectly and never once made a mistake that even let me get a good shot off.

- I'm going to hate myself for saying this but (for me) it's t00lboy. I'm cursed against the guy. I know Bear and others will be upset but 762 is just someone that seems to be able to pull a 2% HET or something else against me. There are Hydrans I've neever beaten , but he's the one I want.

-Haven't really fought against alot of Gorn

-Same as Gorn, Only time I really flew against Roms I was usinga BCHT so I won alot of fights.

-HAve utterly no idea.
Blade killed me lots, but he always had those Cav3's. I assume he'd smoke me anyways but I'd still like to try again someday.

1) Mog (another of those annoying people I don't think I've ever beaten)
2) Laflin
-FS is supposed to be great, but again I haven't really fought him alot in near even matched battles.

- Actually I don't know. Against Kzin I either seem to win, or screw up and get tractored . I can't think of any Kzin offhand that I haven't won against (or been killed by) althjough I'm sure the list is long.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2004, 07:51:16 am »
I'll fill in the rest later . . .


1. Chuut
2. Matsukasi

1. Mad Elf
2. Lord Saxxon
3. KHH-Jakle

1. Marcus Smythe
2. 762
3. Max

1. GE-Raven
2. Kroma
3. Alfman

1. Remiak

1. Corbomite
2. Blade
3. Hjets

1. Firesoul
2. Maverick (not kidding)
3. Wendigo
« Last Edit: August 09, 2004, 08:52:49 am by FPF-DieHard »
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2004, 08:00:16 am »
Well if thats the case Chuut, I'll just do a nibble ;D


1. Die Hard
2. Mu
3. C-Los


1. Mad Elf
2. Lord Kruge
3. Saxon


1. Max Powers
2. Deadman
3. 762


1. Alfman
2. Kroma
3. Agave


1. Pardek
2. Swooping Hawk
3. And believe it or not. Dizzy


1. FS
2. Mog
3 and 3.5. Laflin and Kzinbane


1. Blade
2. Corbomite
3. Pharaoh

As for Kzin. In no particular order, Gook, Chuut, Green, Mat, hades

[img width=600 height=150]


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2004, 03:08:23 pm »
I am the best pilot ever cuz no one dares take me up on my duel challenge posted last June. :D

BTW, I am also the best looking, best insensitive poster, best scripter, best atagonizer, best crapster, best ego-shatterer, best sandbagger, best conspirator,  best of the best debater Frog you'll ever meet.  8)

Basically, I'm the perfect CLASSIFIED officer...

*starts up Tina Turner "Simply the Best" CD*
« Last Edit: August 09, 2004, 03:20:52 pm by el-Karnak »

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2004, 03:23:32 pm »

BTW, I am also the best looking,

Like anyone is going to buy that load of BS.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2004, 03:34:06 pm »

BTW, I am also the best looking,

Like anyone is going to buy that load of BS.

"I am simply the BEST!! Better than all the REST!!  Better than anyone, you've ever met!!"


I am the best singer too. :D

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2004, 04:29:41 pm »
Anyone flying ISC should give you more grief...
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2004, 06:07:10 pm »

BTW, I am also the best looking,

Like anyone is going to buy that load of BS.

"I am simply the BEST!! Better than all the REST!!  Better than anyone, you've ever met!!"


I am the best singer too. :D


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2004, 06:21:27 pm »
I am. And harshest critic to boot.  :skeptic:

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2004, 08:54:13 pm »
A lot of the guys mentioned played(and retired) before I started 2 1/2 years ago, but since then(and in no particular order)....

Klink: War Sears, we can't ever have a server where he doesn't blow me up at least once, it's become a tradition. Even when I kill him, I come out of it shaking and sweating.


Lords Krueg and Saxon

Rommie: The entire SPQR(I prefer to stay on the Klink border when possible)


Walleye(he gives me fits in any race's ship)

Kzinti: Chuut Ritt



Bruce: Kroma


ISC: anybody in a CCZ

Lyran: Moggy



Hydran: I honestly can't remember ever flying against a regular in PvP on a server. If I'm wrong, I'm sure Deadman, 762, Bear or Max will remind me. ;)

Fed: I've rarely flown against these guys, but for a wingman in a serious PvP, these would be my first choices:

Jeff, Die Hard, Thrain, Aussie, Tracey, Sparty, or Hondo.

If it's just for fun, and especially if there's a humorous element:

Jeff, C-Los, Hondo, KRolling, SirX, and whenever he flies Fed, Mav. ;)
« Last Edit: August 09, 2004, 09:10:12 pm by Father Ted »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2004, 09:24:28 pm »
Looks at the above posts.

Well I guess it's time for me to get nasty.

I AM #1 Damn you all! ;D
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2004, 09:49:37 pm »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2004, 10:08:04 pm »
Wow, I've fought so many it's hard to remember (happens when ya get old  :P)
Chutt always gives a great fight. 762, Deadman, Diehard, Shogun, Doc, Scipio, Kroma...damn, so many worthy adversaries it's hard to remember them all.
I remember a great battle with Saxon vs Doggy(flying ISC) and Blade..? 2 CCz's vs 2 C7s. We wrecked Dog, but were forced to disengage.
Dizzy always gives a great fight.
Not usually fighting many Roms, I'm usually on the right side... ;)
I'm sure there have been many more I just cannot recall at the moment.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2004, 10:11:07 pm »
Looks at the above posts.

Well I guess it's time for me to get nasty.

I AM #1 Damn you all! ;D

Well your still my #1 boogie-man.

♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2004, 10:26:56 pm »


1.Capt Jeff
2.Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr DieHard


I would say Chuut but he is my B@#%h


1.Marcus <The guy is a Hydran Madelf>


1. Kroma
2. Scipio
3. ??




3.FireSoul I guess But I have never fought him.


1.Corbomite you made my list twice you bastard


1.Me Because Im my own worst enemy!!!
3.Nail because he is a Bastard

Favorite wing Nail and Maverick.
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Offline Walleye

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2004, 10:48:29 pm »
Fed: Capt.Kirk
Kling: JediKnight
Rom: 32nd-Pippen
Gorn: KendoRocket
Hydran: King Iceman_1867
Mirak: Pirate-Drakk
Lyran: BVS-Kingtutt
ISC: Scotty

Of all those I have fought over the years IMO these are the best. I have not fought everyone though.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2004, 12:35:31 am »
I would say Chuut but he is my B@#%h

LMAO now I understand this:

Btw:  If anyone is wondering why Sears couldn't be understood on Teamspeak tonight, this should explain it.......


rp/off  Always a good fight with you Sears, either on or off the forums.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2004, 01:10:28 am »
< scrapes together enough crumbs from Chuut's plate for another bite >


Fed - DH . Sadly, we haven't fought that often.

Klink - Do I have to pick just one? I love fighting all of you guys. Fine, I'll go with mah brutha Doggy.

Rom - The Mighty 'Guin . He's made me feel like such a chump at times.

Gorn - Kroma . Whenver he's in a BF, I get a twitch in my right cheek.

Hydran - Marcus . It's been ages since I've fought a Hydran though... unless you count t00lboy < snicker >

Lyran - I'm gonna go with Croup. I've lost to many of the regulars, but she's always so damn NICE about kicking me around.

Kzin - Cougar. Mad skillz. Honorable mention to Flufbot as the sentimental favorite opponent of alltime for me.


Forgot the ISC - sorry Blade.  ;D
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2004, 02:55:11 am »
Alright little to tired to put to much brain power in this so it's just what pops into my head first...

1. DH
2. JV

1. Sears (I hardly ever fight klingons atleast I don't remember any other than Sears. He is only number one in a D5D though hehe)
2. Gotta mention Madelf never fought him when he was Klingon I don't think but you can't help mention him just because.
3. Of course Doggy for just plain and simple sabre dancing done the old fasion way he could do it flawless.

Rom:  Much like them my memories of fighting any Roms is non-existent

1. Chuut (Surprised the hell out of me he flys Gorn the best... When I blew up trust me I was very surprised hehehe)
2. Alfman (Never really fought Alfman but I've seen what he can do.)
3. Kroma (BF)
1. Mog
2. Mog
3. Mog

1. Corbo
2. Direwolf
3. Blade

1. Marcus
2. Marcus
3. Cougar

1. Mat (I'll never forget the 2v1 when I was klink God you suck)
2. Cougar
3. Chuut (Chucks rocks like a pro)

Favorite wingman:
All my clones have all my respect always a blast
The one that named me "The Human Planet Spear" and made sure to buy a plane ticket off the East Coast when he heard I was coming out ass...
Kroma is a riot always

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2004, 03:02:21 am »
BTW Gook this was a great idea for a thread surprised we've never seen it before a perfect thing for this group of guys. My compliments.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2004, 04:48:04 am »
I just want to say that BBJ, NuclearWessels, Croup and especially Sten should all get far higher ratings as Lyrans than myself.  My forte is killing big cruisers with little Fed drone ships ( :-* DH).  My oldest and favorite opponent is Doggy - I haven't killed him yet, and to my knowledge, he hasn't gotten me, either.  We'll hafta see what the future holds... ;D   BTW the best wingman that I have ever had was Sten - believe me, it was a thing of beauty to watch us turn big ships into little pieces :)  Oh, and I guess Moggy is pretty good, too :P
« Last Edit: August 11, 2004, 09:27:16 am by Laflin »


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2004, 12:51:28 pm »
Fed: DH
Klink: MadElf or Saxon. Sears is always a fun fight too.
Rom: Cleaven! That bastard knows how to use the cloak to the max.
Hydran: Marcus
Gorn: Kroma
Lyran: Tough one - I would say either FireSoul, FireSoul, or FireSoul
ISC: Blade or Corb
Kzin: K'tujHegh (olden days) or Cougar (modern days)

Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2004, 01:26:17 pm »

I'm not on anyone's list!!!

Wait a minute...

Hmmmm... in order to guage the best pilots I've flown against, I'll try to remember who blew me up the fastest.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2004, 01:37:14 pm »
A lot of these captains could be crossed listed in other races. No doubt there are a slew of arguable choices... and I doubt a top 3 list would be sufficient to list them all, and lets not mention listing them in order probably shouldnt be done. Most are equally deadly.

And thanks for that Rom nod for me soreyes. ;) Glad to know my SG3/RDSL choice didnt go unnoticed. I never saw my name in the Kzin list. Guess its who ya know for this list club, hehe. And thanks for that blanket approval there, Krueg. I've kinda slid from being top of anything and more a jack of all trades, master of none I'm afraid. Taking a month off sure doesnt help either... hehe.

I'd have to agree with most of the choices listed above, and add that a few names have been missed. (gonna edit this part)

Do we have a 'Suck the most' list? (This is more my style thread... hehe. Plenty of opportunity for smack talkin!) I know a couple races I'd be a shoe in for that one. :D

Offline Strafer

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2004, 01:52:54 pm »

Lyran: Tough one - I would say either FireSoul, FireSoul, or FireSoul

Still sore from losing that BCE in the BattleFest, bud? ::)
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2004, 01:55:38 pm »
Of course, like all of you, I can only rank according to my own experience... but here goes.


1. 0Scotty0 (I can honestly remember people being excited if they managed to damage him before they died.)
2. TobinDax
3. Phoenix


1. Seki
2. KHH-Jakle
3. KHH-Shadowlord and KHH-Evil Kraven in a tie


1. Wisdom-iCoP (Watched a game film of him in an NHK taking on two undamaged BCF's after his wing made a terrible mistake and died in the first couple minutes. He waxed the two experienced Fed pilots. They could not believe it. Best Romulan pilot I have ever seen. And I have flown with quite a few.)
2. Pardek
3. AeHaILH


1. RedRightHand
2. Cobra
3. In my experience there has been no one on par with these two. And they were a team. Nearly unbeatable.


1. WildWeasel
2. PeetieTwo
3. Marcus
(All three are/were able to perform magic in this race.)


1. Wolverine (Master of the "Wolvey Shuffle")
2. Aragorn
3. Slider


1. Green
2. Legendary
3. NiHM


1. CaptainKirk-iCoP
2. [ISC] Phaser
3. Whippet

A very nice idea to bring this up. I just had a wonderful stroll down memory lane. Many thanks!
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Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2004, 02:19:33 pm »
Do we have a 'Suck the most' list? (This is more my style thread... hehe. Plenty of opportunity for smack talkin!) I know a couple races I'd be a shoe in for that one. :D

I know I would show up on a few of those...

How about "Those I've killed the most..."

A certain First-one would list me from that server alone.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2004, 03:16:03 pm »
Some of these guys you may not know, as I knew them from the ladder leagues....

1>  3rd Phoenix, only guy I ever met who could beat my c7 in a bcf doing a castle.  I swear he could castle away an R torp.
2>  Pirate To Age(not this Age guy who posts in the forums), only fed to beat me twice in a row.  Knew his power management, and had incredible timing.
3>  Jem, in my opinion the best fed in the dyna.

1>  KBF Jacobyi.  Best pilot ever. 
2>  MoK Jedi Knight.  Damn good klink.
3>  KBF MuadDib, my wingman, got me killed more times than anyone else. ;D

1>  None

1>  Aragorn
2>  Anyone in a BCHP
3>  Anyone in a CWLP(really wanna fight Hexx in one)

1>  TOC-Bearslayer, always gives a real tough match, has driven me off a map in an even hulled battle...  will engage and scrap with anyone.
2>  Firesoul, better hydran than he realizes, and is willing to bust out ultimate IC cheese on ya ;).  Knows what he's doing.

1>  Agave, improving by leaps and bounds, always makes me work.  Has mastered using gorn PF
2>  Kroma, very similar to agave.  Very close too.
3>  Pegasi.  COnstant, neverending stream of plasmas.  Uses power extremely well, doesn't get caught empty.

1>  Wolverine iCoP, great guy, one of my buds.  We used to do speed 11 matches on GSA.
2>  Anyone in a CCZ
3>  Anyone with 16 Caveats and PPD.

1>  Chuut, always makes me work.  Real hard to finish off.
2>  DieHard.  I know he doesn't usually fly mirak, but he killed a c7 of mine.  Real good abilities on this guy.
3>  Fluf.  It's a sentimental pick, but the most epic battles I've had, and I'm sure alot of others have had, are with this guy.  Will stick it out and fight to the death with honor.

Floating pick, Dizzy.  Uses phasers, power, and shields real real well.  Always makes you work, and bust out any skills you've got.  Unfortunatley, almost all matches weve had have been in uneven hulls.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2004, 04:28:40 pm »
1. Mat (I'll never forget the 2v1 when I was klink God you suck)

Don't blame me, blame your wingman.

< snicker >

That was my first encounter with Dizzy on the dyna too I think. Didn't leave either of you off my list on purpose. If we had a ' Favorite race whore ' list, you'd both likely be on mine. T'was a great fight, and quite possibly the highest pucker factor for me ever in one mission.

BTW, have I mentioned you're my favorite AND most hated wingman of all time, kid? Never a dull
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2004, 04:35:21 pm »
3>  Jem, in my opinion the best fed in the dyna.

I'm honored, I'd have a list but I usually go poof before I can remember the names  ;D

Honestly I think there's just too many good pilots out there that I'll never be able to make of list of them
Capt. Jem

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2004, 03:51:48 am »
My list of tough pilots

1.    Corbomite
1.5   Blade
2.     Blade
3.    Almost anyone in a CCZ


1. Corbomite (You made me look pathetic}
2. EmeraldEdge
3. Walleye
Honorable mention: Dave " Nuclear" Wessels


1. Madelf
2. Lord Saxon
3. Shadowlord


1. Mu
2-3 Die Hard and Dizzy


1. FireSoul
2. Mog
3. Sten


1 Marcus
2 762
3 deadman
(I haven't fought a lot of the other Hydrans)

Kzinti /Mirak

1. Brezgonne ( I know its a shock but I always liked the guy and he was good at what he did)
2  Chuut
3  Mat

1. Ssazzix
2. Kroma
3. Gwarlock
Although I have never been around a poor Gorn pilot. (or Romulan or Lyran{woops forgot about Hexx })

 P.S. I forgot to mention my FO, so here he is:

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2004, 03:05:28 pm »
My toughest opponents are difficult to classify by race.  Here, I will explain:

1) That one Fed kid on some server that kept drafting me into Ambush the Enemy in the interior while I was trying to get to the front.

2) That other Fed kid on another server...

3) Ibid


21) That one Klingon guy whom I blew up, then I crashed, then he stayed in the mission long enough for his crappy AI to beat my crappy AI, losing me my ship and starbase a half hour later.

22) That one Fed (maybe more than one) who followed me into missions for the sole purpose of getting more enemy AI on my tail while he fired normal photons at range 30 through a disadvantageous EM shift.

23) Those AI fighter pilots who just take off from my CVA's at the top of the Data Recovery mission and never return when I'm 8 hexes deep into the neutral on ArticFires.

24) The map edge.

25) Myself if I'm on a team.

Oh OK.  It's been so long since 've fought many people, I can't remember most of them.  With a lot of the really reputable pilots I eventually ran into, the mission exploded right away, or else it was him and his 2 friends in their B11K's with support escorts and an allied space monster or something against my NCL.  (This happened all the damn time with Doggy.)

The ones I remember pretty well are (and if I forgot you, I'm old):

John Vaughn.  I lost a lot more Fed v Fed games vs him than I won.  Damn him turning my 2.9 obsession against me in battleships.  Damn battleships too.

JM Morris.  Not only a great pilot, also a good motivator and hands on strategic coordinator.  He actually got people to go places and do stuff, as opposed to me who just told them to and didn't pay attention after that.

EE.  Bastard could really fly that K-DWL.  He only made one mistake in that old match that got logged, ending in a draw like 2 hours later thanks to my dogs whining at me..

Gow. Tenacious as hell, never gave up, and a good 6 o clock tail locker.  Funny too, esp. when he swears at his AI wings.

Gook.  I dunno why I sucked so much in a BCF vs. his stupid little Z-DWD.  I must have been drunk.

Myraid.  Calculating and patient.  Very patient.  Maddeningly annoyingly patient.  I always had drinks nearby after
my first couple matches against him in capital ships.

DH.  That rat bastard announced what I was going to do against him in an IP game, and told his wings how to compensate, and I changed my tactics and ate 75 internals on the pass.  My original idea would have worked better, since he was so busy reading my goddamn mind he forgot to watch his EM shift.  Hey, just remember me photoning your Hornets in those pre-CW Fed v Hydran destroyer warmups.  I've never heard anyone sound so astonished over an IP chat system.  :P

Valas (can't remember the name he used on ArticFire as the lonely outposting Gorn).  Played in so many games with him by now I should know what to expect.  Master of drawing you into his situation, which is usually in a nebula with an enveloping R hitting you from an impossible vector.

Dizzy.  Never actually fought against him, but I like his imagination and ability to get people really mad on a forum about a game almost nobody plays.  :P

Of course I've been blown up a lot recently in IP games, so there's more people who should be on here as well.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2004, 03:14:16 pm »

DH.  That rat bastard announced what I was going to do against him in an IP game, and told his wings how to compensate, and I changed my tactics and ate 75 internals on the pass.  My original idea would have worked better, since he was so busy reading my goddamn mind he forgot to watch his EM shift. 

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2004, 03:51:46 pm »
EE.  Bastard could really fly that K-DWL.  He only made one mistake in that old match that got logged, ending in a draw like 2 hours later thanks to my dogs whining at me..

Damn Mu I'd forgotten all about EE, now there was a pilot!

EDIT come to think of it most LOD were pretty cool pilots, whatever happened to them.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2004, 04:47:00 pm »
Cool thread.  My memory about these things isn't the hottest, especially when you start trying to think about everything since the inception of SFC...much less D2 warfare.  I'll try...

These will be guys who always give me a very tough match.  There will be some I can't name just because I'm limiting myself to 3 per race...


1. 9th Ghis  (had some very good matches against him, lost the only DN I ever lost to him in a match that could have gone either way)
2. F1AF-John Vaughn  (when he was in his prime and I was in mine, we were evenly matched. He never bagged me, I never bagged him)
3. Dizzy  (it was a toss-up for me between Dizzy, DH and Mu.  I chose Dizzy because I think he's better at more races)


1. Alfman  (have only fought him a couple times, but dude is definitely dialed in on how to fly Gorn...and other races)
2. GDA-Agave  (one of my favorite matches against a Gorn was against this guy..he's tenacious)
3. GDA-Gwarlock  (gotta give it up to Gwarlock...he'll make you pay for your mistakes)


1. KOTH-Matsukasi  (mah brutha has become dangerous in just about any race's ships, but he's nails as a Kzin)
2. KAT-Chuut Ritt  (well rounded captain who makes few mistakes)
3. KOTH-Cougar  (again...not too many matches against this guy, but he is technically sound and a tough customer)


1. GT-Marcus Smythe  (gotta go with this guy...probably the top Hydran captain I've faced)
2. RHA-Max Power  (I haven't flown gobs of missions against him, but they have all been nail-biters)
3. TOC-Bearlsayer  (expect everyhting, including the galley sink...a definite warrior...fought him first when he was a Fred)


1. KBF-Jacobyi  (helped teach me how to fly Klingon...never beat him...never)
2. KBF-MadElf  (Every bit as good as Jacobyi...a warrior...have only come close to beating him once)
3. KBF-Kol Korvus  (another one of my early mentors.  Very skilled...miss him lots)


1. Mog (aka Moggy, Mogdatix ;)  Nails in just about anything he flies.  I've never beaten him and I love flying with him)
2. FireSoul  (I really dread flying against this guy.  He's tenacious and makes few mistakes)
3. Hathor  (uses a differnet callsign these days, but he was a terror back in the day when he flew Lyran)


1. SPQR-Pardek  (another good multi-race flier, but probably most dengerous a Rom)
2. SPQR-Drall  (Haven't had many matches against Drall, but those I did have were very tough)
3. SPQR-Remiak  (on SG2, he made my pirate ship look stupid with his pirate ship...even hulls)


1. Blade_XC  (Good Klingon captain, awesome ISC captain.  I've never crushed Blade's hull 1v1...prolly never will...)
2. Corbomite  (as solid a master of this game-- with any race-- as you'll find)
3. Ming  (I simply hated flying my C8B against this guy's CCY on AOTK.  In a word, it "sucked.")

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2004, 05:24:38 pm »
Thanks Doggy, said the oither day I miss the Doggy and Moggy show :(

This is actually a hard one to answer, as on reflection, I haven't fought that many people, much to my surprise (time zones and being an OP player during the CW series).

Ghis - only fought him once, was outhulled (DNH to KCR) ended with me leaving the map, but he knew his stuff.
CaptJeff - gives me good tough fights.
DH - again outhulled, knows his stuff.

Cannot remember fighting many Klingons on D2 at all, nor Lyrans (Laflin a couple of times on AOTK).

Hydrans - I'm usually outhulled and outstarcastled here (Bear :p), and deadman gives me enjoyable fights.

Roms -
Remember a good plasma ballet with Zormorious.
Pardek and Swoop spring to mind as good.

GE-Raven - former fleetmate who gave me a hard time on RT3.
Gwarlock - very good pf user, not so good without them ;)
alfman - fought him as Kzinti on GW1 - he impressed me.

ISC - don't remember fighting many of you. Blade (BBZ v KCR, AOTK), definitely outhulled and outcasttled there, lol.

Fur-ocious - I miss him.
Chuut - come on leaps and bounds since we first met :)
Honourable mention goes to Fluffy, probably the most tenacious guy I've met here.

Mavvy ;)
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2004, 05:36:39 pm »
EE.  Bastard could really fly that K-DWL.  He only made one mistake in that old match that got logged, ending in a draw like 2 hours later thanks to my dogs whining at me..

Damn Mu I'd forgotten all about EE, now there was a pilot!

EDIT come to think of it most LOD were pretty cool pilots, whatever happened to them.

LOD changed their name to BVS(Black Viper Syndicate) before they faded completely away. I still see Nitro on gamespy from time to time though.


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2004, 05:38:47 pm »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #40 on: August 11, 2004, 06:54:49 pm »

1. WildWeasel
2. PeetieTwo
3. Marcus
(All three are/were able to perform magic in this race.)

Very good. Though Marcus says that Peetie was the best that was, so I'd put him first.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2004, 08:59:35 pm »
I'm glad to see so many remember me and that some even remembered I don't only fly ISC. Looks like I'll have to fly under my own name more when I fly other races on the D2  ;)

I can't give a list by race. I have fought so many people between Mplayer, GSA and the D2 I can hardly keep them straight anymore. All I can give you is a list of people who have impressed me in one way or another. There are many I could name that I know are good, but have never fought so this is not a "best" ranking.

Junkit iCop - Flew with him before he joined iCop, best damn wingman ever. We had a maneuver that you could patent, but I've never been able to find anyone else that could do it like him.

GT - Marcus - Only fought him a few times, never beat him.

Alsee - Same as Marcus, but I nearly beat him once.

Megafortress - A terrific all around pilot. I always hate when he is on the other side and am happy when he's on my team.

Captain Kirk iCop - Every time I met a player named Captain Kirk on Mplayer/GSA they sucked balls. I used to make a habit of killing them first in the most embarrassing way I could everytime one showed up. It was my hobby. One day Captain Kirk iCop stumbles in and I finally met one that deserved to take the name.

Die Hard - Can give or take orders equally well. Has that intuitive fighting style that allows him to know what to do and when to do it.

Direwolf - Taught me everything I needed to know about flying ISC (or any race for that ,matter) in one afternoon of sessions I watched what he did as he beat me all afternoon. By the end I had learned enough that by our next encounter I beat him every time. He was surprised and kicked it up a notch himself and we both got better for it. A very calculating and deft pilot.

Autolycus - Best damn time I ever had playing this game. Auto was just plain hilarious and a damn fine pilot!

DC Walleye - You don't even need voice comms with this guy, that's how good he is at team play.

Literally dozens of pilots on Mplayer (who's names I can't remember) before the D2 when there were 350 people on and fifty rooms to choose from. We had incredible battles too many to remember or list.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2004, 09:40:23 pm »
How did I make so many lists? There are at least 3 Gorn players still around that are better than me! Lots more is you count all-time lists. I remmeber playing on Mpig and being called 'that Crazy Gorn' , not ' He's a good pilot". Under a recent poll I came out better than Hexx, so there was some improvement. But to be included on so many peoples all time best Gorn pilots list makes me blush. :multi:

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2004, 11:12:56 pm »
I don't play.  (Can't get the moving and shooting thing down.  I keep J'inning myself).  But most of you I have heard of.

I can tell you that there are some of you that FireSoul has come out of a fight and been really impressed.  He's actually told me about some of them too!

Sometimes I watch.  The plasmas are so purr-ty.

If FS ever starts humming christmas carols over teamspeak, just run..

He's been doing that since he was in iCoP.

Good luck to you all!  I look forward to watching and hearing about the campaign!

*gets ready to take note of VCs, LOS, and all the other goodies so she has a vague idea of what is going on*

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2004, 11:33:57 pm »
Well here's my .00125 cents (adj. for inflation):

           MadElf - PF (pucker factor) 10 out of 10
           Kor- PF 8
           Dogmatix - PF 10
           Any KBF - PF 7
           SkullnBonez - PF 9

           JohnVaughn - PF 10
           Dizzy - PF 9
           CaptJeff - PF 8
           Ghis - PF 10
           TraceyG - PF 8

           VandemarCroup - PF 10
           Hexx - PF 4 (I own you)
           Jinn - PF 6

           Chuut - PF 10
           Fluf - PF 10
           Jinn - PF 8
           Gook - PF 9
           Maverick - PF9
           Mats 'Mr donuts' ukasi - PF 8

           Cleaven - PF 10
           Renegade - PF 10
           Any SPQR - PF 8
           benbean - PF 7
           Corbomite - PF 9

           Pharoah - PF 10
           Karnak - PF 9
           CA hull - PF 8
           BCH hull - PF 10

           Max Power - PF 10
           762 - PF 9
           Any RHA - PF 9

           Joltvee - PF 10
           Kroma in a PFT - PF 7
           Kroma in a BF - PF 8
           Kroma in a DNF - PF do these go to 11?
           Agave - PF 10
           Scipio - PF 9
           Chuut - PF 8
           Any GDA - PF 7
           Me (my own worst enemy) PF -10

« Last Edit: August 13, 2004, 07:26:12 am by Gwarlock »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2004, 09:31:13 am »
It's so hard to remember all the people that have come and gone. I'm sure there's other names I should remember too.

John Vaughn (Beat him one time before he knew about Lyrans, after that, he KNEW, and I never came close again.)
Laflin (Mr Escort)



Chuut Ritt
(More Mirak on the list because I always went chasing them more than others.)


I hate Hydrans.  ;D They all killed me.

Lyran (Most enjoyable wingmen)
Laflin (Don't get a big head though, just because you made the list twice.)
Hathor/Wendigo (From the old days, Hehe)

In particular, my best times in PvP have been the battles with Chuut and Gwarlock, we always seemed to be in a dead heat in our battles. So they would get my nod as the top two for me.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2004, 09:32:38 am »
I haven't really posted yet, here.. because I really didnt know how to approach it: ALL PvP was a challenge. However, there are a select few who've given me plenty of troubles.

My honorable mentions.. These are all recent since my being on the D2 is recent compared to many:

DM6: for always being there, munching at hexes, at the weeee hours of the morning.
DH: For flying some of the best starclastling I've seen..
Corbo and Dogmatix: when they flew ISC on SS2.. they were a major pain together in their CCZs..
Bear and 762: recently stomping around in DNs.. what WAS that. Are you guys gonna fly something smaller so that I can take you on within tolerable limits? :)
Fluf: tenacity. For the long long games we had. ;)

Well. The list will grow, I am sure.
This time I'm flying Klingon, so I hope I can make a name for myself in other races than Lyran. ;)

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2004, 09:45:12 am »
Well I will start from pure memory and reserve the right to edit as I remember more.

Fed - Give me time on this one.

Klink - Jedi

Rom - Novae used to give me fits (Seems somone forgot to tell him that the ol Eagle was outclassed by a G -CDD)

Lyran - Aragorn (hands down)
           Moggy gets and Honorable Mention here although he can fly anything well.

Hydran - Peetie and GZ (Mr. Hydran)

Gorn - Ssazzix (in a class by himself)
          Lots of other Honorable mentions...

ISC - Captain Kirk (One series made me come to hate the ISC)

Mirak - Have to think about this one as well...

Best guy I can think of as a "Fly anything" type is probably Golem.  Never saw a race he couldn't fly well...


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2004, 11:09:51 am »
I miss Golem and Polarbear/Galadriel a lot. Never did manage to persuade them to try D2 :( One of my favourite games with Gal as wingwoman was v Kreug and Saxon in the CB-MOK War. Classic hour long battle.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2004, 11:28:02 pm »
After that post I know who tripwire is..........

Damn, good to see you back!

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2004, 11:56:19 pm »
I miss Golem and Polarbear/Galadriel a lot. Never did manage to persuade them to try D2 :( One of my favourite games with Gal as wingwoman was v Kreug and Saxon in the CB-MOK War. Classic hour long battle.
Wow, you are that Mog?  :o <S> I remember many of the battles during the "War" with CB. I thnk the longest one was almost 2 hrs in a 3v3.
And, MoK won, as I recall... ;)
Some awesome battles in that series. Almost as Glorious as the Great War vs 3rd Fleet.
Lord Krueg
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #51 on: August 14, 2004, 12:16:38 am »
Golem has been hanging around SFC3 the last month or so. :o
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2004, 04:54:56 am »
I miss Golem and Polarbear/Galadriel a lot. Never did manage to persuade them to try D2 :( One of my favourite games with Gal as wingwoman was v Kreug and Saxon in the CB-MOK War. Classic hour long battle.
Wow, you are that Mog?  :o <S> I remember many of the battles during the "War" with CB. I thnk the longest one was almost 2 hrs in a 3v3.
And, MoK won, as I recall... ;)
Some awesome battles in that series. Almost as Glorious as the Great War vs 3rd Fleet.

Yup, was me. And yes MOK did win, eventually. I was up till 10am trying to beat the remainder of you guys by myself, after the rest of CB had either been knocked out or went to bed. Lost in the final 130 mid game; if I'd gotten past that, it left the 2 good Gorn BPVs . Was so close, and good fun.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #53 on: August 14, 2004, 12:11:57 pm »
Hmmm so I actuallt got a vote for most enjoyable wingman and one from Gwar for Lyran... but only with a PF of 4.
-Now I *think* I know who Trip is... but what's up with Gwar?
Must be getting soft in his old age...
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #54 on: August 14, 2004, 10:33:46 pm »
Chuut - come on leaps and bounds since we first met :)

Well, I'd have to say you had alot to do with that Moggy..... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

along with KATs Hades and Furocious KOTHs Matsukasi and Maverick GT Marcus Smythe and a few ideas from elsewhere as well.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2004, 12:29:20 pm »
this seems as good a thread as any to begin my socializing here... 

For those of you that don't know me... i go by many names, the most famous being Hathor, Wendigo, and my current alias

here's my list...

Feds-  Ghis and John Vaughn

Klingons- Lords Saxon and Krueg and pretty much any KBF

Hydrans-  Bearslayer, Chris Lee, 762, dm6

Lyrans-  Kzinbane, myself, Croup

Gorn-  Kroma, Scipio, Gwarlock

Kzin-  most of the KOTH fleet w/ honorable mention to Fluf

Rom-  all of SPQR if they exist

ISC-  Pharoah, Blade, Corbomite

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #56 on: August 15, 2004, 02:52:09 pm »
I can't come up with a all time best-opponents list, because there have been too many.

I'm a mid-skill player at best.  All of the players I beat are now saying either "Crap", "He had a better ship", or "He got lucky".  Any of those responses would be accurate.   

For all the players I lost to (long list), they are now saying "Duh, he's a mid-skill pilot on a good day".

No matter the response ... I really enjoy the game and enjoy conversing with all of the players here.  I hope D2 sticks around for a long, long time.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #57 on: August 15, 2004, 06:44:23 pm »
WOOT im on someones list and its not the usuall one ! ;D lets see my list

Klink. most times on the same side, KBF guys all are skilled warriors!

Feds.   Hippo in a CVA, he was really tough.
          DH aways a good battle.
          Gris also very tough.

ISC. Blade, Hjets, Ming, really hard to beat...long battles.
Mirak. Fluf in a CVA , god he was always a thorn in my side  ;)
         any of the KOTH/KAT bunch can be dangerous!

Lyran. dont usually come up against Lyrans, but much respect to those that fly em :thumbsup:
Gorn. Gwarlock,Agave, Doc,  and a real pain Kroma.. always long hard battles ..

Hydran. ChrisLee,Dopler, Deadman, god i hate to go up against these guys!

Rom. Swoopinghawk, Cleaven, much better than I, wouldnt want to face em in battle :notworthy:


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #58 on: August 16, 2004, 03:52:54 pm »
I'm glad to see so many remember me and that some even remembered I don't only fly ISC. Looks like I'll have to fly under my own name more when I fly other races on the D2  ;)


I just put ya there because you flew that (seemingly) a lot for a while.  Since you fly lots of races and fly them well, you're another one that could go just about anywhere, but for the purposes of this exercise, you had to go somewhere...heheh.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #59 on: August 17, 2004, 04:07:40 pm »
2. FireSoul  (I really dread flying against this guy.  He's tenacious and makes few mistakes)

That's one hell of compliment, Doggy. ;)
I'm flying coalition for the entire GW series of servers, which means I'll be a klingon this time. I am looking towards flying with you, hopefully as wingmen for a few times. ;)

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2004, 04:36:23 am »
You can wing me anytime ya holler, FS. 

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #61 on: August 20, 2004, 08:41:19 am »
Thanks for the post, This will make my list of those to kill a little easier. Boost as you will ,it only adds juice and favor to the kill. No ones the best, youve all died one time or another and will die again and again. The only thing that was posted here that was the best was the Slave Girls. I'll take one of those green Hotties anytime. :o :P :P :P

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #62 on: August 20, 2004, 11:48:53 am »
Well, I wont bother to seperate pilots by their race and I will only mention 3 pilots when I could mention 100. The reason I mention these 3 in particular is because in my opinion they flew with not only skill but with honour. When doing terms they really didnt care, they didnt have to have their PET ships to beat you with they could beat you with anything.
Sorry that I dont know more of you Dyna pilots as these are old GZ league players..

JOCOBYI (I remember when in a 3v3 match up I was lucky to be called on to fly with Seki and Jacobyi, during ship selection on Team Spake I belive Jacoybi refused to fly the AD5 when it only cost 120 BPV calling it cheese and took the D5K instead..Now that is BALLS)

GOLEM. One of the hardest guys I have ever met to pull a tran n pac move on, a very nice person to fly with or agaisnt.

Aragorn. You could name just about any terms you wanted and he would take you up on the offer and fly, the best thing about Aragorn is that he flew for the game..not the win. The fact he won most of the time was just a bonus.

As I said there are many many others out there that deserve mention however those 3 get credit for being able to stand out at any BPV in almost any race.


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2004, 11:54:41 am »
2. FireSoul  (I really dread flying against this guy.  He's tenacious and makes few mistakes)

That's one hell of compliment, Doggy. ;)
I'm flying coalition for the entire GW series of servers, which means I'll be a klingon this time. I am looking towards flying with you, hopefully as wingmen for a few times. ;)

I look forward to it, man.   Anything is going to be better than having my #4 chewed up by you...heheh.

Ugh...I haven't played the game in about 2 1/2 months.  I should be pretty pathetic when the shooting
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2004, 03:08:24 pm »
Here foes my list


1. Ghis (Just a Nasty Damn Fed)
2. Vaughn
3. Hippocrates


1. Mad Elf
2. Sears (No Matter Gow many ships he loses hehe)
3. The rest of my KBF Brothers that are still here and those that left Kor,Gow, Squiggy......etc


1.Walleye (Deadly in a KCR and a good pilot)
2.Pardek (Good rom pilot even though I am still going too snip his ears for being the Green blooded bastard)
3.And any other SPQR including the Kilt wearing Bastard Scotsman Ben)  ;D




3.Sten (As well the Rest of the GPF)


1. S'Faret
2. Doka
3. The rest of the GDA


1. Chuutt (Trys so hard too Be a Bastard but will never be) ;D
3. Fluf


2.Chris Lee

Many other nameswho all deserve credit. But these ones come too mind first.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #65 on: July 24, 2006, 01:58:27 pm »

Wow - just tripped across this in a search, bumped it 'cuz it's great to recall some of these folks!


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #66 on: July 24, 2006, 05:22:35 pm »
Just took the time to edit mine... Made some changes...


1. DH - I think he is more skilled than I. He has a few notable standouts for a few other races, but if compared to his skill as Fed, they are lackluster. Truly puts the  'Magic' in Photons.
2. Azteca - This dude simply pisses me off. I dunno if it's me or him, but all 4 or 5 of our last battles where he flew fed against me has seen my tactics go horribly wrong. Azteca is a good captain, but something about him brings out my worst...


1. Without a doubt, Madelf. This soab has such natural skill when it comes to playing Klink that it disgusts me. Klingon design just fits his playing style better than any race which he is pretty good at all    as well. But not that good. Other than that, I havent met a klink I haven't owned.

2. Duck puts the D in Dangerous. Course we all know he's a quack... but you ever try playing chicken with him and you'll be the one to end up in the oven.


1.- Pretty sure it was Remiak. Easily able to take however long it takes to wear you down and take advantage of a mistake no matter how small you might make, it will be your last. It took a phone call for me to beat him. Remember that Remiak? It came so close that even a single phaser hit could have called it mid battle. A long time Rom, practice+patience makes perfect.


1. Hrmmm. Plenty of great captains here, S'Cipio, Kroma, Alfman, Agave, Gornrule, Doc... another slips my mind. They are all comparable. But I know of not one who really stands out the most. It's probably the gorn ships... Slow Flying boxes (BF not included)... Nothing so special about them... Not remarkable at all. Perhaps that is their charm. Dull them may seem, but those gorn regulars know something we dont mb and always give a nasty fun fight.

2. Dfly. This dude has the fluf toilet. He wont get up from a fight no matter how long it takes. He plays defensively and waits to take advantage of a mistake... and just keeps waiting till you make one. To win... you gotta make a mistake intentionally and fake him out maybe. But he can usually see that coming. Very frustrating opponent in any ship he flys.


1. Back in the day of the CW, Rooks and 1st Slave Girl servers, there were quite a few good ones and making a choice would be easier then, but nowdays, and I think Lyrans have just been poorly represented and marketed throughout past servers which had the detrimental effect of limiting their player numbers so there arnt many Captains to choose from, pity. They have waxed and waned so many times, I dont know of any excellent regulars. There are those occasional standouts... Just cant pick one. (See Mog below)

2. Those FSD guys I hear are pretty good. Havent flown against them afaic. But I'm planning to this next server SGO6! So I'll just have to fill this in later.


1. Easy: Blade. Without a doubt. He's my kinda player. Cocky, occasionally unpredictable, and able to change tactics to fit any situation. He can alter his play stlye at whim. Easily the most adaptable ISC player out there who knows both offensive and defensive tactics to the extreme no matter who or what the opponent ship may be. He is evil in that he will either completely own you or let you think you have a chance so you keep coming back for more, mocks you each time you die and he just keeps killing you over and over and over. I hate him, I luv him. I think he raises his brow and smiles when you get the upper hand on him, but then he takes it to another level and makes you pay.

2. DH aint bad. But fed ships and isc boats are about the same.

3. Risky is the one to watch out for. Best way to beat risky is to bring a wing or a bigger ship.


1. Marcus. He knows Hydran inside and out. Makes fewer mistakes than you and evetually you lose. Most dont survive 2x passes. Got too big for his breeches during our fights and made his name stand out. With that kinda notoriety, peeps took notice and didnt let their guard down vs him. Unfortunately, these harder fights just made him better. :(

2. 762 thinks he's good. I think he's too cautious. But occasionally he does flash his balls.


1. Chuut. He's not particularly great, but he doesnt suck either. I choose him because his missiles hit ratio on me is higher than anyone else. He knows how to take it home and make it count. He lacks one crucial tactic. He has a hard time luring a player back into the middle of the map so he can kill him rather than run him off. Course, that may be due to him playing strategically using the server disengagement rule. Chuut also has done wonders to quash the stigma that Kzin's only know how to fly cheese boats by using real Mirak ships. Kudos Chuut.

2. Matsukasi is under rated. Perhaps cuz he doesnt play as much as the other nutters. I'm still writing a story bout me, Mav and Matsukasi's nine lives.  :notworthy:

3. Fluf knew how to fly DN's and chuck lotsa drones while chasing you off the map. Pretty straightforward tactic and it worked.

4. Brezgonne liked flying fleets of MDC's. He'd still be good if server rules would let him be.

Tholian: Mav ;)

Orion: Hrmmm. Someone help me here... I'd say Mav or DH, cuz they give good fights in them, but havent had the pleasure of many Orion opponents.


EDIT: Tracey G. - Till some recent combat experience with her, I'd have said she was fairly typical of any Fed player, but I've come to a different opinion of her now. She is of the few Fed captains who actually KNOW just how far she can push her ships vs me w/o getting killed. Totally frustrating. When I think I have the upper hand she is a step ahead of me. Gives a good fight... isnt afraid of pushing a bad position if the payoff is good so she makes you work it. If you dont respect her, she will show you the exit quite quick.

Mog - I keep hearing how good he is. afaik, I've never run into him despite him being a regular. Perhaps I have fought him under his using a pseudo name, but it has never come to my attention. Pity we havent met on opposite sides. (Edit: Reminded me he beat me 2-0 on GSA. But afaik, no Dyna vs him.)

Kim - If you think about it, she fights like every Fed should. If she doesnt get the upper hand quick, she saves her ship and gets out. She fights like every fed should fight. ;) She is a notch above the rest with her chivilrous approach to battle. Her attitude and demeanor makes Klinks look like the dogs they really are.

Frey - Uses voice comm commands to do most of his mouse clicking. He is as lazy as any SFC cap could ever be. But that doesnt make him bad. He's quite good only because he plays so automated.. ;)

Corbomite - The best of the best. The Top Gun of any list. Ever. If you ever saw the light of day in a battle with him, he would be the nightmare that lurketh within the shadow your ship would cast. Get away... far away. Fools are those who dont fear him.

Kougar - The gutsiest player I have ever seen. He knows how and isnt afraid to trade and get in a better punch. That's why you lose playing him... cuz you know you can land a good hit and therefore take it. But his always hit harder and hurt worse.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #67 on: July 24, 2006, 07:07:43 pm »
Help for Dizzy with best peirate.   "Shadowlord" As tony soprano he  left the rest of the pack behind in pvp kills on Herr Burts' econ server.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #68 on: July 24, 2006, 07:17:36 pm »
Hey Tobin lets not forget me,..

The guy with the least amount of actual server play time, with the big mouth  :)

And God speed to the departed Casca, let his name live on in this here Hall of Fame !

Amen, ah smoke

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #69 on: July 24, 2006, 07:41:52 pm »

Most underated player?  Let the flaming begin.... "TobinDax"

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #70 on: July 24, 2006, 07:56:58 pm »
And the worst player here is...(drumroll please?)

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #71 on: July 24, 2006, 08:28:45 pm »
John Vaughn. I dont know why he's topped so many lists. Can someone eplain it to me>?

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #72 on: July 24, 2006, 09:39:49 pm »
John Vaughn. I dont know why he's topped so many lists. Can someone eplain it to me>?

The guy was something else. He taught me how to fly Fed properly. I still pull a few boneheaded decisions out of my pocket, but he was inspiration in a Fed DN. Jeff, DH and I are the only guys who still have that 'devil may care' attitude when it comes to flying a Fed capitol ship. They're both far better pilots than I am, but between the beer and the chat on TS, I hold my own. ;) But I'm still waiting for DH to curse himself out on TS for losing a DN. 

As for the rest of the bunch, if C-Los doesn't show up in the morning so Jeff and I can make whip-cracking noises, half the fun is lost. Hooch. I miss him and his leadership. Ditto for Wanderer. And Kim. My darling with the sultry Southern accent. We need to copyright her voice.  :rollingpin:

BTW: If you've seen the SSCF, call 1-800-MISS-YOU. The FPF, 9th, and 1AF can only do so much....

PS: Best Fed Wingman: Thrain. He's deadly, but when we wing, he can anticipate my moves. The best wingman you would ever want.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 09:55:54 pm by Father Ted »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #73 on: July 24, 2006, 10:38:39 pm »
LOL Diz, compared to u Genghis Khan was too cautious.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #74 on: July 25, 2006, 02:04:01 am »
My list refreashed.

Federation, Die Hard hands down
Klingon, again a no brainer MadElf
Romulan, I'd say Pardek but all the SPQR were great
Gorn, I give the wave to S'cipio after he embarrassed me last encounter, but if it involves PFs Agave is the Lizard
Hydran, Marcus Smythe, incredible pilot, 762 is up there as well
ISC, Corbomite one of the vey best
Lyran, Mog back when he was playing regularly
Kzin, without a doubt KOTH Kougar, honorable mention to KOTH Matsukasi and Tobin Dax

Best of the Best, Kougar he can fly any race at the higest level

Best Leader, I give this one to KBF Dogmatix, leading all those hotheaded klingons back in the day wasn't easy and he did it greatl

Best Strategist, KAT Gook, if you never saw one of his campaign battleplans you don't know what you missed.

Most fun Wingman If you intend on living, Dizzy, always an adventure with him and he is prone to moments of sheer idiocy or sheer brilliance you never know which one you will get.

Most fun to fly with if your reserved to your fate, Maverick, your just as likely to kill or be killed by him than any opposition.

Most dedicated trooper tie between Deadman and Duck, neither one ever gives in both more stubborn than a mule.

Best for a good fight:  Tie, Vandemar Croup, she was always a tough opponent and never ran from a battle, also Duck he will stay and fight at high odds you can almost hear him laughing manically out the porthole.

Most daring pilot Soreyes, he jumps DNs with his DF fr fun, will wing with Maverick, and takes my bets about whether I can do something crazy in mission knowing he will suffer for it.

Best deepstriker, 3 way tie, Freedom, KBF Khemaraa, and the recently departed GFL Casca

Just tops in my book Frey and Bonk for doing all the dirty work that makes it all possible

And my ultimate award goes to:

Captain Jeff

He is in my mind the Best Player to represent the D2 if I had to choose, his honor is untarnished, he doesn't flame on the forums, he stays impartial in debates about the races and their ships, and he put together the top 2 servers ever IMHO, and hes alot of fun to fly with.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 02:15:14 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #75 on: July 25, 2006, 02:26:11 am »
Best Strategist, KAT Gook, if you never saw one of his campaign battleplans you don't know what you missed.

Don't sell yourself short there Chuut. Your planing during AOTK II was pretty good.   :thumbsup:

As for following Gooks Battleplans. Superb planing is always fun to follow ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #76 on: July 25, 2006, 05:39:12 am »
Best Strategist, KAT Gook, if you never saw one of his campaign battleplans you don't know what you missed.

Don't sell yourself short there Chuut. Your planing during AOTK II was pretty good.   :thumbsup:

Thanks Soreyes but everything I learned as far as planning came from Gook, well except for the animated awards, that was my own addition.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #77 on: July 25, 2006, 05:49:19 am »

And my ultimate award goes to:

Captain Jeff

He is in my mind the Best Player to represent the D2 if I had to choose, his honor is untarnished, he doesn't flame on the forums, he stays impartial in debates about the races and their ships, and he put together the top 2 servers ever IMHO, and hes alot of fun to fly with.

Holy cow !    I don't know what to say other then thank-you and that I am humbled by your kind words.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #78 on: July 25, 2006, 05:57:42 am »


3. Risky is the one to watch out for. Best way to beat risky is to bring a wing or a bigger ship.

hey cool i made someone's list.

aww man now i have to go practice to back it up...

and dont worry tobin, you're on my list right next to chuut and soreyes...darn drones keep scratching the paint...
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #79 on: July 25, 2006, 06:15:42 am »


3. Risky is the one to watch out for. Best way to beat risky is to bring a wing or a bigger ship.

hey cool i made someone's list.

aww man now i have to go practice to back it up...

and dont worry tobin, you're on my list right next to chuut and soreyes...darn drones keep scratching the paint...

I knew I forgot someone  ;D

Risky gets my award for the Best Pilot out of the Box.  By that I mean I never saw a guy who just started the game a short time ago get so good so quick, If you had been around as long as some of us you'd be giving Kougar a good run for his money  ;)

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #80 on: July 25, 2006, 06:18:08 am »

And my ultimate award goes to:

Captain Jeff

He is in my mind the Best Player to represent the D2 if I had to choose, his honor is untarnished, he doesn't flame on the forums, he stays impartial in debates about the races and their ships, and he put together the top 2 servers ever IMHO, and hes alot of fun to fly with.

Holy cow !    I don't know what to say other then thank-you and that I am humbled by your kind words.

Funny thing is Jeff I've been thinking about exactly that for the last few days, but I didn't know how to go about posting it, the resurfacing of this thread was a sign, so i was very happy to post that about you.  You are simply the very tip top as far as representing what this game and this community is about.   :thumbsup:

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #81 on: July 25, 2006, 06:58:40 am »
OK, let me see if I can come up with some names... This thread was probably supposed to be just about PvP players, but I'm going to include others that added to the community as a whole, some of them not good at all in PvP  ;)

Feds:  Ghis, Jogn Vaughn, MU, DH, Wanderer, Hooch, Tanked-Up, Hippocrates, LuckyFed, Pnemonic81, sure to add more...

Klingons:  Dogmatix, Kor, Lord Krueg, Lord Saxxon, Warsears, Khmerra, pretty much anyone in the KBF.

Romulans:  Benbean, Remiak, Drall, anyone flying for SPQR.

Lyrans:  Mog, Chuut(Damn that BCHT !!), Kzinbane, Sten, BBJ, Hexx.

ISC: Corbomite, ChaoticIllusion, Pharoah, Blade, Frey.

Gorn:  Kroma, Agave, GWarlock, Scipio.

Hydran: Shadow Seraph, Max Power, 762, Deadmansix, Marcus, Chris Lee, Bearslayer.

Kzinti: Gook, Chuut, Matsukasi, Soreyes, Fluf, J'inn, pretty much anyone in KAT or KOTH.

Good at all races:  Dizzy, Chuut

Bonk and Frey for keeping things going.

Evil Dave, Tracey, and Karnak for providing fun missions.

BBJ, Skull-n-Bones, and the rest of Canada West/SFC2.NET that really pumped out fun campaigns on EAW in the beginning.

People who donated to the D.Net fundraiser.

People that have ever hosted a campaign.

And last, but not least......the active 1AFer's that still make my mornings fun  (C-Los, Deadman, FatherTed, Grim).

« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 05:11:40 am by Capt Jeff »
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #82 on: July 26, 2006, 12:10:20 am »
Thank you for all who included me on their lists.

My list is vast in who I respect in this game....

Just about everyone who posted for starters and a lot of guys who aren't around anymore...

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #83 on: July 26, 2006, 12:19:05 am »

Good at all races:  Dizzy, Chuut

Undeserved in my case, I'm pretty decent with a couple, ok with a few and I mean "ok" as in average, and I really suck as a Hydran (I think the only one I ever killed with a Hydran was Dizzy, twice  ;D).

As for Dizzy he does deserve it despite what i said about him above.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #84 on: July 26, 2006, 12:20:28 am »
Except Hexx, he runs too much to fight... even when I have a smaller ship....

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #85 on: July 26, 2006, 10:02:01 am »
Except Hexx, he runs too much to fight... even when I have a smaller ship....

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.

So once you sort through all the drivel you spout you're saying the best time you've had on the D2 was listening to DH pee .

You're kinda a sick puppy you know.

(claim I run away from smaller ships will you)
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #86 on: July 26, 2006, 11:54:53 am »
That was a PAL- Bear.  ;D

Firesoul had a L-DNL and Duck had a C8B (I think). I think it was MiniMe in the D5D?

And that WAS an awesome fight - GW2's Battle of Midway.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #87 on: July 26, 2006, 12:23:03 pm »
1. Ghis
2. John Vaughn
3. Die Hard

1. Jacobyi
2. Mad Elf
3. Kol Korvus

1. Marcus Smythe
2. Chris Lee
3. Hobbes

1. Joltvee
2. Kroma
3. Alfman

1. Pardek
2. Zormorius
3. SPQR Remiak

1. Direwolf
2. Corbomite (one of the best pilots I knew is just about any race's ship)
3. Blade (Damn fine Klingon, too)

1. Mog (Nails as a Klingon, as well)
2. Firesoul
3. Skawpya

1. Matsukasi
2. Chutt-Ritt
3. Cougar

There were some damn fine pilots I didn't mention because I narrowed the list to three per race. 

Much love to the many fine pilots who flew my wing and made me look halfway decent while doing it.   ;D

BTW..I challenged myself to try this again even though I knew I had posted in this thread before.  I've gone back to see how consistant I was with my first post.  Not bad...goes to show that some of the choices were very close/tough.

Hi guys, BTW.   8)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 12:39:07 pm by KBF-Dogmatix_XC »
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #88 on: July 26, 2006, 12:25:57 pm »

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.

This was the greatest battle in D2.  3 Hours long with no lag either  :)
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #89 on: July 26, 2006, 01:03:17 pm »
Hey doggy. Long time no see. You oughtta drop in for SG6. Cool things happening.

And there is John Vaughns name again. I dont understand why he's listed. Someone explain it to me please.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #90 on: July 26, 2006, 01:06:20 pm »
I've beaten most of the "top" players at one time or another and don't make any lists (except Jeff's- obviously the man's a genius)

Still, players I haven't managed to beat that are still (?) active or notable..

DH- for whatver reason the few times I've managed to fins him he's either flying some stinking plasma boat or one of us has a ship that completely outclasses the other. I was going to fly Fed for SG6, but looks like I'll have to go coalition.

Duck - I don't think I've beaten him..come close,yes.. but close doesn't cut it. The last close to even BPV match up we had (C7 vs my BCHP) he cut me to pieces. I flew poorly yes (as is myusual excuse) but the film was one I made myself watch. Not sure I scored more than a few internals on him.

Dogmatix (what's with the "D"s???) - Was in on one of the greatest beatings I've ever taken (and I've had one or two) ..don't remember who he was winging with, but Dog and another KBFer had a 2v1 against me, despite a superior ship size they simply killed me.
I kept that film for a long time, they flew almost as if one person was contolling both ships, and I don't even think they were on voice.
I wish I could remember who he was flying with- but the two of them covered each other perfectly.

Mog- Damn his hide. Claims we're about even in PVP, but I'm sure it's the smoke in his eyes. Think I'm actually like 1-40 vs him.

Sten- Damn leaving the game bastard. Fought me Lyran vs Lyran just before he left (when I thought I was getting decent. Showed me just how much I had (have) to learn.

Kroma- God I loathe him. After what seemed like an hours long fast plasma boat duel I kinda almost killed him. I lost, but felt really good about myself until I found out he'd been flying completely hammered the whole time. Blind stinkin drunk and he still killed me.

Players I'm not sure what the fuss is about...

Dizzy-while admittedly a better all round pilot than me . I'm not sure why he's beaten so many people. If I'm not at 50/50 in PVP fights with the guy (and I admit I'm probably not) it's close. Maybe I've just been lucky.
(Or maybe I'll be getting whupped on SG6.. have to wait and see)

t00l -Yes, I admit he scared me as well for awhile. The secret is -bring something with lots of transporters.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #91 on: July 26, 2006, 01:10:00 pm »
t00l -Yes, I admit he scared me as well for awhile. The secret is -bring something with lots of transporters.

Nah, the secret is dropping shuttles!

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #92 on: July 26, 2006, 03:47:21 pm »
Hey doggy. Long time no see. You oughtta drop in for SG6. Cool things happening.

And there is John Vaughns name again. I dont understand why he's listed. Someone explain it to me please.

JV and I go WAY back.  Every time we fought, we always seemed to be in even matched ships and the battles were always slugfests.  He was a very good Fred pilot...never saw him fly anything else.  He was a very good tractician and I couldn't find any flaws in his game the times I faced him and from what I saw of his abilities.  The guys I listed were probably always my toughest fights vs. Freds. 

Of course, are good at several different races..I could have listed you in any one of several spots, but I always seemed to choose the race specialist over the guy who could do it all.  Corbomite (to me) was hand-down one of the best pilots in the game, period...but I always identified him as Frog, since that's what he flew most when I flew with him and the number of really stand-out guys in that race was small (as least as far as I can recall).  The guys I listed for the ISC were guys you knew were good, not just because of their was them.[/]

Consider this a more than honorable mention of your talents.  I'd put you with along with any of the people I have listed for Fred, Lyran and Rom.  Not sure I ever faced you as any other races.  I know you're a competant Klingon pilot, but the ones I listed are better (in my opinion).

I didn't list Hippocrates for for Freds, either...and that guy was nails, as well.  Captain Jeff...also very good, though (as I believe Chutt pointed out), his talents go way farther than just what he can do in game.  Good pilot, awesome person. 

As for SG6...I've been reading the thread.  It does sound interesting and I am enticed to check it out, but after not touching the game in almost two years, I'm sure I'd really do poorly.  EVE has wrecked  I do miss Klingon boats...more and more all the time.  Who knows..maybe this will be the one.

I know almost nothing of what has happened to this game in the past 23 months, though.  I think this is only the fourth time I've come back to the fora.

Damn good to see you guys, though.  I'm always amazed to see that you're still here...   :o
Dogmatix, XC, KBF
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #93 on: July 26, 2006, 04:02:53 pm »
At some point I'd love to get detailed about John Vaughn. Since you go WAY back with him, you can champion him since he isnt here. I have just got to tell the story of my 1st canada west server experience. I always wondered what those servers were all about. Haha, I thought they were all just a buncha canucks on the west coast, lol. CW4 was the 1st CW I played. And I flew Klingon for the 1st time as well. In fact, I just happened to have my 1st PvP encounter vs a fed and that fed just happened to be good ole Johnny boy. I still remember BBJ telling me I wasnt allowed on CW4... my reputation as a flame whore preceded me and he simply thought I was a trouble maker, lol. I convinced him otherwise and played more CW servers everafter and met a whole buncha cool peeps you included. I think that server I befriended you for the 1st time, Doggy.

Anyways, yeah, SG6 has cool stuff. Lotsa things are ironed out. Its real easy to get started now... Not too much hassle to reinstall and get going. Soon Ill post a Players rules for sg6. It will be very short concise and easy to follow. The current posted rules are more legalities for the RM's to use and probably scares the hell out of casual players.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #94 on: July 26, 2006, 04:24:09 pm »
I've beaten most of the "top" players at one time or another and don't make any lists (except Jeff's- obviously the man's a genius)

Still, players I haven't managed to beat that are still (?) active or notable..

DH- for whatver reason the few times I've managed to fins him he's either flying some stinking plasma boat or one of us has a ship that completely outclasses the other. I was going to fly Fed for SG6, but looks like I'll have to go coalition.

Duck - I don't think I've beaten him..come close,yes.. but close doesn't cut it. The last close to even BPV match up we had (C7 vs my BCHP) he cut me to pieces. I flew poorly yes (as is myusual excuse) but the film was one I made myself watch. Not sure I scored more than a few internals on him.

Dogmatix (what's with the "D"s???) - Was in on one of the greatest beatings I've ever taken (and I've had one or two) ..don't remember who he was winging with, but Dog and another KBFer had a 2v1 against me, despite a superior ship size they simply killed me.
I kept that film for a long time, they flew almost as if one person was contolling both ships, and I don't even think they were on voice.
I wish I could remember who he was flying with- but the two of them covered each other perfectly.


Hexxypoo , you forgot Dfly, fitting right in with the Ds, never been beaten by you yet. ;D

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #95 on: July 26, 2006, 04:39:15 pm »

As for SG6...I've been reading the thread.  It does sound interesting and I am enticed to check it out, but after not touching the game in almost two years, I'm sure I'd really do poorly.  EVE has wrecked  I do miss Klingon boats...more and more all the time.  Who knows..maybe this will be the one.


It would Honor the Coalition greatly if you even so much as made an apperance, sir.  ;D
And I'm sure it'd be just like riding a bike.  ;)
You can always come knock off the rust on The Forge in preperation.

Besides, it's well known EVE causes Brain Rot...
Better get away from it while you still can!  :P
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 04:51:45 pm by KBFLordKrueg »
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #96 on: July 26, 2006, 04:42:15 pm »
"Hexxypoo , you forgot Dfly, fitting right in with the Ds,"

D for Dax  ;D
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #97 on: July 26, 2006, 05:17:54 pm »

DH- for whatver reason the few times I've managed to fins him he's either flying some stinking plasma boat or one of us has a ship that completely outclasses the other. I was going to fly Fed for SG6, but looks like I'll have to go coalition.

Am I going to have to start posting Hexx-Sniff films again?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Hexx

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #98 on: July 26, 2006, 05:40:04 pm »
Hexxypoo , you forgot Dfly, fitting right in with the Ds, never been beaten by you yet.

D for Dax 

Hmmm didn't I kill both of you on Sgwhatever?
I'm pretty sure I did... (damn going to have to starts writing these down.. stupid brain)

You've probably just blocked the trauma out of your mind.
(and if not..what is it with the "D"s ???)

Am I going to have to start posting Hexx-Sniff films again?

Please, in every film you've got you've either had a bigger ship/had a wing/ or I was flying plasma.
*hopes the collection of snuff pics has finally been deleted*

In any event looks like I'm not going to get to fly Fed for SG6..grrr
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #99 on: July 26, 2006, 09:27:05 pm »

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.

This was the greatest battle in D2.  3 Hours long with no lag either  :)

Second greastest at best, Hexx capturing t00l was without a doubt the best, years in the making.  Payback is hell  ;D

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #100 on: July 26, 2006, 11:48:28 pm »
Wow, good to see this thread alive and kicking. Such great memories.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #101 on: July 27, 2006, 12:24:40 am »
What boy wonder said.
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #102 on: July 27, 2006, 01:07:06 am »
I have had my share. Croup topped my list. She was hell on wheels flying Lyran.

Though, she could not take out a little DWDm. :)

She scared the hell out of me w/ those ESGs.

Her mistake was not following through and killing me. :)

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #103 on: July 27, 2006, 05:51:58 am »

John Vaughn started around CW4ish and was only around a year or so.  He flew for the 1AF and was part of the old "Federation Jedi's".   He was a simply outstanding player especially considering he was blind in one eye and had use of only one arm due to injuries he suffered serving our country in Gulf War 1.
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #104 on: July 27, 2006, 10:52:12 am »
John Vaughn started around CW4ish

Ok, then that explains it. Thanks. I caught him not too long after he started playing... You see, after that CW, I went on and started working with Rook and then Maxtorps and the Chaotic Galaxy servers and then the 1st Slave Girl server. So mb I played one more CW after number 4... There were two crowds. The slower speed 7 EAW guys and us speed 9 freaks. I didn't hang with you guys long enough to be part of the legends crowd. What's funny is that there are more EAW folks still around than OP guys it seems.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #105 on: July 27, 2006, 03:27:51 pm »
so that is who Vaughn was.  I am glad someone gave a description as I remember playing with and against someone of that description but not having a name to it.  He was very good.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #106 on: July 29, 2006, 04:38:24 am »
There were some damn fine pilots I didn't mention because I narrowed the list to three per race. 

Much love to the many fine pilots who flew my wing and made me look halfway decent while doing it.   ;D

BTW..I challenged myself to try this again even though I knew I had posted in this thread before.  I've gone back to see how consistant I was with my first post.  Not bad...goes to show that some of the choices were very close/tough.

Hi guys, BTW.   8)

Time for your Geritol, Old Fart :).  And Hexx, you know the reason Sten left is because you finally broke his will - no man could bear training your incompetent butt. :P


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #107 on: July 30, 2006, 12:09:36 am »
Quote from: Capitaine Jeff
Evil Dave, Tracey, and Karnak for providing fun missions.

I made a list. Cool.  8)

*Doing the happy, happy frog dance*

FWIW, I think that I remember chasing off Hexx one time. He said my I-CAY was on steroids or something like that.  :huh:

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #108 on: July 30, 2006, 01:59:39 am »
Quote from: Capitaine Jeff
Evil Dave, Tracey, and Karnak for providing fun missions.

I made a list. Cool.  8)

*Doing the happy, happy frog dance*

FWIW, I think that I remember chasing off Hexx one time. He said my I-CAY was on steroids or something like that.  :huh:

Well, take pride, there was this mission with me and agave and u and DH where you played brilliantly...

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #109 on: July 31, 2006, 01:44:06 am »
Quote from: Capitaine Jeff
Evil Dave, Tracey, and Karnak for providing fun missions.

I made a list. Cool.  8)

*Doing the happy, happy frog dance*

FWIW, I think that I remember chasing off Hexx one time. He said my I-CAY was on steroids or something like that.  :huh:

Well, take pride, there was this mission with me and agave and u and DH where you played brilliantly...

Oh lord, looks like the cover-up has started already.

Karnak and DH did win this battle, but I think it had more to do with one of those famous dizzy "oh, I"m so gonna kill DH now" moments.   We had them right where we wanted them, and then *POOF*  the advantage was gone (along with dizzy's ship of course)

One thing you gotta say, it's never boring winging with dizzy.   ::)

STILL bewildered
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #110 on: July 31, 2006, 03:14:48 pm »
Quote from: Capitaine Jeff
Evil Dave, Tracey, and Karnak for providing fun missions.

I made a list. Cool.  8)

*Doing the happy, happy frog dance*

FWIW, I think that I remember chasing off Hexx one time. He said my I-CAY was on steroids or something like that.  :huh:

Well, take pride, there was this mission with me and agave and u and DH where you played brilliantly...

Oh lord, looks like the cover-up has started already.

Karnak and DH did win this battle, but I think it had more to do with one of those famous dizzy "oh, I"m so gonna kill DH now" moments.   We had them right where we wanted them, and then *POOF*  the advantage was gone (along with dizzy's ship of course)

One thing you gotta say, it's never boring winging with dizzy.   ::)

STILL bewildered

I am still trying to figure out why y'all concentrated fire on me in the F-BCF instead of DH in the F-DNH thingie?

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #111 on: July 31, 2006, 04:56:17 pm »
Because his DNH woulda died if we coulda got u outta the way. After we crippled you... we couldnt quite finish u off... When agave came in for a pass to finish u after I died, his plan was to escape. Apparently... your BCF survived 238+ drones and still managed to put in a last ditch salvo as agave came round to slow him enough to where DH could finish him b4 he disengaged. You shoulda died half a dozen times. Talk about a frog with nine lives...

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #112 on: July 31, 2006, 05:34:54 pm »
I don't know if he Deserves this but to me he certainly does and that is Pestalence as a former fleet mate of mine for a short while any how he deserves it from what I have heard and Jem as well as Tracey G.I will say DH but he has been mentioned on a few times and was alway impatient and never trusted me with an OOB ship.I really enjoyed my short time with those of the FPF if the dyna 2 lives for some more years yet I hope to fly with them again if they are still doing it.I still have a lot to learn about playing on the Dyna.What about F9th Dorod?

  I would mention as I never seen him fly but heard a lot about his flying and not ot be biased on the the side of the Alliance but I will say IKV Nemesis.That was a nice post you made back there Dizzy I can't get it to far back.You all know the reason I am not on the Dyna yes Guild Wars but not only that is to do with the EFF and Moderating STG.Congratulations to all the rest who were mentioned.It sounds like you guys had some great times together.

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #113 on: July 31, 2006, 05:36:49 pm »
sounds like you guys had some great times together.

You can't put it a better way. ;)


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #114 on: July 31, 2006, 07:50:30 pm »
Because his DNH woulda died if we coulda got u outta the way. After we crippled you... we couldnt quite finish u off... When agave came in for a pass to finish u after I died, his plan was to escape. Apparently... your BCF survived 238+ drones and still managed to put in a last ditch salvo as agave came round to slow him enough to where DH could finish him b4 he disengaged. You shoulda died half a dozen times. Talk about a frog with nine lives...

Oh yeah, I remember now. Agave kept eating my Plasma Fs.  On every pass, I just kept repairing the Pla-F launchers and kept chucking them out at Agave.  I also forgot to repair my shuttle bay, which I lambasted myself over later cuz I might have needed the WW. I always forget about those WWs.

After a few passes Agave was moving off slowly and I told DH that I won't last another pass and need help ASAP. Then, all of sudden, on TS,  DH said with complete surprise that "Agave is dead, he's dead, he's dead, etc."; and, went in to finish him off. I managed to get a SP out of my belatedly repaired shuttle bay, but when it spawned Agave lost his ship.

I should have kept a film. That was a fun game. :D
« Last Edit: July 31, 2006, 08:10:34 pm by el-Karnak »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #115 on: July 31, 2006, 08:08:47 pm »

I should have kept a film. That was a fun game :D

Grab it while my server is powered on :)
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #116 on: July 31, 2006, 11:52:16 pm »

On a side note, I think the best battle I have had on a server the past year or so was when t00l (in a H-PAL+), DH (in a RN+), and I (in a LM or LB) took on Firesould (in a L-DNH), Krueg (in a K-DN, sorry, don't remember the designation), and another in a K-D5D (sorry, can't remember who that was)

It was the infamous peeing in a cup battle for DH.... and ended up in a stunning victory for us as took down all three ships.

This was the greatest battle in D2.  3 Hours long with no lag either  :)

Flashbacks from the fight....

"Don't leave me alone with Firesoul."
"Don't leave me alone with Firesoul."
"Don't leave me alone with Firesoul!"

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #117 on: August 01, 2006, 03:32:33 am »
Guild Wars

stop farmin for greeens for a week or two and get on a dyna camp
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

Offline SPQRDrall

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #118 on: August 01, 2006, 01:59:20 pm »
Please remove any and all references of the SPQR from this thread.

They never existed.

The SPQR is a fabrication of the enemies of the Empire created only to create confusion and mis-representation of the Truth.

Please disregard any such information.

Ministry of the Truth
Romulan Empire 


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #119 on: August 01, 2006, 02:40:09 pm »
Good to not see you Drall.  ;D

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #120 on: August 01, 2006, 03:11:27 pm »
Please remove any and all references of the SPQR from this thread.

They never existed.

The SPQR is a fabrication of the enemies of the Empire created only to create confusion and mis-representation of the Truth.

Please disregard any such information.

Ministry of the Truth
Romulan Empire 

That explains why I don't see any of the SPQR listed in the SGO6 Coalition forums...they must all be cloaked!  :P
It would be great to not see you guys again on a server... :P

Seriously, though...this would be a great chance to bring them back online during SGO6.
See appropriate forum threads, sir.  ;)
Lord Krueg
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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #121 on: August 01, 2006, 08:49:35 pm »
Guild Wars

stop farmin for greeens for a week or two and get on a dyna camp
I will but I am not farming for greens if I could get lucky again as I was anyway I am working on my Guild and Chars.I do miss those camps.I need to talk to Wanderer and Pestalence as well.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #122 on: August 01, 2006, 10:30:59 pm »
Please remove any and all references of the SPQR from this thread.

They never existed.

The SPQR is a fabrication of the enemies of the Empire created only to create confusion and mis-representation of the Truth.

Please disregard any such information.

Ministry of the Truth
Romulan Empire 

Drall man great to hear from you bro!

Are you coming back to play any?  Be great to see you, come fly some Gorn with me.  Its about time you winged up with S'Cipio and Agave instead of always figthing those long duels with the Gorn.  Some SPQR among the Gorn pilots and it will be the best plasma armada ever assembled.  S;Cipio's wife is a Romulan so you could be her personal military force, I know you'd find it hard to resist representing a noble and sexy Romulan lady  ;)

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #123 on: August 01, 2006, 10:34:33 pm »
Please remove any and all references of the SPQR from this thread.

They never existed.

The SPQR is a fabrication of the enemies of the Empire created only to create confusion and mis-representation of the Truth.

Please disregard any such information.

Ministry of the Truth
Romulan Empire 

Drall man great to hear from you bro!

Are you coming back to play any?  Be great to see you, come fly some Gorn with me.  Its about time you winged up with S'Cipio and Agave instead of always figthing those long duels with the Gorn.  Some SPQR among the Gorn pilots and it will be the best plasma armada ever assembled.  S;Cipio's wife is a Romulan so you could be her personal military force, I know you'd find it hard to resist representing a noble and sexy Romulan lady  ;)

Hey, I asked him first, bastage!  :P
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #124 on: August 01, 2006, 10:45:57 pm »
Please remove any and all references of the SPQR from this thread.

They never existed.

The SPQR is a fabrication of the enemies of the Empire created only to create confusion and mis-representation of the Truth.

Please disregard any such information.

Ministry of the Truth
Romulan Empire 

Drall man great to hear from you bro!

Are you coming back to play any?  Be great to see you, come fly some Gorn with me.  Its about time you winged up with S'Cipio and Agave instead of always figthing those long duels with the Gorn.  Some SPQR among the Gorn pilots and it will be the best plasma armada ever assembled.  S;Cipio's wife is a Romulan so you could be her personal military force, I know you'd find it hard to resist representing a noble and sexy Romulan lady  ;)

Hey, I asked him first, bastage!  :P

Actually I asked him back on IDSL, Drall was flying Kzin as part of the Wild Geese and was complaining about not knowing how to fly the Kzinti ships well and I tld him to fly with us for a whole campagn and I'd teach him.  He said he really preferred plasma but thanked me for the offer then invited me to fly Romulan with him for a whole server.  I made a compromise suggestion  that we both fly Gorn together, he keeping his plasma and I keeping my Alliance ties. He said that that was an interesting idea abd that perhaps we might do so on a future server, although he didn't formally commit.

So you see I DID ask him first  ;)

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #125 on: August 01, 2006, 11:01:09 pm »
He's going to deny all this you know...

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #126 on: August 02, 2006, 08:46:41 am »
Please remove any and all references of the SPQR from this thread.

They never existed.

The SPQR is a fabrication of the enemies of the Empire created only to create confusion and mis-representation of the Truth.

Please disregard any such information.

Ministry of the Truth
Romulan Empire 

Drall man great to hear from you bro!

Are you coming back to play any?  Be great to see you, come fly some Gorn with me.  Its about time you winged up with S'Cipio and Agave instead of always figthing those long duels with the Gorn.  Some SPQR among the Gorn pilots and it will be the best plasma armada ever assembled.  S;Cipio's wife is a Romulan so you could be her personal military force, I know you'd find it hard to resist representing a noble and sexy Romulan lady  ;)

Hey, I asked him first, bastage!  :P

Actually I asked him back on IDSL, Drall was flying Kzin as part of the Wild Geese and was complaining about not knowing how to fly the Kzinti ships well and I tld him to fly with us for a whole campagn and I'd teach him.  He said he really preferred plasma but thanked me for the offer then invited me to fly Romulan with him for a whole server.  I made a compromise suggestion  that we both fly Gorn together, he keeping his plasma and I keeping my Alliance ties. He said that that was an interesting idea abd that perhaps we might do so on a future server, although he didn't formally commit.

So you see I DID ask him first  ;)

You tell 'em Chuut.   I would love to have Drall fly with us for a server.   After I primarily flew Romulan on the last 1 (or 2?) server(s) in the GW server series, it would be great to have some Rom pilots try their hand at flying Gorn.   It would be a blast!!

Think about it.    ;)
One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
Gorn Dragon Alliance - Protecting Ghdar and the Bruce Way!

Gorn Dragon Templar
"Protecting the roads to Brucedom for all travelers of faith"

Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #127 on: August 02, 2006, 03:17:53 pm »
Of course, like all of you, I can only rank according to my own experience... but here goes.


1. 0Scotty0 (I can honestly remember people being excited if they managed to damage him before they died.)
2. TobinDax
3. Phoenix


1. Seki
2. KHH-Jakle
3. KHH-Shadowlord and KHH-Evil Kraven in a tie


1. Wisdom-iCoP (Watched a game film of him in an NHK taking on two undamaged BCF's after his wing made a terrible mistake and died in the first couple minutes. He waxed the two experienced Fed pilots. They could not believe it. Best Romulan pilot I have ever seen. And I have flown with quite a few.)
2. Pardek
3. AeHaILH


1. RedRightHand
2. Cobra
3. In my experience there has been no one on par with these two. And they were a team. Nearly unbeatable.


1. WildWeasel
2. PeetieTwo
3. Marcus
(All three are/were able to perform magic in this race.)


1. Wolverine (Master of the "Wolvey Shuffle")
2. Aragorn
3. Slider


1. Green
2. Legendary
3. NiHM


1. CaptainKirk-iCoP
2. [ISC] Phaser
3. Whippet

A very nice idea to bring this up. I just had a wonderful stroll down memory lane. Many thanks!

Duck and Kraven a tie?  :huh:     

Peenix was good as long as he got to dictate what ship his opponent was flying in terms.....take him out of his game and he's just another fed stinking of sheep

my own list

1-Shogun (This was Kravens daytime buddy that regularly kicked Kraven's A$$) I think he was in DIF
2-Peenix (as long as he could get his way in terms)

1-Seki (or Jaco)
2-Jaco (or Seki)

all MoK

1-Aragorn (any race)
2-Crimson Knight

all RaK

1 MagnumMan (any race )
2-Capt Kirk (even though he was a real whiner when he lost)
3-Wisdom iCoP

all iCoP

1-Sassixx(did I get his name right?...ask Duck about the tourney we took 2nd place cause of me...argggg)
2-Peetie Two
3-Golem (honorable mention to his buddy Mars)

both from GE I think

1-PGC-Graakna ("Delta is delta")
2-PGC Beaver
3-PGC-Graaks buddy(....I forget) Phynniris (now I remember)

« Last Edit: August 03, 2006, 12:54:52 pm by KHH-MiniMe »

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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #128 on: August 02, 2006, 07:19:03 pm »
  I forgot KBF Crim he seems to like me for some reason always behind me or tauting me.I still have plans on repaying you back what you did to me on the server with that KD6U and me in War DD.

  Diehard get your server power back up.I want that film.


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Re: Hall of Fame all time opponents
« Reply #129 on: August 02, 2006, 09:46:58 pm »

I should have kept a film. That was a fun game :D

Grab it while my server is powered on :)

Thanks. I got the film!! :D