Well I didn't meet my late July release goal. Course I never said what year

Good news is while I havn't been able to work on it for over a week, I had some time to rethink some stuff.
All the race slots had been changed, but the Feds were still very much stock. No more, I well be redoing arc degrees and perhaps quanity for the primaries. I also have a neat idea how to make the Defiant a very unique and powerful ship as portrayed in 1st contact and other shows.
I also will be dividing the shuttles up into 3 different types. Some will be almost as powerful as an FF. The races that have corvettes will have less shuttles available. This will make the game smoother, also help the AI a bit since the AI only launches 1 shuttle unless your hull is at 50%.
Not giving a new estimate on release date. When its done its done. Just about every aspect of the game will be changed to some degree.