theSea was a great person to have around. I also miss Blyre.
aw shucks
In a fit of nostalgia I go looking for my old neighborhood and find it's been torn down
Definitely makes one feel the old timer when one has been through *two* sets of message boards for a game. Thriving refugee community you've got going on here. Good to see Kahd around - didn't we swap hidden messages in 'no text' posts on the interplay boards waaaay back when? You still toolin' around in D-7's?
I miss the old XC crowd - saw Hawkeye rear his head around here recently, Anyone heard from Hobbes, K'tugh H'egh or Harry Mudd?
Big 'hello' to 762 - you out there bro?
There was a guy on the Taldren boards - darned if I can remember his handle. I think it was a name and number - City boy, liked his reefer and his posts all read like haiku. He ended up playing a lot of Counter Strike (people play CS stoned ?!?!?! Shock! Horror!) and joined the army after 9/11. We started out arguing and ended up as... well I'm not sure if we ever saw eye to eye enough to be friends, but we definitely learned to respect each other's differences. That was a real learning experience for me. Best of luck if you're out there man.
Yea I remember legion5 - now there was an.... interesting.... dude - flew worse than I did and that's saying something. Wrote even worse than he flew.... pained me to read his prose. I hope he was glad when he finally got his
Defiant in SFC3 - he certainly had enough of a hard-on for the thing.
Anyone remember 'foo fighters?' who went on to spawn so many imitators - most notably 'moo fighters?' Did we *ever* find out who 'moo fighters' was?
Oh by the way - since I'm sure the individual concerned has probably moved on to more gratifying pursuits, like pulling the wings off of flies... Does anyone remember the super troll who would shift his handle every couple of months and return to troll the OT boards like mad? At one point he was 'I type the facts!' and later he was 'non sheeplike' who I'm pretty sure was later known as 'turbanned one'? British chap - serious wanker. Anyone remember his arch nemesis "I TYPE IN CAPS!"?? That was me. Apologies to anyone I ever brassed off under that moniker - but I really hated that guy and made it my business to harass him any chance I got (a hearty F! YOU! if you're reading this). That was my *only* alternate handle. I'm pretty sure some people figured it out - there were hints. The writing style was a dead giveaway despite my best efforts to hide behind the caps-lock key.
Sigh - my one 'true confession' and now it's out of the bag.
Anyways - many thanks to S'faret and SFCShadow for 'Hailing Frequencies' and my compliments again to Dennis (shadow) for the SFCII & OP strat guides. I know a lot of folks didn't agree with the tactics he offered, or felt he was just reiterating stuff that 'everybody knows' but I thought it was great to have a strat guide that actually had meaningful advice on how to play the game at a reasonably sophisticated level rather than the usual manual recap/level walkthrough/dumb advice book you usually see - go blow the dust off your SFC1 strat guide if you need a reminder of what I'm talking about.
Thanks and appreciation to Khoros and Magnum for the hard work and dedication to supporting a game that the publisher (IMHO) never gave a fair shake. Erik, David and all of the Taldrenites & ex-Taldrenites (you too Jinx, if you ever surface) a million thanks for a great game - you folks all deserved better than you got.
... and others too numerous to name. I practically lived on the Taldren boards for a couple of years. I'd never written so much out of school and you _all_ taught me a lot about the 'real' world, the people in it and myself. I learned a lot about my own beliefs and opinions by defending them against differing points of view and sometimes I even changed my mind on a subject. I had a lot of fun and played a lot of SFC and I will never consider that time spent in that 'virtual' world to have been wasted.
I did mention that I was having a fit of nostalgia, didn't I? Anyways I'm glad to see all of you here keeping the flame as it were. So very much *not* surprised to see Frey, Blade, Alien&Ferritt, Sirgod, J. Carney, Mentat Jon, Nanner Slug, Chris Jones, Hstaphath and so many others.
Life on this end has grown busy and... complicated - so I don't have enough time or mental energy to devote to this community anymore. I never expected to find my handle in the 'whom do you miss' thread - that's for sure! Sigh - I do miss the SFC community. I'll try to lurk in once in a while - ya never know - I disappeared once before and came back. It may happen again. I *think* I still carry a reserve commission in XC and I still have OP installed on my 'puter after a crash and two OS upgrades, even if I don't fire it up very often.
I can hear some of you now - "typical long-winded, pompous theSea post.. hasn't he gushed enough?" And I guess I have.
Not good-bye, but farewell until we meet again.
p.s. Hail XC!!
p.p.s. MOO!
p.p.p.s. Anyone up for 200 early?