Mission times Missions times...
Flipping hexes is fun for some, tedious for others, distainful to a few but in the end is necessary to achieve victory on this game, as the game is basically about total conquest out of the box.
That was then...this is now...
Now we have added other requirements to achieve victory on a server. VCs for ship kills, specific hexes, and puzzles have become more common place. Time was once when you "won" by destroying not just the other players ships but their entire empire (ask me about the M-CVS+ Battlestar Miraktica some time).
To support deeper game play we have agreed thru trial and error (and quite a few fur balls, no pun intended hehehe), to add VCs, restrictions on ships and disengagements, new missions (Karnak, ED, NW et al), new models, new ship classes, new maps etc. To make the game a far greater experience than it has ever been before. From humble beginnings from taldren, OP has become a great game, rather than EAWs bast*rd child.
Mission times only really count when there is no penalty for being bounced by superior forces in a valid (read here VC) hex. The "hex flipper" tends to operate alone in a ship that takes advantage of the inherrent stupidity of the game engine AI. As such a "hex flipper" can be ambushed by PvP killers and forced out of the hex, dead or alive. As to others running missions under this duel, that is where strategy comes into play. The smart defending race will set up successive PvP killers to drive off the "hex flippers".
(defn - hex flipper ships IMHO are ships that have a disportionate amount of alpha striking power vs the AI ability to defend against. Ships of this type include high concentrations of drones on a CL or smaller hull, high concentrations of phasers or heavy weapons on a CL or smaller hull. However marine ships are also hex flippers but seem to be left out of the discussion at hand.)
A term given some time ago was Crunch Power, IMHO the best "hex flippers" are the ships that have the best Crunch Power for their hull size. HOWEVER, these ships may also have the detriment of being small hulls that don't stand up well against others in ships of one or two hull sizes bigger.
EX... Any races Drone Boat vs the AI, simple. Launch drone wave, launch SP, tractor, launch second drone wave watch AI vanish in nice neat explosion. This can also be done with just about any ship with sufficiently high alpha striking ability (here I mean most delivery of Damage at ONE TIME) vs the AI hull size that has been mission matched.
Mission matched. Is this the real issue with "hex flipping"? AI being well Actually Ignorant (AI), tends to do very stupid things. Things players would never do, such as charge into a seeking weapon wave, be it drones or plazma. AI fires weapons at stupid distances, ex fusions at range 15, phasers at range 25 etc.
To me a real consideration would be is AI mission matching really considering the Crunch Power of the player's ship when selecting an appropriate AI opposing force.
I will freely admit that some ships have orgasmic crunch power, where as others are basically chipping away ships.
Eg... Klingons have to sabre dance to defeat most enemies because those ships lack crunch ability, now introduce a wave of drones and the crunch ability of klingon ships increases exponencially per wave launched, Mirak and Federation ships have the same abilities. Albiet Mirak ships have less crunch without the drones, and feds have more crunch without the drones compared to klingon ships.
Plazma ships single biggest fault is slow arming cylces to achieve crunchy status, drone equipt ships are basically instantly crunchy. Lyran, Fed, Hydran and ISC ships tend to fall in the middle. Mirak and Klingon non drone ships also fall closer to the almost instantly crunchy status.
To balance races more IMHO the following should be considered...
Make Type 4 drones either rare or pricey.
Reduce by about 1/3 the cost of cloaking for romulan ships.
Make all Scenario maps LARGE with the opposing forces as far apart as is possible, to give the plazma races time to arm.
Remove all heavy weapons from fighters and give em all disrupters as weapons.
Remove all Phaser G's from fighters and give em phaser 3's. (or standarize them)
Add more phaser 1's to all hydran ships.
Add more ships to romulan early that are not trying to follow the SFB cannon of the romulans sucking in early.
As the DIP shiplist was trying to do, consider the alpha ability (crunch) of a ship when assigning its BPV.
Just some thoughts...
Meaningful D2 play IHMO is a correct mix of PvP, PvAI and most of all TEAM WORK. If the VCs of the campaign are correct then the playing of the game will suit everone's style of play and still give a meaningful contribution for PvP wins, and PvAI wins. I personally find the term "hex flipper" to have negative connotations, but as we all know this game is set up for taking hexes. We have just chosen to go beyond this and include NON-hex flipping VCs into the mix, such as PvP wins and puzzle solving.