Topic: Old school SFB  (Read 1303 times)

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Offline Captain Krenn

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Old school SFB
« on: August 06, 2004, 12:16:21 pm »
A friend of mine is going to retire and move to Florida next month. 

This is one of the guys that I started playing SFB with 20+ years ago and I haven't heard from in about 5 years. 

He called me up and wants to have a farewell game of SFB before he becomes a Florida native.

(a little too somber sounding at first, my reply was Yeah! I'd love to!  But you're just moving to Florida, not dying :P)

Haven't played an SFB game since way before I bought my first copy of Star Fleet Command. 

This aught to be a crash course down memory lane!


Offline Strafer

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Re: Old school SFB
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2004, 06:20:14 pm »
Might be interesting now if you consider the fluid tactics of SFC being attempted on the more regulated SFB board...
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Re: Old school SFB
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2004, 06:22:42 pm »
That is true.  Back in the dark ages when I played SFB, we used miniatures on a table using free movement, with the turn radius templates.  So it wasn't too much of a change for me to go to SFC on the 'puter.
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I thank God I grew up in an age when a kid could still play with things that could put his eye out.

Offline Captain Krenn

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Re: Old school SFB
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2004, 09:45:42 am »
We started at about 2 pm and finished about 10:30

(gotta be a record for a SFB game. 

We were doing basicly a reverse battle fest starting with dreadnoughts.  Thats the only battle we finished.

SFB takes just as long as I remember to play.   

We started with heavy dreds, I took the C10 and my friends took an ISC Don't remember the designation but it had 3 PPDs.

There was also a Fed DNI and an improved Rom conoor. 

It turned into 2 fights.  Me vs the ISC and the Fed vs the Romulan. 

The Rom turned into the poor luck Charley as he hit nearly every Transporter bomb on the map.  Then to make things worse at a range of
8 the Fed hit him with a full spread of O/L photons.  Not one of the rolls was above a 2!  Never seen that happen before. The Fed pulled a mid turn speed change and closed the gap faster than the Rom anticipated. 

Plasmas did hit the Fed, but only did some major damage to the screens. From then on it was basiclly over as it was a closed map and the Rom
spent the rest of the time trying to put disance between himself and the Fed that kept trying to chase him down.

The fight between the ISC and myself was a little more dramtic.  We both did a standard battle pass.  On the approach he kept whacking away at my screens with that accursed PPD. 

I will say the my tactics have changed because of SFC.  Instead of trying to re-inforce my screens and move slowly I supprised my old SFB buddy by charging at him.    My screens were a little wobbly, but I did get into overload range much to his suprise and cheerfully ripped his left front screen off his ship with the help of the C10's heavy phasers.

He was a little more cautious after that.  :)

We spent the next few turns with him plugging away at my sheilds with that infernal ppd while I weakend or destroyed some of his other screens. 

The fight took an unexpected turn when we mad another pass inside of overload range.  My disruptors weren't O/L (didn't have the power at the speed we were moving) But I did knock down another screen.  We ended up at a range of 5 with our backs pointed at each other. 

With the turn rate of these large ships we were going to just come about at a far distance from each other and I was sure this was going to end badly if I let that happen. 

So...I tried a HET.  At range 5 I could either almost or entirely take down his rear screen and may do a few internals.  Thus limiting his options a  little more. 

On impulse one I launched a full spread of heavy drones.  Impulse 2 the HET occured....sort of....missed the break down roll.  Great, I'm a setting duck now. 

Just for fun the ISC launches a plasma I at my unmoving ship. At range 5 he also fired all rear phasers.  (This later turned out to be a misake)

The drones were moving at 32 and I thought at best they would give him a turn of worriy while I tried to get my crippled ship moving again.  There were a couple of things I didn't know however. 

1. He had already expended his T-bombs.  So no stopping the drones with that. 

2. He had not allocated any energy to his tractors for the turn so He could move a little faster. 

I did know he had spent all phasers, but to do that without having tractors or T-bombs was a fatal error. 
I also know that he doesn't use WW shuttles because he hates to be slowed down. 

He did fire defensive plasmas, but that left 6 drones with 24 point warheads with nothing between them and his rear shield. 

124 damage-36 shield boxes = 88 internals! (insert evil Klingon chuckle)

The only internals on my ship were the ones caused by my own failed HET. 

His plasma hits and crital hit takes out my shuttle launch controls, well of course they did.  (SP shuttle can't be launched)

He hobbles away severly hurt at the end of the turn. 

End of turn, rol for Critical hit repair, success.  SP shuttle now ready for launch. 

I plot and Impulse tac and set speed to 6 for warp tacs.  HET immobility is now over and my dred begins to turn.

For my friends final mistake for the day he has pinned himself into a corner of the map.  He cannot escape without having to go through me. 

As soon as I get my lumbering dread turned around, I announce speed change to 10, launch my remaining drones, and drop the sp shuttle, and with all weapons charged I begin to close. . 

He didn't live through it >:)

 All in all it was one of my better SFB games, even accounting for my HET. 

My ship had no shields left and about 20 interenals.  Thats when we declared the game over because that accursed luck fed wasn't even hurt.  The shape the rest of us were in meant we would have a tough time with him even if we all turned on him.

The Rom was our best hope for distracting and/or doing some damage.  But he had developed photonafobia and wouldn't close :)

I'll call my friend and humiliate him with this for years to come.  Heck I usually go to Florida once or twice a year so who knows? 

Might break out the SFB maps again some day. :D

Offline Sarek

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Re: Old school SFB
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2004, 10:27:22 pm »
Reading that makes me want to dig my stuff out of the attic and start a game.  ;D
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Offline zerosnark

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Re: Old school SFB
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2004, 10:03:04 pm »
One of my most memorable games was taking a Klink C8 against a pair of Lyran CA's.

Plotted movement.
The Lyrans figured I would be moving fast, and plotted a classic pincer movement so that both CA's would be at my rear. I declared a speed of 5. One CA ended up dead ahead at a range of 5 or so with rear shield facing. Other ended up just out of overload range. heheheh.

Why so slow they challenged?
"I am charging *all* my weapons".
Which were dumped into the hapless CA at range 5.

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Old school SFB
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2004, 10:15:47 pm »
Kzinti CS with slow (speed 8 ) long duration missiles vs a Federation CA.

I captured the Fed after he failed his sublight evasion roll on saucer separation.  No internal damage on my CS, #1 shield a shadow.  (suckered him good :) ).
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Re: Old school SFB
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2004, 04:12:30 am »
My most memorable battle was at Oragins in San Jose
Me in a R-WE Vs Mike Z in a F-CA

The battle lasted over 2 1/2 hours. I finally got him trapped between the corner and a very large rock. One Enveloping R Torp and a SS.  BOOM! 

What made it memorable for me was that Mr. Cole was sitting there watching this battle  :o

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