HOOCH: BLow it our yer arse, mister! If you scroll up page 3, you will see that it was I that bumped this dead thread from the litter box (P.I.) of page THREE of the forums! Damn zoomies, always about you, isnt it?

Doggie: LMAO! Nah, next time your watching some pr0n, and they show that unfortunate butt shot of the dude at work, look fo... n/m, youll see it, rofl!
Im with you, TOS Klinks are REAL Klinks. The sudden, unexplicable change to the TMP Klinks is as baffling as it is unexplained. Roms look the same. Vulcans look the same. Andorians look like DH. Why change Klinks? One of lifes lil mysteries. Errand of Mercy, the Klink that thought he was mowin down hundreds of Organians at a time then sat sipping brandy with Kirk, priceless. I greatly prefer the TOS Klinks. Glad to know that at least one Klink out there does as well. The whole "Worfs Honor" issue was a complete 180 from TOS. The Roms had honor in TOS but lost it in TNG. The Klinks were devious and nasty in TOS/TMP but turned honorable in TNG? WTF?
Heh, no hard feelins there Doggie. Wouldnt be a game without Klinks just as much as it wouldnt without Freds.
Still, come GW3, we got somethin for that azz, mister!