While we're joking around a bit here...I'll relate a somewhat funny story about my endlest daughter Jessica.
She loves to read daddy's "books." These books are my pile of SFB stuff that sits on my dresser next to our bed. We're always flipping through my various issues of
Captain's Log and one of the cistest thing is when she points to the pictures that are scattered throughout a give issue.
A piccy of a Fred ship? "That's a bad guy, daddy!"
Hydran ship? "Bad guy," she says...
Gorn? "That's a bad guy..."
Klingon? "That's a VERy good guy, daddy!"
Romulan? "Good guy..."
Kzin? "Sometimes good...sometimes bad."
Lyran and ISC pics are scare in the issues I have, so she doesn't recognize them very well. She's got it all down pat, though. It's impressive.

I'm not telling tall tales, either...she actually does this every time we flip through these things. It's both funny and does and old Klingon dad proud...