Topic: In an office chair on M'Raa...  (Read 52512 times)

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #120 on: May 02, 2008, 07:52:05 am »
Let the games begin  ;D

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #121 on: May 03, 2008, 07:52:20 pm »
Still at it after all these years. ;D

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #122 on: May 07, 2008, 09:55:51 am »
The Lyran Heavy Cruiser slid through the Nebula.

”At last” thought the captain “Some much needed R&R. The crew has earned it and so have I.”

It was fortunate timing that the new facility had opened up. It was located quite close to his last assignment and rumors had it that a new “Warriors club” had opened within it.

Hopefully, there would be better entertainment than Lyran heros in thongs. That would be just too much to bear.

Captain Potemkin was looking forward to the first round of drinks and entertainment at…what was that club called again?

Ah yes…

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #123 on: May 12, 2008, 09:53:57 pm »
M’Ress was handing out PADs to everyone. Contained on those devices was a list of all the possible areas on the station that might house a Gorn contact. There were 5 possibilities.

“Now each of you select a search area and report back to me in 3 hours on anything and everything you find that might be of interest.”

Each one saluted and left the quarters. M’ress sat down and logged the list into his personal database. When he was done he checked on the requisition for Leroy and remembered that he had better follow up on that to see if it was to his liking. He was just standing up when the doorchime rang.


The door opened to reveal LeRoy in a uniform, however, the uniform was tattered and dirty, very unlike the last time he had seen the Starfleet officer.

“How does it look?” LeRoy said holding his hands out for a better look.

M’Ress inspected a little closer. The tears were real enough but some were in the wrong places. If you wanted to render a captive for food you didn’t slice near the throat.

“Hmmmm”, he said extending a claw “Hold still a second.”

He moved the claw slowly toward LeRoys arm near the shoulder. He then gently placed it along the seam and twisted it. The seam popped open. Then he moved it over to the middle of the chest and inserted it into a little hole and pulled. One more near the seam on the hip and he was finished.

LeRoy let out his breath with a whoosh. He had never seen a Kzin claw that close before.

“There. Now that looks like a warrior was either trying to hold you by the arm, stun you to the chest or slow you with a hit to the leg. Can you limp a bit?”

LeRoy, relieved to not have received any damage, walked a around the cabin with a stiff knee.

“Excellent. I think this will work out quite well. We have a bit of time before the rest get back. Bourbon?” M’Ress reached for a bottle of the liquor and a bottle of milk.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #124 on: May 20, 2008, 08:00:36 am »
LeRoy was feeling pretty good. Several shots of bourbon will do that to you. He wasn’t bad enough to realize that he probably shouldn’t talk about certain things, but he wasn’t feeling any pain either. M’ress seemed to be feeling pretty good himself, although he was obviously being guarded as well. Good thing neither one of them was even trying to pry anything out of the other. He was just having a bit of trouble with the idea of mixing the bourbon with the milk. It seemed to be the preferred way of drinking for the Kzin.

After a few tales of previous wars, it seemed M’ress has been around a lot longer than he initially thought, and a few tales of their respective families, it was time to retire. The officers that M’Ress had sent out would be gone for a while and then they would have to make arrangements for the next step depending on the data that was returned. There would be time enough to sleep this good feeling off.

In the meantime, Soreyes was feeling surprisingly good. When the list had been delegated he was given one that took him into the Gorn residences. He was happy with that as he could probably find out where that bar was.

When he arrived in the sector for the Gorn, his way was blocked by a force field. Beyond the force field he could see the waviness associated with the warm, dry air that was natural for the Gorn. He would need some water as he knew he would dry out very quickly in that atmosphere. He turned and headed down the hall way toward a water bar.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #125 on: May 26, 2008, 10:33:17 am »
K’arbin walked toward the docking bays. He had chosen this assignment because it would give him chance to examine the latest ships as well as search for prominent Gorn arrivals to the station.

He arrived at the docking level and immediately moved to the QuarterMaster office. An assistant snapped to attention as a ranking Kzin entered the office.

“At Ease, now tell me where I could find a list of arriving personel.”

The assistant pointed to a terminal to the side of the office.

K’arbin activated the terminal and punched in the request. It looked like this was not going to take very long. The terminal responded…

“Collating data, requested data will take 1.5 hours to process.”

So much for finishing up quickly. He turned to the assistant.

“Why does it take so long to process such a request?”

That terminal is not used often enough to be considered a priority. It’s relatively low on the operations list.”

K’arbin inwardly sighed. He decided to pass the time by examining the ships currently in dock.

As he walked down the walkway he noticed one of the smaller ships. The hull was Fed but the weapons were assorted. As he got closer he could see the registry.


Matsukasi walked toward the General residences. What better place for someone to hide out? With a plethora of all races in this area, anyone could walk around and not be out of place.

At first there didn’t seem to be anything of interest here. But once you got past the obvious signs and main hallways, there was actually quite a bit to be explored. Fortunately the general section wasn’t the largest, it would take him at least a couple of hours to investigate, but it was the cheapest, attracting the seediest types of patronage. Perfect for an informant who didn’t want to be found.

About an hour into his exploration Matsukasi found a side passage, similar to those that cities would call and alley, that bore an unusual look. Instead of being relatively small with less lighting, it was medium sized and cleaner than most. It almost looked well used. He turned into it to see what was there.

Almost immediately after he entered the darker area he became aware of the others around him. Various sorts, but mostly human. That would make sense as technically Feds weren’t allowed. The best place for them to hide was in an aside like this.

Most of them gave him a wary eye as he passed. Not too many humans would take on a Kzin hand-to-hand, at least not without a weapon, and these ones obviously didn’t have any. They couldn’t afford one.

After a while however, one did dare to approach him. He was tall, almost a tall as K’arbin who short for a kzin, but he couldn’t tell what kind of build he had. The long black overcoat draped from the shoulders all the way down to his ankles. As he approached he waved a hand at Matsukasi, beckoning him to follow. Intrigued, Matsukasi did follow.

They went a short way around a corner into a doorway. Matsukasi could see the entire area and there was no danger. The man licked his lips and spoke…

“I can see that you are a being of discernable taste.” He paused and looked around. His hand strayed down to his belt that closed his coat. Matsukasi moved his hand to a ready position by his wtsai. The man opened his coat and displayed the inside.

“Wanna buy a donut?”
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #126 on: May 30, 2008, 05:57:05 pm »
Steel Claw was headed for the business sector of the station. He figured that the best way to track someone would be through business dealings. Since they were not looking for a company any private transactions (with Gorn names) should tell him a lot.

The business sector was easy to find, just look for all the formal business attire and the latest decor. That and check the station map. It wasn’t a large sector as the station had mainly retail outlets and entertainment. What little work was accomplished in this sector was mainly administration. Therefor, it shouldn’t take that much time to scan any records and match up a few.

After flirting with the receptionist behind the desk (she was kzin and VERY impressed with the KOTH insignia), she allowed him to use one of her terminals. It was simple data extraction from public records, so no major rules were broken.

The data was very slow in coming up. The receptionist explained that the terminal was not a high priority in the station and so did not receive much attention from the mainframe. Great. This meant he would have to stay here around her for the next 2 hours while he waited. And she seemed VERY accommodating.

While he didn’t exactly volunteer the information, he didn’t have the heart to tell her he was already married.

LeRoy couldn’t sleep. Although he had slept for a little while, he soon woke up experiencing the usual after affects of potent bourbon. Right now his mind was occupied with the puzzle of how M’ress was able to consume as much as he did and not show any affects whatsoever.

It came down to three choices. First, his Kzin metabolism was far more capable of handling the alcohol. Second, his size meant it took at lot more to get him drunk (mental note: do not get into drinking contest with Kzin for this reason). Third, the milk mixer helped neutralize the alcohol.

He wondered if anyone had detailed enough information to confirm his fears about Kzin metabolism. Not many in the Federation would even want to get close to a Kzin to find out. Any that he knew of in captivity didn’t last long as they were usually greviously wounded. There was only one place his randomly wandering mind could think of that might have that info.

Section 31.

He’d heard about them. All Federation had heard about them. No one had been able to track them down however, as they were extremely good at doing what they did. They were so good at covering their tracks that no one really knew what it was they did do. So getting a hold of any information from them, would be next to impossible. He briefly wondered if they were involved in this situation.

He decided in the end that it didn’t matter. All he wanted was the brass and drum band in his head to stop.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #127 on: June 03, 2008, 09:34:17 pm »
Soreyes in the meantime was losing his patience. After wandering around the Gorn environment for a while he was starting to get tired of all the endless chatter. Apparently, Gorn can be quite amicable when they wanted to be. Everyone that he talked to wanted to tell him this or show him that. Most of which was of no interest to him, however, he had to pay attention should something worthwhile actually surface.

He trudged on. Fortunately there was only an hour left. Besides he could use his dwindling water supply as an excuse to move on.

“Behold lads, that be the infamous Kaptain K’arrrrrrrbin.”

K’arbin turned slowly around to face the voice that came from the docks in the general direction of the Pirate ships. Standing there was another Kzin surrounded by an assorted group of other species. He was medium sized for a Kzin but powerfully built. His red tabby coloring was accentuated by the large shock of fur around his jowls. He was dressed in fairly suave but worn white shirt with puffy sleeves, a long silk scarf covered his head, and knee-high boots. The whole was finished off with tight leggings and a silken sash around his waist. K’arbin eyed the speaker.

“And you must be the notorious… Redbeard. It’s been a long time.”

“Aye, it has.”

The two glared at each other as if to bore a hole in his opponent.

“I see you haven’t changed your manner much,” said K’arbin coolly “How’s the leg?”

Redbeard’s right leg twitched as if in remembered pain. “It be aaaalmost as good as your missing fur. How’s yer head?”

It was K’arbins turn to wince. The fur had grown back, but it was scarred black, hence the singed appearence.

“At least my fur can regrow.”

Redbeards fur rippled and his ears lay back. His men inched away from him, sensing the coil before the strike. K’arbin delivered the final insult.

“I may be heavier, but your ugly and I can lose weight.”

With a howl of rage Redbeard drew a wtsai seemingly out of nowhere and flung it at K’arbin. In the split second before it made contact and energy bolt appeared and vapourized it, mere inches from K’arbin’s skull. It was however, off target and disappeared into the air at K’arbins left.

Redbeard gaped at K’arbin. He hadn’t moved. He hadn’t even flinched. He just grinned and fluttered his ears.

“I see your throwing arm is a good as always.” K’arbins voice eerily calm. “When you left years before you were but a learner.” He paused “You still are the learner.”

Security appeared and stood between the two. They outnumbered the pirates and all were equipped with heavier weapons.

“All right that’s enough.” Spoke the leader, then turned to Redbeard “YOU were told no weapons. Return to your ship until further notice.”

Redbeard sneered at the sergeant and turned to comply. The rest of his men followed. When they had dispersed, the sergeant turned to K’arbin.

“Are you all right sir?”

“I’m fine sergeant, thank you. No harm done.” The sergeant eyed him.

“Do you know him?” K’arbin paused then drew a breath and sighed.

“He was pupil of mine, until he turned to piracy.” He looked at the sergeant. “Patience was never his strong suit. He wanted everything right away.”

“Well, I suggest you depart for now. He won’t be in good mood if he is allowed back.”

“That’s quite alright sergeant, I think my data is ready now.” K’arbin turned and entered the office, picked up his data disk and left.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #128 on: June 08, 2008, 06:13:12 pm »
He was in heaven.

Who would have ever thought it was possible for a desperate Kzin to get a hold of a donut out here.

Let alone a Krispy Kreme.

Let alone a dozen Kripsy Kreme.

Let alone a dozen warm Krispy Kreme.

The glaze was still gooey and the insides still moist. Matsukasi had no idea how this human had done it, but he was thankful. So thankful he had purchased the entire coatful. Once his intention to purchase the entire dozen became known the human had produced a box, a GENUINE KK box, for him to carry them in.

So there he was walking through the General residences, delicious donut in one hand, the box in the other. He didn’t scarf them all at once, no, his good fortune was to be savoured, every last luscious mouthful. The upswing to all this was, having his craving satisfied, he found it much easier to concentrate on what he was doing.

There were several things of interest here. The number of humans for example. For a race that technically wasn’t allowed, there were an awful lot of them. But more intriguing was the absence of Gorn and Kzin in this area. There didn’t seem to be a one anywhere.

Most interesting.

Some of these lesser fortunate residents eyed his donuts. He wasn’t afraid of them though. They seemed to know that you NEVER came between a hungry Kzin and his donuts.

Steel Claw was watching his timepiece. It seemed like he had been here a week, but it was only an hour. That meant at least another hour to go.

Normally this wouldn’t present a problem, passing an hour was relatively easy. All you need to do is go over your itinerary or read any available periodicals that happened to be laying around. But in this case the problem was much more… intrusive.

The receptionist was doing just about everything she could to keep his attention. From bending over in front of him, to brushing against him (so he could smell the perfume which seemed to appear AFTER ten minutes had gone by), to almost sitting in his lap when she checked on the terminals functionality. With the data retrieval going so slow it seemed at times that it had stopped altogether. It was becoming painfully obvious that she was interested in more than just his “data”.

She had also made several communiqués with the Comm system. Calls, he suspected, were not business in nature. As much as he hated to eavesdrop on a private conversation, she wasn’t that far from him. He could hear the hushed tones and an exclamation of “Yes he is! See for yourself!” and the monitor was subtly adjusted in his direction.

It wasn’t that she was unattractive. Steel Claw simply wasn’t interested. He flirted a bit in the line of duty, but that was it. He was devoted to his wife. And it didn’t help that she was probably young enough to be his kit.

This last hour was definitely going to drag for a long time. He looked at his watch again. 55 minutes. He swore that his watch was slowing down.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #129 on: June 13, 2008, 06:15:35 am »
LeRoy awoke to the sound of an intercom chime. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep. But then again Bourbon will do that to you. He reached for the comm Panel…

…and nearly fell out of bed. Kzin quarters were larger to accommodate their size and the comm panel was not located conveniently beside the bed.

M’Ress was patiently waiting for a response on the intercom. He suspected that LeRoy was sleeping. He seemed a little unsteady when he left three hours before. After several rings there was an answer.

“Leroy here.” The voice sounded a little agitated.

“It’s M’Ress.” He paused. “Are you alright?”

“I tripped answering the summons. But I’m fine.” M’Ress’s sensitive ears could make out the sound of something being rubbed in the background. “What do you want?”

“My scouts have returned with the data. It’s time for us to make an appearance.”

“Right, I’ll be right there.”

LeRoy tapped the panel to end the transmission. He fumbled for the light and after wincing at the sudden brightness looked at himself in a mirror. What looked bad was not the worst he had seen but it did need work. He started to pour a sink of water when he stopped. This would probably add to his appearance of a prisoner. So he drained the sink and turned to leave.

As he turned he saw something on the table. It looked very familiar. He took a closer look. Could it be? He touched it and tasted the result. Yes, it was.

A Krispy Kreme donut.

He scarfed it down without hesitating.

When LeRoy arrived back in M’ress’s quarters all the other Kzin had returned. He recognized the two that had greeted him when he first arrived, but did not recognize the other two. One wore a pair of antique aviator goggles and appeared to panting, constantly taking swigs from what appeared to be a water bottle. The other wore an even more antique Naval uniform and just glared at everyone. Apparently the Kzin were just as colourful as humans.

“Judging by the data collected by everyone,” M’ress was saying “Our contact appears to be well hidden. They will not be easy to find.”

“So what is our next step?” The big-and-orange asked.

“We make an appearance. We let the contact know we are here and wait for them to make contact.”

“Wouldn’t we attract attention?” Goggles asked, “I mean, several Kzin parading around. Not too many groups accumulate here.”

“We would accumulate if we were celebrating.”

“Celebrating what?” the donut supplier asked.

“The capture of our prisoner.” And M’ress gestured toward LeRoy.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #130 on: June 18, 2008, 04:23:01 am »
All eyes turned toward him and he gave a little uneasy wave. Three heads nodded in approval while the fourth just glared from under that damned blue hat.

“All we need to do is add the collar and leash.”

This was the part that LeRoy was not looking forward to. He held out the collar that M’Ress had given him earlier. At least it was lined so that it would not chafe his neck. He wrapped it around his neck and buckled it in at a comfortable place and then held up the loose end of the leash.

M’Ress in the meantime handed K’arbin and Matsukasi each a stick with a couple of controls on them.

As they moved down to the transporter room, K’arbin was examining his stick. Hmmm, this one isn’t turned on.

Once they arrived at the transport room M’Ress turned to LeRoy.

“Let’s try this once before we go.” He turned to Mat and K’arbin and motioned for the sticks.

LeRoy immediately went into convulsions as soon as contact was made. M’Ress, Steel Claw, and Soreyes applauded the reaction.

“That was excellent! It looked very realistic.”

“I-I-It w-w-was re-re-real.” Spat LeRoy.

M’Ress turned to Mat and snatched the stick out of his hand, examined it and handed it back. Then he snatched K’arbin’s and examined it. Upon reading one the buttons he adjusted the controls and handed it back to K’arbin.

“It’s supposed to be turned OFF!” he growled, “This is part of the disguise.” He turned back to LeRoy. “My apologies. One of the sticks was accidentally turned on.”

He looked at LeRoy, who had turned even whiter and was still shaking from the discharge.

“Why don’t we take a minute for you to recover.”

LeRoy glared at K’arbin.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #131 on: June 18, 2008, 06:56:52 am »
hehehehe  ;D

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #132 on: June 22, 2008, 09:00:44 pm »
That had to be one of the worst away missions that I've ever been subjected to :P

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #133 on: June 23, 2008, 07:28:35 am »
<big evil grin>

“How do you feel?” M’ress asked LeRoy.

“Better.” He was still glaring at K’arbin who was innocently looking anywhere else. After a glass of water and a couple of minutes to sit, he was looking better. Some of his color had returned and he wasn’t shaking anymore.

“Ready to go?” M’Ress asked.

“Yeah, let’s get this over with.”

A few minutes later they were walking down the promenade, Steel Claw and K’arbin infront (M’Ress took the prod away from him and gave it to Soreyes), M’Ress leading LeRoy in the middle, and Soreyes and Matsukasi in the back waving their sticks menacingly.

After a few minutes M’ress stopped dead in his tracks. He motioned to the others to gather closely.

“Tell me gentlemen, did any of you actually investigate the commercial sector? Or did you just complete your initial assignments?”

They all looked at each other and then collectively shrugged their shoulders. M’Ress rested his head in his left paw.

“And none of you found a prominent Gorn?” he said making a gesture to the side.

They all turned to face the direction he indicated. He was indicating a sign, blazing forth in Neon pink glory.

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #134 on: July 01, 2008, 12:39:32 pm »
“Ok, this is how we will do this.”

M’Ress was talking to everyone, including LeRoy.

“SteelClaw, you and K’arbin go first. Once you get in grab a table as quickly as you can and create a diversion. The door guards will question me as I lead in Leroy, so we need to distract them so I can get him in.” SteelClaw and K’arbin nodded. “Then once the guards are distracted the rest of us move in.” Everyone nodded.

LeRoy was happy. All he had to do was keep up.

Steel Claw and K’arbin moved off toward the door. M’ress waited until someone else moved in behind them and then moved to join the lineup. As SteelClaw and K’arbin approached the door, it opened to reveal two Gorn inside the door.

LeRoy, as with the Kzin, had never seen Gorn face to face before. They were exceedingly large, even taller than the Kzin. One was light brown and the other an emerald green. Both had a full set of very large pointy teeth. Kzin teeth were fierce because of the large fangs and sharp front teeth. Gorn teeth were all large and pointy. They stood under a couple of low watt sunlamps and asked a couple of questions of each patron.

SteelClaw and K’arbin had no problem getting in. The next group, a party of Romulans, had a little trouble answering a couple of questions. Apparently they had to keep repeating themselves as the Gorn guards couldn’t hear their whispered answers. After a short delay they too entered.

M’ress stepped up with LeRoy in tow.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #135 on: July 01, 2008, 12:42:07 pm »
...and just because it's a Holiday in Canada and will be in the States in 2 more days...

“Number in party?” the hissing voice of the Gorn guard asked.

“Three.”M’ress replied.

“I ssee four.”

“I’m not counting the human.”

“What iss a human doing with a Ksszin?”

“Sport,” M’Ress grinned showing all his teeth. “Then dinner.”

The guard looked very dubious.

“Hey, I captured him fair and square in battle. He’s mine.”

“Yeah,” cut in LeRoy, “only because you tricked me with…” he was cut off as Matsukasi and Soreyes jabbed with the sticks. LeRoy, now knowing what his reaction should look like, immediately convulsed. Nice touch. thought M’ress.

“Shut up you.” M’ress turned back to the guards who seemed to be smirking in amusement.

“Trust me he won’t be any trouble.” M’ress was beginning to wonder when SteelClaw and K’arbin would create their disturbance, when the shouting began.
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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #136 on: July 08, 2008, 02:22:04 pm »
As soon as they entered the bar, SteelClaw and K’arbin took a quick look around. The Kzin section was obvious, the large chairs with the groove for the tail. So they moved over to a table near the front by the stage. As soon as they arrived they tapped an order into the console on the replicator in the center of the table and five ales appeared. Then they looked around.

How do they go about creating a disturbance? K’arbin was looking over their section, they were the only Kzin here. The dancer on stage was a rather comely, and well endowed, Lyran female. No use trying anything there. The guards would quickly put an end to that.

SteelClaw on the other hand was looking further. It didn’t take long before he found what he was looking for. There they were, in the next section.


Potemkin, his first officer LtCmdr Mirata, his weapons officer Lt Krawj and three red shirted marines, Major Tel Za Rokg and Lts Narahhi and Tedar, were all sitting at another table in the Lyran section.

The Lyran section was marked by the smaller chairs with tail grooves and Potemkin’s party was near the front. They were engaged in bragging rights over a few battles they had fought and never noticed the Kzin enter.

Krawj had finishing up his tale of the last battle where he had executed Potemkin’s orders of an exceedingly difficult manoeuvre. The helmsman had been wounded on the first volley from the enemy and he moved to take over, handling both weapons and helm at the same time. He was making an animated gesture with both arms out wide when a large tankard suddenly exploded on his head and he slumped forward.

The foam and shards of plastic quickly settled. The rest of the table occupants turned in the direction from where the tankard had come from.

A large orange Kzin in grey uniform and a smaller orange one in a weird Blue uniform were glaring at them. The larger one pointed a finger at them and said in a loud voice

“Who let that kshat in here?”
AKA: Goose

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Offline KAT MRess

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #137 on: July 13, 2008, 02:44:44 pm »
The shouting was an obvious cue. The Gorn guards turned to see what the fuss was about as inside everyone could see the skirmish breaking out between the Kzin and the Lyrans. As the Gorn guards moved off to the side to get reinforcements, the door closed behind the Kzin at the door. Soreyes and Matsukasi pushed by and headed immediately into the fray. With Potemkin hanging back shouting orders and Krawj unconscious on the table, the odds were now even.

The Kzin advantage of size and strength were countered by the agility and quickness of the Lyrans and it was obvious this battle would not be over soon. Tankards were thrown and howls of rage echoed through the establishment. The dancer on stage tried to continue her act through an increasingly difficult atmosphere. Chairs were overthrown and tables upended. One of the chairs landed on the stage whereupon the dancer immediately righted it and continued her seductive act on the chair.

When it quickly became obvious that the Gorn guards weren’t quite prepared for this kind of disturbance, the Klingons abandoned their vat of Bloodwine and joined in with a war cry. Into the fray they waded, fighting with Kzin, Lyran, - and each other (everyone knows a Klingon likes a good fight). Screams of “Dizzrick”, “Weasel” and “Tracey Rolling” were added to the feline howls of war.

Meanwhile, the few humans (Feds) that were there, tried to make themselves scarce by squirming into the corners and under tables. This was probably very smart on their part as they were obviously the smallest race there.

The Hydrans, prevented from entering the riot by their enviromental chamber, started taking bets on who would win. Money quickly changed hands as odds were laid (3 to 1 of course).

The Romulans simply ignored the whole scene and denied they were even there in the first place.
AKA: Goose

KAT Patriarch (retired)
Chugra Kabal (retired)
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #138 on: July 13, 2008, 03:15:23 pm »
Who won!!! Of course us Lyrans win, because we have claws as weapons that dont get confiscated at the door...

Offline KAT MRess

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Re: In an office chair on M'Raa...
« Reply #139 on: July 13, 2008, 05:03:51 pm »
Aha... but don't Kzinti have claws also?
AKA: Goose

KAT Patriarch (retired)
Chugra Kabal (retired)
KLAW member (retired)