Just don't point your finger at me, it makes my stomach growl........
The finger I am pointing at you is not a sign of friendship 
Good then the finger is not Allied.....

<M'ress and Gook pull Chuut away from the Federation delegation making apologies>
M'ress: You idiot you bit of his "Z" finger, hows he gonna help us now?
Gook: Not to mention the legal implications, we could be in big trouble here
Chuut: Will you defend me Gook?
Gook: Sure but this will be tough.
Green: <looking through diplomatic rule book> Actually not, this is technically Kzin territory at the embassy, so Kzin law applies. Either trial by combat, Chuut can surely take 9 fingers with no "Z" finger or Hooch would have to.......OMG.......<Green collapses in laughter>
M'ress: Or what?
Gook: Or........<snicker> <Snicker> *sputter* <collapses beside Green>
M'ress: What is so darned funny? or what?
J'inn: or Hooch needs to be represented by a licensed Kzin attorney. Since Gook is defending Chuut that would mean......
M'Ress and Chuut: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA <fall to floor in laughter as medic start applying oxygen to Green and Gook who have turned purplish already due to excessive laughter.
J'inn: .......me, HEY!!!, THAT IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL
Hooch: <Wimper> Guess its combat then, least I have a better chance "Z" finger or not.
<Chuut laughs so hard Hooch's finger pops back out almost totally intact>
Soreyes: Its MINE now <Grabs at finger>
Gook: <recovered now> Gimme that <Snatches finger from Soreyes' paws> is there a doctor in the House?
Azteca (from Fed delegation): Here
Gook: Can you sew this on?
Azteca: <Spanish accent>Why would you need an human finger?
Gook : Not me, it is Hooch that need surgery.
Azteca:<Spanish accent> Oh sure, no problem, just need him to fill out the release in triplicate, legal reasons you know.
J'inn and Gook: we understand.
Hooch: But I cant write either without that finger.
Soreyes: Then it is MINE! SNACKTIME!
Azteca: <Spanish accent> Unless a relative can sign for you
Hooch: Thank God! Call my daughter Ensign Megan Hooch shes a serving on the Rider In White, and can beam down an sign for me.
<Minutes later>
Die Hard: *drool* Now thats what I call a fine....
Die Hard: Again? <Wimper>
Dizzy: Man I'd.....
Hooch: STFU
Dizzy: <Wimper>
KRolling: Hooch your daughter is just lovel.......
KRolling: Hey I'm female too I wasn't gonna
Hooch: You had J'inn in your lap Missy, I don't trust your morals anymore either. Now, Megan dear fill out the forms for Daddykins please.
Megan: Do I get a new runabout then?
Hooch: Have you been consorting with....., oh nevermind, sure I'll pull some strings and get you a new one, now sign for daddy.
<Meagan fills out paperwork>
Hooch: You are experienced with plastic and reconstructive surgery aren't you Azteca?
Azteca:<Spanish accent> Well i did do Tracey G
Die Hard: Now thats what I call a resume.
Hooch: well ok then lets do it
<4 hours later>
Azteca:<Spanish accent> well the surgery is over and was a complete sucess.
Wanderer: Cool Beans Man! I'm glad you got Hooch's finger back on!
Azteca: <Spanish accent> Finger? what finger? I just reconstructed his figure like he asked.
Wanderer: Dude he said Finger not figure
Azteca; <Spanish accent> OOPS!
KRolling: What exactly did you do to Hooch? We'd better have a look.
Die Hard: You Frickin' better not have..........<looks through operating room door>......OMG!!!..... I think I'm in Love!

Hooch: What are you all staring at?
Durin: <on next operating table> Welcome to the club!