Yesterday, in my most recent step in my crusade to build a wireless network at home, I went to Circuit city in a small city called St Cloud, MN on my way home from a medical appointment. I wandered around, asked about a settlement case with microsoft that I had received a letter about, and then went around looking at some of the hardware, with particular emphasis on wirless. Well, a guy was routed to me, and we got into a very interesting discussion that seemed to be over my head. I was buying it all pretty well, until I made mention of how pleased I was with being able to run over 6 hours off the battery in my handy dandy high speed low drag iBook G4 to my exceedingly anti mac salesman. His response to me was that this was unimpressive, and that centrino notebooks ran 10-18 hours on battery power. This sounded fishy to me, so I asked some IT guys at school, who just kinda laughed.
With that, I assume I was right, and this guy was shoving a pile of bull up my posterior. While I'm pleased I was able to tell he was full of it from the outset, it remeinded me of something. At one point in my life I knew many many specs on many many computers, both mac and PC, despite my mac oriented mind. This knowledge began to slowly disapear and become outdated after I went into the army, and didn't have the opportuninty (or money) to keep informed on such things. It seriously bothered me (and still does) how badly out of date I had become in this area, and now I'm resolved to catch back up again.
As such, ANY info that the computer gurus on this board might have would prove quite useful.
The areas I need to get up to date in especially are:
-processors (speeds, general architecture, pros, cons)
-changes in motherboards, and differences in different types of memory
-networking and other connectivity issues (like bluetooth)
-Operating systems and the similarities and differences between them(such as my crappy win ME and WIn XP)
I've asked soem of these questions before on the taldren boards, but those forums are now gone and I can't look up the info anymore, since much of it I didn't bookmark. Links and references are great, and will be appreciated, as would any tutorials that anyone would like to type up, but I understand that typing up lengthy explanations is not on the top of anyone's list of things to do.

Also, any comment on my experience at this cicuit city would also be welcome.