Hey, it's me....the GZ guy.
Back in January I came over here (meaning the Taldren boards) to try to pitch a new league concept. I count myself exceedingly lucky in having enticed Green to come over as well as GDA.
We are getting ready to wrap up Cycle 2 of Divisional Play. Cycle 2 spanned all of the summer, so as typical of GSA play since SFC1, the volume of players has dropped - of course nowadays, that means things are at a crawl. I am hopeful that Cycle 3 will successfully kick off in September with a bit more vigor.
Anyway, I bring this up again with a plea: essentially, this 'League' is basically a collection of players who simply love playing this Game (Orion Pirates utilizing Firesoul's OP+). Where as years ago, this was a passionate pursuit, where we would all find ourselves online in MPig/GSA multiple nights a week, now were pursue this as a hobby, played for it's pure enjoyment. We dedicate ourselves to about 2-3 hours of play, once a week in team games (2v2/3v3), scheduled against designated opponents. When you break it down to bare bones - that's what we're all about.
So here is my plea - we are all here, on these forums, because we love this game. Is there a way that our Divisional Play could be structured to dovetail into place with D2 play?
What we currently offer:
Scheduled matches (best of 3 game series)
Play commitment is basically 1 match per week, but there is a lot of flexibility there
Games are 3v3 (will allowances for 2v2).
Each game uses a predetermined Total BPV to be divided amongst the players on each team
Era is predetermined
(basically, there is no negotiation, except when working out the day/time of the match)
The competition is Team based - basically and collection of 3 or more players consitutes a team. People have a tendency to think 'Fleets' in the traditional ladder sense, where volume of players mattered - but all the players in the world make no difference there. Matches are Race-based, meaning that if you say your team is Fed for the cycle, then you fly fed in all your matches.
So that's what we have now. Is there anything we could add to the framework to make it any more appealing - or easier? Easier for D2 focused people to participate?
I am eager to try to make mandatory the adoption of GZ's CnC system called Patrol Battle Rules, but at least 8 teams are needed who are willing to work with that to put it in place - not sure if playing under an SFB-ish framework would be attractive (some like it because it eliminated 'Cheese' combos and is felt to improve the game experience)
I don't know, but I am earnestly looking for input from everyone here as to what set up would make participating in some organized GSA play worthwhile.
Thank You