Topic: What do you do when the computer is gone ?  (Read 1253 times)

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Offline C-Los

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What do you do when the computer is gone ?
« on: August 02, 2004, 04:38:23 pm »
   I recently took my PC in for a HD upgrade, from 20 to 120. I know, all you experts do that stuff yourself's. I'm a mere layman and know not of these things. They transfered it all to the new one and installed it for me, everything is working fine !  :)

   I guess its like everything else we've become used to and take for granted, until its gone you don't realize how important it has become in your life... :o

   So, here I am with 10 days R&R from work and no PC... >:(    AS i walk by the "ROOM" I start to go in out of habit, then stop and stare !!

   The wife says "what are you going to do, I know you wanted to play your game while off work ?" biggy, I got other stuff needs attending to anyway. (yeah right)

Sister-in-law is up from Tenn. and their out and about, "What the hell"  I do the dishes, vacuum the house...But, I stop short of doing the laundry, after all if I do it like my single days and throw everything in together I can hear them now..."You Did What !!"

   So, I mow the lawn, trim and History channel (Nazis Gold)...walk by room   :'(    Oh..Oh...My Car !!  Hasn't been really cleaned in a while, like since last summer (LOL)     Vacuum it out, wash, wax, wipe down inside, and shine up the tires...still need to get the white walls "WHITE"    ;)

   Finally...the phone rings.. ;D  "I'll be right there"

C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

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Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: What do you do when the computer is gone ?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2004, 04:54:50 pm »
Well, since I have a computer, my wife has one, and it seems I'm constantly in one stage or another of building a new one (usually for a relative or friend)...I'm only without one if the power goes out (and until I get my generator going..hey, it's, hail, tornados)   :lol:

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: What do you do when the computer is gone ?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2004, 05:21:07 pm »
I'm in the same boat as the captain.  I now have four macs, and my PC to work with.  While this number will most likely go down in the near future, it looks like I will always at least be able to get online for the general run of the mill stuff.

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: What do you do when the computer is gone ?
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2004, 08:21:54 am »
well when i don't have the com, (my sister using it) i watch the BORING TV, i play Pokemon on the gameboy advance, i have a n64 but just the Zelda game and i don't like Zelda, if i find a movie to watch (VHS) at the video club i take it, but all the BORING movie the put out there not much to do, if i could have enterprise on VHS and sg-1 i would watch it but i don't have it Nown a DVD player (beside on the com), so i will buy a old com like a Pentium 1 so i can put some of my old game on it like sfc1, baldur's gate, transport tycoon, exile 3 ruined world (not the mist exile), and other game that wont required a Pentium 4 or equivalent to it, simply old game, i did have a power lost for around 10 to 15 minutes Friday and i didn't have to reprogram the vcr's for my Saturday morning cartoon, (mostly rerun) so not much to do but look at the wall or try to watch something i recorded last century on defective VCR, (bad recording), try to chat with mail by post (yea right) i week later you get the answer arrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg :), well then use the phone eek time zone is a + 6 hours, (France) so i can't call anyone and i don't have anyone phone number + the long distance call are not free, so what to do but try to read a book (only during a sunny day cause of bad light, why does computer wont come with a power supply like portable?, well use a car battery and plug it into your PC, but i don't have a car of a car battery or boost cable, go buy them, well i wont try that cause i need to check how much power it need to work and have the ac/dc stuff right(not the rock group) so life is boring without a computer. :goodpost:

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Re: What do you do when the computer is gone ?
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2004, 12:29:21 pm »
Since I have 3 pc's and 2 servers,I just get on a diffrent box and play ;D
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