Fed. Since i'm one of those rare folk that played OP from the get go, for a long while when OP had patching issues and everyone was mostly drumming about EAW there was little to play against excepting AI.
In SFC-1 as well as OP, I mostly mucky mucked with the F-DD. Still my favoritest ship. Having my squadron of 2 DDGs and one DD take on Decker's NCL escorts, his CC and then my own DDG double was an intresting thing.
I spent a lot of time running intresting battles with it against AI. Fully stocked hellbore toting hydran light cruisers, War eagles and F5 squadrons. A lot of time studying the intracacies of the game, how to maximize those meager DD resources against the AI and try to come out with a win.
When I found the taldren boards, oh so long ago, I started learning about SFB. Read what little I did to gain again a deeper understanding of what I was doing, or trying to do.
The rest everyone else has gone through. The many or few battles on GSA, the move from EAW to OP and my first real Dynaverse experience for me and a few other long time OPers. OP+ and HDWs, which was a kick of life for me, flying that little F-DD, despite the newfound cheezyness and 'sameness' everyone saw in these new pocket CLCs.
I like the lines of the stock taldren Federation destroyer as well, and I suppose that's why I keep playing Fed. I'll always play something, but when I was just a tiny cat with yet its eyes closed to the world, I saw the small and hardy lines of a stock taldren F-DD and began to dream.
So, I guess, home is where the heart is. Neh?