Topic: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?  (Read 7165 times)

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Offline Grim

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2004, 09:09:11 am »
Well i started off as a fred (most people do), joined a large fleet at the time GFL and was in the fed section for a while.

I felt after a while that i fancied a change and started talking to the hydran division players, mainly comprised of GT players such as Hydranstorm, bottesini, maglauncher, shadowbane etc. I played with them loads on gsa etc and developed a love of hydran ships. I then transfered to the hydran division and worked my way up the ranks.

Been flying hydran on gsa and dynas ever since.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 10:16:32 am by Grim »

Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #41 on: August 16, 2004, 06:29:03 pm »
Even back as far as the early 80's when I started playing SFB...I flew Klingon.  In fact, I have never flown as a Fred in SFB.  When I wasn't flying Klingon in SFB, I was flying Hydran.  I guess I have always hated that the "good guys" always win in the movies...much the same way as I have a general dislike for "pop culture."  If it's popular on TV or the radio...I pretty much hate it.  I'm a contrarian in some respects, I guess.  I started flying Klingon from the start and I haven't looked back since.

Even when SFC1 came out, the first single player campaign I played was the Klingon one and the last one I played was Fred.  On MPlayer, I always flew Klingon or Hydran.  When SFC2 came out, I bought it, but didn't really play it until the D2 went public and then I was there on Day a Klingon.  I think during that first week, I logged into on of the IPlay servers as a Fred and flew a BCJ for a little while.  That got old real quick because those servers were overrun with Smurfs...heheh.  I didn't fly Fred again until IDSL, I think...there were no Freds online (which was weird) so Bonez and I decided we'd go be the Fred navy for a while.  Once the usual Smurfs started showing up, I swtiched back...though I did really learn to enjoy the F-DDG and I felt like photons hit just fine when you used them right...heheh.  That doesn't mean you'll ever katch me in a K-D7T, though!

Most of my SFC2 time has been spent flying Klingon, of course.  I've flown a good deal of Romulan, ISC and Hydran, though, and pretty much enjoy them in that order, after Klingon.

I have never felt comfortable flying Lyran, oddly enough...I feel like they out-Klingon the Klingons, but I just can't get used to them.  Maybe I just need to make more of an effort.  I enjoy flying Gorn, too, though I haven't done that much.  For plasma, I prefer the Romulans because they can actually turn and I'm fairly used to having the inferior phaser suites...heheh.  As much as I enjoy my Kzin friends, I simply hate their interface....drives me crazy, so it's hard for me to get up the gumption to fly them much anymore, though I have spent a fair amount of time in the past flying Kzin.

I think as far as the Freds go...I don't like the interface much and I think I'd rather fight them than fly them, anyway.  There's nothing wrong with their ships, though and a lot of good guys can be found in their ranks.

So...I guess I basically chose Klingon in SFC2 because that had been my history with SFC1 and SFB.  In the "real world" I like the good guy to win, but when it comes to the world of entertainment, it grates on me that the "good guy" always wins...there's always some deus ex machina that saves the day and it bugs the hell out of me.  Sometimes, that "good guy" mentality has gotten displayed here in this community and it has bugged me, too.  Maybe it's irrational, in a way, but I don't like the idea of SFC being about "good guys" and "bad guys."  I don't think any race in this game has any claim on the title "good guys."  As a Klingon player, I don't view myself or my comrades as "bad guys" at all.  Say what you want, but it isn't easy always trying to fight through the "history" Paramount and ADB have written for us.

I also have a propensity for backing underdogs and in this respect, I see the Klingons and Coalition as the underdogs.  SFB history and tech wasn't written in their favor and thus, neither were the games in the SFC series.  I guess that's probably why the Klingon Empire and the Coalition in general always feels like home.  It works out well that I find that with very few exceptions, the Klingon playerbase consists of some of the nicest, most honorable people you'll ever meet and they are just nails to wing with.  I think the overall mentality/attitude of the Klingon regulars has changed a bit from what I remember it being "back in the day" when SFC2/D2 was at the height of its popularity, but these are still good people worthy of spending time with.  I have friends among the other races and have enjoyed my time with them, but I always have the most fun flying Klingon/Coalition.

Dogmatix, XC, KBF
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Offline Lear

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #42 on: August 16, 2004, 08:02:18 pm »
I have been a "War Gamer" since I was about 12years old
(I am 46 now) with my first game of risk them panzer-Blitz.
played SFB all though highschool and can remember when A Klingon
friend of mine flew right though a swarm of drones because
he was speed 24 and they were speed 8 and they had to move
into the hex to attack.Was called Lear even before the Learns came
out didn"t like them though because trying to get to range 3
(with plotted movement) was near impossible. flew a lot of Rom,
and Fed back then. Flew Rom for SL ladder league for the HFa
(Hell Fire Alliance) back when i had Dial-up didnot work out to well
but enough history
prefer flying Romulian then Fed/Klingon Droners(much like Plasma
but better Cycle times and power curves. least favorite is Learns
because of how close you must get to use ESG.the rest is
pretty much a wash.Officially i am the Learn ambassador to the
Romulian Court

Offline Cleaven

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #43 on: August 16, 2004, 09:32:16 pm »
In SFB, the ESG was much more defensive in practical use. You didn't have to try and plot an intercept, instead your tactics could be such that you could be pretty sure the bad guy was going to plot to stay away from you. This constrains his manouver, putting him at a disadvantage. Good for sabering away, and if he stuffed up you could have a piece of him by firing the ESG. And of course the drone user is trying to force you to use the ESG against the drones, thereby voiding the close-in threat and giving him more freedom to close with you.   

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

Offline Max Power

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #44 on: August 17, 2004, 04:56:58 am »
I have always been a hydran player and nothing else. Never had a reason to ever do anything else; it feels like trying to walk up a wall. Marcus and I once had a conversation about why people choose certian races; his theory (which I agree with) is that certian personality traits match up well with certian races. The hydran can effectively attack at any range, from range 0 to R100. Also one of my most favorite things is a perfectly executed R0 attack. When done well the enemy initially thinks he's ok as you only usually destroy one weapon or so. Then he notes that his entire engine plant is totally destroyed and he can't move, and the game is over. Something fun to try is attempting to one shot a C7 or BCG in a LC (it can be done) as well. Another advantage is frankly that there are so few of us that many don't really know how to fight well against you. I've seen GSC's try to starcastle against a LC or LM, which is a death wish. Kinda funny :)

Because hydrans use 3 completely different primary weapon styles you can also play them in several ways, so nothing reallly ever gets old. Really my only complaint with the way hydran works is all of the missing stuff, especially the missing fighter capabilities. The incorrect mizia implimentation of the hellbore is also a headache.

Other races; I can make a semi-passable fred as you treat the photons like fusions but fire them at R2 instead of 0. Though their ships turn like fat mooses on frozen pond water.

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #45 on: August 17, 2004, 06:28:12 am »
I have always been a hydran player and nothing else. Never had a reason to ever do anything else; it feels like trying to walk up a wall. Marcus and I once had a conversation about why people choose certian races; his theory (which I agree with) is that certian personality traits match up well with certian races. The hydran can effectively attack at any range, from range 0 to R100. Also one of my most favorite things is a perfectly executed R0 attack. When done well the enemy initially thinks he's ok as you only usually destroy one weapon or so. Then he notes that his entire engine plant is totally destroyed and he can't move, and the game is over. Something fun to try is attempting to one shot a C7 or BCG in a LC (it can be done) as well. Another advantage is frankly that there are so few of us that many don't really know how to fight well against you. I've seen GSC's try to starcastle against a LC or LM, which is a death wish. Kinda funny :)

Because hydrans use 3 completely different primary weapon styles you can also play them in several ways, so nothing reallly ever gets old. Really my only complaint with the way hydran works is all of the missing stuff, especially the missing fighter capabilities. The incorrect mizia implimentation of the hellbore is also a headache.

Other races; I can make a semi-passable fred as you treat the photons like fusions but fire them at R2 instead of 0. Though their ships turn like fat mooses on frozen pond water.

Back when I used to play SFB, Hydrans were far and away my favorite race, followed by Rom and Klink. I was a decent Fed, but usually, the group needed somebody to fly the OTHER race, so I learned the joys of hellbores, fighters, and Howler PF's. ;)

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