Topic: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?  (Read 7163 times)

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2004, 03:37:40 pm »
Fed.  Since i'm one of those rare folk that played OP from the get go, for a long while when OP had patching issues and everyone was mostly drumming about EAW there was little to play against excepting AI.

In SFC-1 as well as OP, I mostly mucky mucked with the F-DD.  Still my favoritest ship.  Having my squadron of 2 DDGs and one DD take on Decker's NCL escorts, his CC and then my own DDG double was an intresting thing.

I spent a lot of time running intresting battles with it against AI.  Fully stocked hellbore toting hydran light cruisers, War eagles and F5 squadrons.  A lot of time studying the intracacies of the game, how to maximize those meager DD resources against the AI and try to come out with a win.

When I found the taldren boards, oh so long ago, I started learning about SFB.  Read what little I did to gain again a deeper understanding of what I was doing, or trying to do.

The rest everyone else has gone through.  The many or few battles on GSA, the move from EAW to OP and my first real Dynaverse experience for me and a few other long time OPers.  OP+ and HDWs, which was a kick of life for me, flying that little F-DD, despite the newfound cheezyness and 'sameness' everyone saw in these new pocket CLCs.

I like the lines of the stock taldren Federation destroyer as well, and I suppose that's why I keep playing Fed.  I'll always play something, but when I was just a tiny cat with yet its eyes closed to the world, I saw the small and hardy lines of a stock taldren F-DD and began to dream.

So, I guess, home is where the heart is.  Neh?

Offline Davey-E

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2004, 03:52:50 pm »

Kzin is fav, Us Cats/Kats are Sexy, Doncha like "Garfield"  lol  ;D

GW1 = Kzin
GW2 = Hydran
GW3 = Kzin
GW4 = Fed
GW5 = Gorn
GW6 = Fed
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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2004, 03:57:34 pm »

Otherwise I'm perfectly comfortable and happy (and better in some case  ;D ) flying any other race except for some reason ISC and I honestly don't know why.

Cheese allergy I take it.  :P

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2004, 04:09:19 pm »
Lets see,

My first real online camp was RT3,played Klingon on there...had a blast.

I ran into the normal ISC players there(aye they were flying Klink) Cain,KD,DireWolf,Pharoah.

That group of guys were nuts,they talked me into going ISC on the next server,I have never looked back.

I enjoy Klink the most methinks tho,then ISC,Rommie,Lyran,Hydran(t00l dont faint).

I had been a Lamespy nutter until RT3 loved that server it got me hooked.

Racked up a rather impressive kill list on that one with my C7V(most were ISC):p
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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2004, 05:46:01 pm »
I signed up here with my Romulan personna, having conquered the single-player map as a Romulan a short time before.  Then I started playing online and, after getting schooled time and time again, decided switching to ISC a better option.  Rommie's still one of my favorites.

here's the order:


Can't stand flying Lyran (too much power managment) or Gorn (turn too slow, but in their defense, they're better than Feds in that you don't have to wait tiil your ship comes about to fire, the plasma launchers charge in the same time a G-CC takes to turn 360 degrees :lol: )
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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2004, 07:23:11 pm »
I was born Romulan...
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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2004, 08:05:28 pm »
I have always loved Hydran for the unique technology and challenges it presents.

It's tough to make it work, but that much more satisfying when it does.

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2004, 11:25:57 pm »
I have always loved Hydran for the unique technology and challenges it presents.

It's tough to make it work, but that much more satisfying when it does.

Yeah....whatever "fire and forget boy."
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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2004, 11:34:27 pm »
he said Hydran, not Kzin, luggage butt :p
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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2004, 03:23:08 am »
Started out Hydran in SFC1 back on MPlayer with a differnet name.

Took a break for awhile after EAW came out. 1st D2 was Gorn at the end of GW6, found that the turn mode was just to much to deal with. Went back to my 1st love of Hydran on 4power war, loved the fighters and the long range firepower of Hellbores.

As I learned more about the denizens of the D2 I decided I would fly under the likes of Dogmatix and Iaidoka on AOTK and I learned the ways of the disrupter as Klingon. But why I stayed in Klingon ships is not because of the quick firing Disrupter, or the great turn mode, but more for those that fly Klingon.

And so Klingon I remain, save the foray back to Hydran from time to time. Course that explains why i'm one of the few Klingon carrier Jocks.
Somewhere north of the Azores.
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Offline alfman

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2004, 03:40:11 am »
I started playing Gorn because of Ultraprophet's roleplay posts about how the ISC was going to roll over the Gorn as soon as the D2 became playable. I liked the fact that you could make a mistake and still survive because you had a lot of hull. I like to phasor boat and Gorns have a lot of P-1's, Finally, I like all the Gorn pilots (I like all the Kzinti pilots too, but making a mistake in your ships is very dangerous). I also enjoy fighting Romulans(Something I get to do alot as a Gorn) because they are a good natured bunch who have always flown with honor against me.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 01:05:31 am by alfman »

Offline Walleye

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2004, 08:25:06 am »
I like Romulan the best. Why? Well, I feel most comfortable flying Romulan, I get more kills flying Romulan, and I LOVE that plasma R.

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2004, 01:08:29 pm »
The Federation thing runs deep in my blood, so it's number 1, but I have to admit that I really enjoyed flying mirak in GW1. I'm also looking forward to flying gorn later in the GW series as I flew gorn quite often in Starlance ladder play. 
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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2004, 07:30:34 pm »
Well, although I have flown them all now in league play (race-whore) at some time or another since late '99 the Federation is my home. Although I have always fancied myself a Romulan in a Federation uniform. (Actually in the process of writing a story about it. First nine chapters in the Fan Fiction area.) I enjoy flying them all in some way or another, though.

Was a Fed in SL ladder. (Although I was also a non-aligned "pirate" with iCoP in SL before that)
Was Romulan in the GFL Dyna group.
Fed (SHG), Romulan (RTS), ISC/Gorn/Hydran/Klingon (iCoP) in GZ ladder.
Mirak and Lyran (=SoV=) in GZ Divisional League.

Enough about me... lol

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2004, 11:50:46 am »
I started flying Klink during the SFC1/SL/M-player days. When EAW hit, the ISC captivated me and I've been flying ISC since. But, I still enjoy flying Klink every now and then. As to the "why", it's more of a feel. The ISC just feels better for me. May be a PPD thing.

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2004, 04:14:41 pm »
I'm too big a whore to just pick one race, but I've enjoyed Lyran the most I suppose. Meow.
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #36 on: August 06, 2004, 11:00:34 am »
Fed obviously.  I was 90% Klingon on SFC1, what got me flying Fed again was the ship models (I'm serious).
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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #37 on: August 12, 2004, 12:56:32 am »
Rommy of course - who else gets real warships that cloak and have plasma? - not to mention what 4 cenl's can do to an enemy if they can get loaded in time and live long enough to fire.  lots of people mock the cloak but it can make a nightmare for the kzin and gorn - to everyone else it is a matter of timeing your plasma load and decloak to (hopefully) gut them while they close in to sit and phizzer ya to death - that and the whole "death from the shadows" thing the tal'shair have going :rwoot:

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2004, 01:37:29 am »
Fed sure isnt the most fun for me, feels like a job when I'm in a PvP... The ships are so general. They just dont do anything very well... However on the flip side, they dont do anything very bad either. So adaptable to most players, tactics and ships they are. But fighting any competent player feels like work for me. Hard ship to have fun in 4 sure.

Kzin is the most fun... Had a blast GW2. Harder to kill a PvPer than you'd think tho... Takes great skill. May be a shock to the Kzin faithful, but till GW2 I never respected the Kzin players when they scored a kill. Chalked it up to cheap tactics like the death drag and such. But I learned fast that it takes a lot to catch and kill a competent player w/o getting the [expletive] beat out of you first or running out of missiles second... So hats off.

Rom is my second fav. Something about how they do it all. They are a class above the others. Nobility almost. Chopin, Gershwin, Haydn, Sibelius all come to mind. It's fluidic space symphony at its best...

The others are all evil.

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Re: Why is X your favorite race to fly on D2?
« Reply #39 on: August 12, 2004, 07:28:51 am »
     Have been true 'BLUE"....Thru all CW's

     I forget which one it was, But I was flying wing with Shadow Serph, and watching him Tool around in his Hydran ship was sweet !! Told him I was interested, he said anytime and he'd show me the ropes..Unforunately when I decided to Fly purple he wasn't around.. :(   If anyone talks to him tell him I said "HI"    ;D

     Thanks to Deadmansix and Capt.Jeff I now love the Hydran Race...  :ufo:       :multi:

      (762 for tips and Max Power for the Ship and Fighter Tactics papers)

      I'd have to say 3rd would be Lyran, only flown them once but I love the ships... :thumbsup:

      4th would be Kizinti, had fun on GW1...MB do it again sometime !

      Rom...tried on DOE,  :o :o    "ANYONE" who flys Rom has my utmost respect, what a sobering experience I had always heared about the hard time they have starting in early era and getting PP together...I know what they mean now !

      ISC played on DSL, fell in love with PPD.. :multi:
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 07:44:57 am by C-Los »
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