Ok after looking through several threads here repeatedly I have come to a few conclusions.
First let me state my point of view in general.
I stay mostly on the SFC2.net Forums and the D2 section of these forums occasionally venturing into the SFC general and the models forums when I'm bored or I hear something interesting is going on.
I have always been a supporter of the idea of a community of friends playing a game we all like and existing in relative harmony. Some disputes over what are the best server settings, shiplist, etc are to be expected as well as the occasional player issue but all could and should be handled in a courteous manner.
I tend to stay away from any Flame zones for the most part as I see them as serving a role for some peoples enjoyment but don't normally visit them or even subscribe to them, yet they require permission being requested to view them so anything you see there that you don't like is your own responsibility in my view.
I don't look down on any individuals for playing a different game be it SFC3, Quake, Chess, or Pin the tail on the donkey. When SFC3 first came out I admit I was severly disappointed in the game and have yet to bring myself to reinstall or patch it despite assurances from many friends that it is almost an entirely different game now due to the tireless efforts of many whom I applaud.
At that time I know for a fact that I made some post that were not flattering of SFC3 "101 uses for the SFC disc" being the main one where I mentioned using it as a candle holder and encouraged others to add their own ideas. Yet even then it wasn't my intent to belittle the players of that game just to poke fun at the poor quality of the game I just paid for and was unsatisfied with. I believe I also did express concern with losing D2 players to it at that time trying to persuade them to come back to the D2 and join in a campaign there as D2 numbers of players on servers dwindled in excitement of having the D3 up. Most have since returned to the D2 (some who play both games) but some remain strictly D3 preferring it.
Now I consider that all past history and I have no disregard for the game or those who play it, the later of which I never had.
What does bother me coming from the D3 is two-fold:
the accusations of D3ers being unwelcome. This might have been evidenced by some when the game first arrived as they feared for the dwindling numbers of the D2, but is no longer the case IMHO with the overwhelming number of D2 players. I think any other statements to the contrary are in error at present whether or not they held weight in the past.
the division that has taken place among the D3 community spilling over into the D2. The hostility, and name calling has made many uncomfortable with the current state of affairs. Drama Queens and grudge holders on both sides have achieved little that is productive and much which can be considered damaging.
The need is to discuss things upfront and reasonably, let the admins do there job and keep things in order, but let the players make their job easier by minding their manners and watching their wording, perhaps even taking a "Cleavenesque" (invented a new word there

) approach which although irritating at times forces posters to define their terms and stay on target rather than wander around with generalizations and flaming.
Once a dialogue between player has matured a bit a few funny shots at each other can be done without serious damage and the minor damage cleared up rather easily for the most part.
I can think of a recent example of a misunderstanding between myself and Kroma, we discussed it with a minor amount of heat, started folling each others true intent a bit better, and realized that it was basically nothing to worry about and continued with our friendship and mutual respect (except in terms of fashion

It really wasn't a difficult thing to do because we had established a respect already, were willing to hear each other out, we looked for reconcilliation over flaming, we used civil discussions, and we both just wanted to have fun playing the game which we both find more enjoyable with the other party's presence.
Now there are some people who persist in continually getting involved in these disputes. If allowed to continue sowing discord they will either be shunned by the community in general and ignored and leave once they realize this or become such a problem and/or so rude as to recieve warnings, timeouts, and finally bannings.
It is a tough decision for forum admins to make, but one they must. Errors may happen, even admins are human and can lose it occasionally. In these cases it should fall upon those who remain to raise the issue and ask for reinstatement of those banned. If enough of the respected members of the community do this, the admins will take note and make appropriate redress.
If, however there is not a strong opposition to a banning from such forum members, then the admins probably chose the correct actions. I might suggest a list be posted somewhere preferably in a new sub forum listing those banned the reasoning that part locked, and a place for posting pleas for consideration of reinstatement.
Well there are my thoughts and even a suggestion stuck in there.
My 2 cents stretched a bit further than usual this time so apologies for such a long post.
KAT Chuut-Ritt