Yes you are correct. Poor communication tends to lead to a lot of this crap. Allied fur rotting being one of them, as it had been specifically asked if this was OK, but unfortunately the answer didn't get publicly posted and clarified. When I saw the post in the alliance forum I should have updated the rules site with the info and told you all to check it out. Maybe if you granted Jinn his access to the coalition forums again, many of these mis-communications could be avoided.
I thought that was the whole reason for me being "elected" to the Admin team? So there wouldn't be more "miscommunication".
The ability to tractor the rock was discovered, by shear accident, I might add, only a few hours before this whole thing occured, by the Coalition, anyway.
Imagine how letting all members of the Admin team know about this feature, bug, whatever might have made a difference...?
And the reasons for removing Jinn are basicly the same. I would be able to keep the Coalition informed of such things.
And besides, everyone knows ya can't trust a lawyer...
