Ok if if was a Damn bug then i lost my ship to 762 exploiting a bug, he tractored a rock into me. I want my C8VK back.
Yes after repeatedly requesting that you not exploit it. Now I understand that in the middle of a mission hearing that something was being interperted as illegal is a lot to assimilate and I can certianly understand you disagreeing that as to whether or not it was cool. But it is unfortunant that all involved could not act like adults and agree to alt out for a ruling, instead of beginning the trash talk. I guess you are just more interested in acting like a child and a general irritant than a mature adult and leader of your team. Guess it is my own fault for expecting as much after your behavior on GW2. Some people are here trying to make the game better and more fun for all, and others are just to concerned with winning at any cost (and I don't just mean you WW or the Coalition).
Get the pole out of yer A$$. I don't f'ing care, why DH is admin this server I have no idea. We have Xenocorp which has allways been willing to host, and with a better connection at that.
Well there is more to hosting a server than having a machine to run it on. Someone has to configure and test it all out, as well as take the flak from all sides. I guess you wouldn't understand that based on your lack of involvement and effort on those fronts though.
And i'm being HIGHLY sarcastic about the c8vk, I lost it TO THE ROCK, no fed DN hit a rock, it just ate a face full of drones.
No one was saying it did. Bach was very clear that his DN kill was valid, it was your trash talk and general unsportsman like behavior that is at issue.
For what's is worth, my opinion on all this...
This thing with using a rock in a mission was most interesting, have not many tactics using or taking advantage of what limited terrian been discovered and used over the years? Most have now had rules to govern their use, as it has here. I think perhaps that mission should be adjusted by Karnek, which he has already said he'd do, to prevent further "discussions" on it.
But, as far as getting onto WW for blazing away at DH, I'm not sure I blame him. I do respect DH as a player and for what he has done for the SFC community, but, I've seen him at least twice threaten to take the server down because he was angered by a situation, including last night. I mean, comon, guys, are we not adults here? Such statements and actions are bound to draw a similiar response. Such antics also affect both sides, ie: At the time of the "incidient" last night, the Alliance a good numbers advantage. DH said he was taking the server down in a fit of anger and told us GN, then, sure enough the server went down. Granted, it was only for a few minutes, but, when it came back up, only 2 Alliance returned and the advantage was strongly with the Coalition. Also, 95% of the Alliance quickly left TS.
Let us all not forget THIS IS JUST A GAME!
Everybody step back, take a breath and get back to killing each other.

and all of this is, of course, just IMO.