Topic: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy  (Read 38710 times)

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #140 on: August 30, 2004, 06:54:04 am »
This is a bug, not a feature.  If players continue to do this I will pull every Karnak mission.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Dizzy

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #141 on: August 30, 2004, 07:36:55 am »
This is a bug, not a feature.  If players continue to do this I will pull every Karnak mission.

Then pull them all if thats the way you feel. But I'll be happy to tell you that the rock tractor can be countered. The one with the highest trac level picks it up like a hockey puck... Not only that, but picking it up slows you down.Tactics, my good man! New tactics!

Now that everyone knows... I dont see a problem.

Going further... Random map objects... the N-AST seems to retain collision effects vs ships, but is movable. A Planet is also a random map object, yet is not tractorable. This leazds me to believe that all asteroids may be able to be given the properties of the N-AST, which if so, would make asteroid missions unbelievably exciting!

Perhaps you should put up a poll, DH? Instead of arbitrarily pulling all the missions yourself? IMO, too drastic to pull them all on account of the rare mission occurence of a rock that you can move. I mean, if you want to pull missions, pull all the scripts that cause enemy allies.

Offline FireSoul

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #142 on: August 30, 2004, 08:12:10 am »
Tsk. The tractorable rocks may be shiplist objects, not terrain objects.

.. in other words, you may be able to fly through it. it may be not dangerous. Has anyone tried?

-- Luc

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #143 on: August 30, 2004, 08:12:46 am »
This is a bug, not a feature.  If players continue to do this I will pull every Karnak mission.

Perhaps you should put up a poll, DH? Instead of arbitrarily pulling all the missions yourself? IMO, too drastic to pull them all on account of the rare mission occurence of a rock that you can move. I mean, if you want to pull missions, pull all the scripts that cause enemy allies.

No.   no poll, no debate.  This is not a democracy and no further discussion will be entertained on this issue.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Dizzy

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #144 on: August 30, 2004, 08:27:37 am »
Tsk. The tractorable rocks may be shiplist objects, not terrain objects.

.. in other words, you may be able to fly through it. it may be not dangerous. Has anyone tried?

-- Luc

D/L that film above, FS. Will explain everything... Damn funny too.


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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #145 on: August 30, 2004, 08:57:14 am »
N-AST is shiplist item.  If its hull size was made similar to the planet shiplist items "PL0" thru "PL17" then it probably cannot be tractored.

However, since everyone is all agitated about it, I will just remove the moving N-AST asteroid from the EEK missions in the next script release.

If you really want to keep it in the EEK missions then speak up now.

Offline KBF-WillWeasel

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #146 on: August 30, 2004, 11:44:12 am »
Well it's a good thing DH will not allways be an admin of D2 servers.....

I'm the one who found out that yes the n-ast will kill you, and yes you can tractor it. Yet i'm not getting all bent out of shape. ::)
Somewhere north of the Azores.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #147 on: August 30, 2004, 11:50:48 am »
Well it's a good thing DH will not allways be an admin of D2 servers.....

I'm the one who found out that yes the n-ast will kill you, and yes you can tractor it. Yet i'm not getting all bent out of shape. ::)

Sounds great, can't wait to play on your server.

However, next time you find a bug please report it instead of exploiting it. ;-)


PS, sorry the devil made me do it.
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Offline KBF-WillWeasel

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #148 on: August 30, 2004, 11:57:55 am »
Ok if if was a Damn bug then i lost my ship to 762 exploiting a bug, he tractored a rock into me. I want my C8VK back.

Get the pole out of yer A$$. I don't f'ing care, why DH is admin this server I have no idea. We have Xenocorp which has allways been willing to host, and with a better connection at that.

And i'm being HIGHLY sarcastic about the c8vk, I lost it TO THE ROCK, no fed DN hit a rock, it just ate a face full of drones.
Somewhere north of the Azores.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #149 on: August 30, 2004, 12:10:02 pm »
Ok if if was a Damn bug then i lost my ship to 762 exploiting a bug, he tractored a rock into me. I want my C8VK back.

Yes after repeatedly requesting that you not exploit it. Now I understand that in the middle of a mission hearing that something was being interperted as illegal is a lot to assimilate and I can certianly understand you disagreeing that as to whether or not it was cool. But it is unfortunant that all involved could not act like adults and agree to alt out for a ruling, instead of beginning the trash talk. I guess you are just more interested in acting like a child and a general irritant than a mature adult and leader of your team. Guess it is my own fault for expecting as much after your behavior on GW2. Some people are here trying to make the game better and more fun for all, and others are just to concerned with winning at any cost (and I don't just mean you WW or the Coalition).

Get the pole out of yer A$$. I don't f'ing care, why DH is admin this server I have no idea. We have Xenocorp which has allways been willing to host, and with a better connection at that.

Well there is more to hosting a server than having a machine to run it on. Someone has to configure and test it all out, as well as take the flak from all sides. I guess you wouldn't understand that based on your lack of involvement and effort on those fronts though.

And i'm being HIGHLY sarcastic about the c8vk, I lost it TO THE ROCK, no fed DN hit a rock, it just ate a face full of drones.

No one was saying it did. Bach was very clear that his DN kill was valid, it was your trash talk and general unsportsman like behavior that is at issue.
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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #150 on: August 30, 2004, 12:25:10 pm »
Ok if if was a Damn bug then i lost my ship to 762 exploiting a bug, he tractored a rock into me. I want my C8VK back.

Get the pole out of yer A$$. I don't f'ing care, why DH is admin this server I have no idea. We have Xenocorp which has allways been willing to host, and with a better connection at that.

And i'm being HIGHLY sarcastic about the c8vk, I lost it TO THE ROCK, no fed DN hit a rock, it just ate a face full of drones.

I don't care about your issues with DH and DH's issues with you. If you 2 bother each other then you can just ignore each other by using private TS channels, banning PMs from certain users, etc.

But, I do care when someone who has put in so many hours to make GW3 a reality is slammed to the point where he finds it in his best interest to abandon the campaign.

Simply put, without DH, it's very doubtful that GW3 would have happened.  He put a lot of time in the shiplist and he also harassed the scripters a lot to get a decent mission pack going.  He even put in umpteen hours to train Fed pilots and wanna-be Feds so there's some decent PvP going on in the dyna.

Forgive me, if I find such treatment of an admin. that drives them off their own campaign to be:

1) disturbing; and,
2)  un-RM like; and,
3) unworthy of any leader of any fleet.

You may win the server but when the community loses a productive admin. like DH, everyone loses.

Name me the admin. that brought PFs to the game for Klinks, ISC and Feds. Name me the admin. that got one the best bug-free mission packs going on a dyna so far this year. Name me, that admin. that made the server was up practically 24/7 with least amount of burps relative to other dynas played this year.

Just name me, that admin...

Offline KBF-WillWeasel

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #151 on: August 30, 2004, 12:27:41 pm »
Has it not been Diehard on 3 separate cases said, let this community burn to the ground?

Boy sounds like a good admin to me.
Somewhere north of the Azores.
KBF always


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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #152 on: August 30, 2004, 12:31:50 pm »
Has it not been Diehard on 3 separate cases said, let this community burn to the ground?

Boy sounds like a good admin to me.

OK, the condensed version.  If DH has not proved capable of being an admin. then you have not proved yourself capable of being a RM. Your PUBLIC posts have shown that.  Last time I saw a RM get an Admin. so pissed off was WaterTiger on DomWars. You ask Fluf about WT too. For the good of the campaign, he was told to shape up or get banned.

RMs take care of this stuff in private not out here.

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #153 on: August 30, 2004, 12:32:43 pm »
Well..I'm with the crowd that it ISNT a bug... karnaks mission pack as is and use it on Slave girls if ya want..I'll play...

Using a floating mass as a weapon has been seen in several SciFI venues from B5 to Starship troopers....

I see no problem with it what so ever...

I'd still like to see an asteroid map with MOVING asteroids...I think it would be a blast to play on...

IMHO..this is a mid server RULE CHANGE...and I thought we all agreed that mid server rule changes were want to pull the so...

But dont deride players who take tactical advantage of a mission FEATURE...

I see no difference between tractoring a ship into an asteroid and tractoring an asteroid into a ship...


Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #154 on: August 30, 2004, 12:34:51 pm »
Has it not been Diehard on 3 separate cases said, let this community burn to the ground?

No doubt DH could use a little sensitivity training, but to be fair those outburst are usually fueled by ungrateful cretins with only their own self interest and personnel axes to grind.

Boy sounds like a good admin to me.

Like I said Will, "put up, or shut up". We are all waiting for your server.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #155 on: August 30, 2004, 12:35:08 pm »
WW, I flipped the breaker on DH. He's chilled out. Damn kneejerk of both of u...

We all know it takes DH a day to recover from a meltdown... He's strung tighter than a Stradivarius. Stop pressing his buttons, plz. He has agreed to a cessesion of hostilities for a day.

I suggest we all chill out a lil bit. It's about a f*cking rock. Cooler heads will prevail...

It's J'inns server, DH's doing his best to make the server work and he is having major real life crisis. Just a little slack plz.

Its a great server, everyone is having fun, so lets chill out on the issues for a day...

Personal favor for Dizzy. Asking the whole community here, folks. Thx.

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #156 on: August 30, 2004, 12:38:20 pm »
Hmm...dizzy being the light of logic and civility....

I think I've warped to an alternate universe ;D

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #157 on: August 30, 2004, 12:40:43 pm »
Well..I'm with the crowd that it ISNT a bug... karnaks mission pack as is and use it on Slave girls if ya want..I'll play...

Using a floating mass as a weapon has been seen in several SciFI venues from B5 to Starship troopers....

I see no problem with it what so ever...

I'd still like to see an asteroid map with MOVING asteroids...I think it would be a blast to play on...

Personnelly, I tend to agree it ain't all that bad. Would even like to se it as a valid tactic and left in. But that isn't so much the issue.


IMHO..this is a mid server RULE CHANGE...and I thought we all agreed that mid server rule changes were want to pull the so...

But dont deride players who take tactical advantage of a mission FEATURE...

I see no difference between tractoring a ship into an asteroid and tractoring an asteroid into a ship...


Not quiet a rule change, as it was unknown that this was possible by those that scripted and developed the campaign at the time of the writing of the rules. It has now been clarified by the campaign designer that it is against his intent and therefore against the rules of this campaign. Future campaigns and their designers can operate under different rules.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #158 on: August 30, 2004, 12:43:12 pm »

It's J'inns server,

LOL...yeah we should have all assumed anything involving rocks hitting ships was strictly forbidden. <snicker>
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #159 on: August 30, 2004, 12:47:11 pm »
Has it not been Diehard on 3 separate cases said, let this community burn to the ground?

No doubt DH could use a little sensitivity training, but to be fair those outburst are usually fueled by ungrateful cretins with only their own self interest and personnel axes to grind.

Boy sounds like a good admin to me.

Like I said Will, "put up, or shut up". We are all waiting for your server.

How a RM can publicly post stuff out loud about why GW3 is hosted by DH and not XenoCorp, and still be a RM is reprehensible in the extreme.

Since some KBF Klingons have a little trouble comprehending what honor is, you know the stuff the Klingons in Star Trek talk about ad nauseum then I will give a little example of how the 4 year SFB Klingon veteran does it.

Honor is sticking up for the admin. who arrogantly was told it would have been better if the campaign he worked so hard on was hosted by some else.  Honor is refusing to play on any dyna where the RM who publicly post such vile statements does not apologize or retract it.  Honor is refusing to acknowledge the existence of the fleet that said RM is a member. The KBF really is a dead fleet to this frog.

*crossed hands and turns back any KBF that support WW in his "dump the server" slam*

Maltz!!  Jol yi chu!!

PS. This is all so disappointing. SFC3 was never this bad. *looking for EVE Online demo*